Life: Jadelle Implant Update

When I wrote this post about getting the Jadelle Implant back in November 2012 I never thought it would become one of my most popular posts.

I’ve had a number of comments, some from people who have had some terrible problems with the implant and some that are swearing by it. I thought I would give a bit of an update as to how it has gone for me 10 months later.

I wrote the original post as I found a lack of information from real people (ie. not health websites) detailing their experiences (both good and bad). If I did find any information it was generally the bad experiences, yet when I had spoken to people I knew that had the implant they had almost unanimously had good experiences. I think this comes from a habit we kiwi’s have of shouting from the roof tops when things don’t go the way we expected, yet we tend to keep quiet when we are satisfied with something and only occasionally shout from the rooftops when we have a really good experience.

So 10 months on;

  • I can now see my rods which was something I was originally worried about, I now couldn’t care less. I had that many questions when my arm was all bruised up from getting the implant that I now don’t care if people ask me, and by large I hardly ever get queried about it. Whilst you can see them they are on the inside of your arm which doesn’t tend to be that exposed (well at least for me).
  • I have had a couple of proper periods, albeit very light ones compared to what I used to have. And I also had a random 6 month patch of no periods and no spotting.
  • I have had a few days of random spotting which is almost a brown colour rather than red and is nothing more than a little annoying.
  • I have had a few emotional moments which I’m reluctant to blame solely on the Jadelle but feel like it may have played a part, thank you hormones.
  • I have not experienced any weight gain, although I have been working very hard at the gym and watching my eating a lot more than I ever used to.
Do you have any other questions on my experience with the Jadelle Implant?