

So… I had great intentions for the blog in 2019 and I was doing well until some kind of hacking occurred within my website. Earlier in the year links from Facebook to my blog were redirecting to spam websites and I tried numerous different ways of fixing it with no avail.

This ended up infecting ALL of my domain names including our one for our Bootcamp Business *sigh*. This all happened not long before we left for Worlds so I really didn’t have the mental capacity to be able to deal with it. It hadn’t affected our Bootcamp website until while we were overseas (right when I was running a promotion sending people to our website *face palm* so that website then became the huge priority.

I attempted a few more times after we got back with no real luck as well. And then the Bootcamp website got reinfected. Not ideal at all!

my website got hacked!

I’ve since pulled down all of my websites and done a complete wipe of them all, yeah that means that I had to put them all back together again too!

My priority was our Wanganui Bootcamp website since that’s where my income comes from. I was due to redo the website anyway so I guess the silver lining is that the website issues meant that I had to do something about it and pronto! The website took about 5 times as long as I expected it too but it’s all up and running now!

Now I’ve moved on to getting this Blog back up and running as I’ve felt the urge to blog a few times now and not been able too. Luckily I had been using a backup plugin, unfortunately my last proper backup was in 2018! I’m sure I had it set to auto back up so I’m not sure what happened there.

I did manage to get a weirdly formatted backup from not long before we went to worlds and have been trowling through it to find the images and wording for the blog posts that I have done this year, especially my Investing in your Identities post as this post really resonated with me and I wanted a copy of it documented somewhere.

So I’ve managed to get the 2019 posts back up on the website as well which is good it just took quite some time.

Quite a number of the old posts are missing the images and to be honest I can’t deal with going back through them all and adding the images in at the moment, I’ll probably do it as I get back to posting on Facebook more regularly and each time I want to share an old post that the images are broken on it I’ll redo the images.

So… that’s why I’ve been mega quite on here lately, it also is the reason I haven’t really posted on Facebook either as I didn’t feel like I had anything valuable to share as I couldn’t link back to the website. I’ve slowed down on Instagram posting too, just because I was focusing so much on getting the Bootcamp website sorted and I haven’t really missed it to be honest. I was finding it to be a bit more of a time suck than it should have been.

So since my last posts on here we have spent almost 5 weeks in Europe, I competed at the NZPF Powerlifting Nationals and we went to the Supercross in Auckland. We are also running a Novice Powerlifting competition for WCPA next weekend as well.

I may or may not blog about Europe, I would like too but I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself for that. Oh and I lost most of the photos from the trip due to a Sim Card malfunction – great timing combined with the website issue!

Hope you are all doing well!