Ok I was thinking about what I was going to do for today’s post last night and I was stumped! I don’t think i’ve ever really watched anything that had a super hero in it, I’m just not into those…

So I think once a week I am going to give a bit of an overview into the exercise I did for that week, mostly for my records so I can look back and see what works and what doesn’t…

Oooh well, this could be my favourite post so far so i’m just gunna bombard you with pictures!! Otago Peninsula, Dunedin 🙂 Mt Ngarahoe 🙂 Flinders Station Melbourne 🙂 Iguazu Falls, Brazilian Side – Nothing can prepare you for the…

Hmm where to start on this puppy. This prompt may take me look long & hard at myself! I have quiet a few really, I guess numero uno would be PROCRASTINATION, yes it is my friend, much like google, but…