Category: Running

This month I pulled back the volume a little bit exercise wise (after the first week!) to give the body a bit of a break and timing wise I had a few long weeks at work so it was perfect…

Summer is coming!! How is your summer body coming along? If the answer is ‘what summer body’ then you should consider entering an event such as the Sovereign Tri Series, which is being held all over New Zealand between December…

If you saw my post earlier in the week you would have seen that I survived the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge Mud Run held in Auckland. It was a fun experience although I was a bit nervous to begin…

I had heard of the Tough Guy & Gal Challenge as well as Tough Mudder and thought they would be cool to try at some point, yet have never been living close enough to an event to participate so far….

As the title would suggest, I have taken the plunge and entered my first half marathon. The thought of which scares the crap out of me but I know I will be able to do it with the training plan…