Search Results for: exercise wrapup

Where have the months gone, they seem to be flying by at the moment. Which isn’t a bad thing as I don’t know about anyone else but I am well and truly ready for a break! Bring on summer and…

It’s the end of October already so you know what that means! My monthly exercise wrap-up post!  If this segment seems new to you basically at the end of each month I do a quick wrap-up post of my monthly…

Doing these monthly exercise wrap-up posts really do make the time fly as it seems as though I only just finished writing my August workout wrap-up. If this segment seems new to you basically at the end of each month…

This month I continued with only working out at the gym three days per week and attempting to fit in one cardio session where I could easily.  I also started the Whole 30 during August which saw my eating change a little,…

In this months exercise I tried a reduced workloads, going from four days per week at the gym to three days per week and tried to fit in one cardio session (fun cardio) a week where I could.  I split…