Kiva – Loans that change lives

Hands up if you have heard of Kiva? Even if you have heard of the organisation I urge you not to skip this post!

Kiva is an organisation that gets people like you and me to ‘lend’ funds to those that need it more than we do.

Yes you could simply donate funds,However then you don’t usually end up knowing what happened with the money or who it directly had an affect on. I like Kiva more than donating funds in part because you can lend the same initial funds over and over – recyclible monies!

The basic essence of Kiva is;

1) Choose a Borrower
2) Lend Funds
3) Get Repaid
4) Repeat

I originally lent $25 (USD) a couple of years ago and have since been repaid and relent the funds to a number of worthy people.

You can withdraw the funds after you have lent and been repaid back or keep relending, the choice is completely up to you.

When you choose someone to lend to you get to read all about the potential borrowers and why the are wanting to borrow the funds, you also receive progress reports on how the borrower is going with their endeavor and how long until the amount will be paid in full.

A little from us can seriously help change lives!!

Do you use Kiva? Would you consider lending a few $$ on Kiva?