Slam Ball Workout

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted a workout for you all so I thought it was about time to go for a workout which only uses one piece of equipment, and a piece of equipment which can often be found in most gyms: the Slam Ball!

Slam Ball Workout - Move Love Eat

Today’s Slam Ball workout is a full body workout which shouldn’t take you too long to complete so you can get your heart rate up and then get back on with your life. I have provided short videos showing you how to perform each exercise but if you have any questions feel free to add a comment below and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Go through the circuit at least twice but see if you can make it through 3-4 times for a really good workout! Take a short 1-2 minute break in between completing all of the exercises in the list each time around.

// 20 Ball Slams

The keys to the ball slams are to squat down when you are picking up the ball, extend your arms all the way overhead and slam the ball down as hard as you can.

// 50 Toe Taps

Simply alternate tapping each toe on the ball lightly, make sure you do it lightly as the balls can roll around a little bit.

// 20 Slam Ball Clean & Press

Not to be confused with the ball slams, you are squatting down just like the ball slams and then you have a very slight pause by the chest and then press up over head and then return back to the ground, keeping the ball in your hands the whole time.

// 20 Shoulder Circles

Try to keep your arms as nice and straight as you can while performing the circles and remember to do half on each side.

// 20 Overhead Walking Lunges (or Ball Hug Walking Lunges)

I have given two options here as the overhead walking lunges are substantially harder so if you struggle with them then go for the ball hug walking lunge instead and once you’re comfortable with that then move on to the overhead walking lunge.

I would recommend trying this circuit with a 5-7kg slam ball to begin with and then once you have a feel for it you can start moving up the weights. If you are wanting to purchase a slam ball for yourself we purchased ours online from Number1 Fitness.

Which exercise would you most like to try??