Category: Love

I was going to write a long winded post about how much I think attitude has an effect on everything in our lives and then I decided that it didn’t need to be a long post when this picture sums…

When we think of health and fitness we tend to think about the exercise and nutrition aspects and ultimately how these factors make us look and feel. I think this is an important factor to note, as vein as it…

If there’s one thing that I love about living in Auckland (Other than getting to be with the bf of course!), it’s the fact that there is always something to do and often these events are free! Over the last…

I think having a control on your emotions is a huge part of this healthy living journey. If any of you have ever felt like you are not worth it, don’t deserve someone or something in your life or have…

If you are a Facebook fan you may have seen some of these motivational words – if not please do hop on over and like our page 😉 Whether you have seen them before or not I don’t think having a…