10 Healthy Takeaway Options

healthy takeaway options auckland wilder and hunt mondays wholefood and wise cicada

Wise Cicada / Mondays / Wilder and Hunt

I have included these all in one even though they are vastly different but because I know that these options don’t exist in a lot of smaller towns. All of these sell foods which are made with real food and are delicious! You can definitely get a nice healthy lunch from any of these. Wilder and Hunt even do take home meals which are made fresh that day with no preservatives. With locations in Newmarket, Ponsonby, St Helliers and Kingsland there are plenty of options.

5 thoughts on “10 Healthy Takeaway Options

  1. Donburi bowls are my go to takeaway option. It’s basically a Japanese lunch bowl with rice, veggies and meat. I personally skip the rice and ask for extra veggies. Katsubi offers a great selection of veggies and meat dishes, and is great value for money.

      1. True. If you ask nicely though, you can get the salmon sashimi as meat toppings. That and some miso soup keeps me full but not drowsy for the rest of the day.

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