Tag: Recipe

A while back I decided to play around with a home made sunflower seed butter recipe, I then had a lot of Sunflower Seed Butter and no real use for it (other than licking it off the spoon, mmm!) so…

I have been wanting to try and make some Home made Peanut Butter for a long time now, my old food processor was falling apart and there is no way it would have handled it! When I got my new…

When people find out I am in to my health and fitness and studied to be a personal trainer, they would often ask me about what I eat. It doesn’t worry me as I like talking about food, most people…

I’ll let you in on a little secret. I don’t like Pumpkin… I also don’t like soup so creating a Home made Pumpkin Soup was a little weird for me. My parents used to make soup a lot when I…

I have started doing a bit of a round up of things I love each month, they may be items I have tried, made, experiences I have had or other cool things I have found around the internet or on…