Yonana’s Review

I am not a newbie when it comes to making full fruit ice creams. Last summer saw me making them reasonably often when banana’s were cheap. I had always used my food processor so when I saw the Yonanas machine come onto the market I was intrigued. 

Yonanas takes the natural goodness of fruit, packed with vitamins and minerals, for a healthy frozen treat free from all the added sugar of traditional ice cream.  you put in solely fruit, with a base of bananas and out comes a soft serve style ice cream – that is good for you!

Yonanas Review - Move Love Eat, Health and Fitness Blog

Well that is what I thought! I have since discovered that you can make ice cream, or sorbet if you will with the Yonanas machine, without the base of bananas! What’s not to love? Creamy fruits like bananas and mango produce creamy yonanas, while juicier fruits like watermelon or pineapple produce a yonanas that’s just like sorbet.

While you can do the same job in a food processor it isn’t quite the same as the yonanas does make the texture a bit more like icecream, and well it’s just kind of fun to see the ice cream come out like they do on real ice cream machines, straight into your bowl. 

Yonanas Review - Move Love Eat, Health and Fitness Blog

I discovered a we while after using my Yonanas machine that it is even available in different colours including my favourite – red. I am a bit sad I don’t have a red one but the silver does the trick. It also comes in a lovely sunny yellow colour as well! 

The yonanas machine has a number of parts too it which are all detachable and dishwasher safe – Hurray! You all know how much I don’t like to make extra dishes so being dishwasher safe is perfect as it’s almost hands off cleaning, just how I like it. 

You can find the Yonanas machine at the usual suspects such as Briscoes, Farmers and The Warehouse, the Yonanas machine retails at $99.99. 

Have you tried any real fruit ice cream before?? What did you think??