15 Things I did in 2015

I really enjoyed completing my 14 things I did in 2014 post last year, so thought I would do the same this year and do a 15 things I did in 2015 post.

I find they are a great way to really look back and reflect on all the things you have done each year because when the end of the year rolls around you often forget some of the things you have done and seen during the year as they are such a distant memory.

When I was looking back over the year to see what I had been up too, I grabbed my calendar and flicked through my blog and social media month by month to see the events which really stood out for me. It feels like so long ago that I was preparing for the Triathlon and that we went to Hawaii that it’s hard to remember what year those things were undertaken in.

15 things I did in 2015

I’ve broken my 15 things I did in 2015 down into three categories, health and fitness, travel and general life.

Health & Fitness

// Completed my First (and Second) Triathlon

I only entered the triathlons because I was doing some work for Sovereign and because I won the second entry and I’m glad I did them but won’t be in any rush to do another one in my lifetime. I am just not a swimmer, no matter how much I try I just can’t get myself to enjoy it so I will most likely avoid it in the future. Duathlons on the other hand are a challenge but I’m not hating every second of it.

// Completed my first Half Marathon

My first half marathon was a bit eager as I did literally no training for it at all, which is not the smartest move. I am pretty fit and I could barely move for a week, no matter how many long hot baths I had it just didn’t get better. I actually really enjoyed doing the half marathon despite the soreness afterwards and would definitely look at doing some more in my lifetime. Maybe one a year would be nice as a bit of a challenge.

First Duathlon Scorching Bay Wellington - Move Love Eat Blog

// Completed my first Duathlon

When Annalie asked if I wanted to join her and her hubby for a team’s triathlon at the start of the year I said hell no until I realised I could do the duathlon and still be part of their team! Sign me up! My first duathlon was still tough as I didn’t train for it (do you see a theme here?) but I did really enjoy it and loved the location (Scorching Bay, Wellington) so would definitely consider doing another one in the future.

// Started Wanganui Bootcamp

This was definitely the biggest and scariest thing for us at the start of the year as we didn’t know how Wanganui would respond to something like this. Turns out we didn’t have anything to worry about as we have received some amazing feedback and filled up our classes. We have been learning as we go whilst having a tonne of fun and helping a lot of people get a lot fitter, stronger and leaner!

Powerhouse Open 2015 Powerlifting Competition

// Entered my First (and Second) Powerlifting Competition

I never thought I’d ever enter a powerlifting competition but for some reason a spark was lit in me this year and I entered two competitions, once novice competition and one free for all competition. In both competitions I won my class, but that was pretty easy considering I was the only one in the novice competition and there were only two of us in the other! I have a goal to compete at nationals next year for raw powerlifting so let’s see how that pans out.

// Squatted 100kg

While this wasn’t in a competition this is a huge milestone for me, sitting between 55-60kg being able to do a 100kg squat was a big scary goal for me and one I mentally couldn’t conquer for a while! I have now done this three times and even gotten a  102.5kg squat in there as well. Now the goal is to be able to do this at a competition as my current best in competition is 95kg.

// Completed a Mud Run

This wasn’t the first mud run I’ve competed in but it was a lot of fun as we got heaps of our Bootcampers to enter as well which made it all the more exciting! We got to see some of them experience their first running event let alone their first mud run which was crazy awesome to be a part of and I’m super proud of them all and it really helped bring us together as a team!

Diamond head panorama oahu hawaii


// Went to Hawaii

I actually struggle to believe that we went to Hawaii THIS year, it feels like so long ago we were sunning ourselves on the beautiful beaches of Waikiki. This was our overseas trip for the year and it was such a relaxing time. I’d love to go back to Hawaii and explore some of the other islands as well as do the ‘stairway to heaven’ as we didn’t end up doing it on this trip.

// Train Tripped the North Island

As a present to my dad for a milestone birthday we gave him tickets on the train from Auckland to Palmerston North, it’s something he (and I) have wanted to do forever and it was a great journey that I’d recommend to anyone. It was nice to sit back and relax on the train rather than driving, we also got to see slightly different countryside via the train compared to the car and it was awesome to see the changes in landscape as we went down the country.

// Did the Manawatu Gorge Train Track Walk

I am so proud of myself for completing the Manawatu Gorge walk, yet I will say now that I will most likely never do it again. Don’t get me wrong it was an amazing walk with beautiful scenery and as you can only do it once a year when the train tracks are closed it made it all the more special. BUT holey crap, walking over train bridges up high that you can see down to the bottom are just not my cup of tea and there is no way I would have made it to the end without Kyle literally holding my hands across the bridges.

 Scentsy NZ - Independent Consultant


// Became a Scentsy Consultant

As soon as Scentsy opened its doors to consultants in NZ on the 10th March I was amongst the first to dive right on in and register and I have loved every minute of it! While I don’t really spend as much time as I would like on it I have done pretty well and well and truly earned my kit money back, kept our house smelling amazing and gotten a whole bunch of freebies from it, not bad for a VERY part time gig!

// Learned how to help Save Lives

The last time I had done anything remotely near saving lives was back at intermediate when we did a short first aid course and I tried to get out of doing most of it! When the opportunity came up to do my first aid certificate I knew it was something I should go for, especially now that we are training people at Bootcamp as well. I learned some amazing skills that I hopefully never have to use!

// Started reading books for pleasure again

This should never be something that makes a things I’ve done list, but after 8 years of study while working full time my brain could not take any more information and I just did not have any time to read for pleasure. My reading involved opening my course materials and textbooks for so many years I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. 2015 saw me opening the pages of both fiction and non-fiction for the first time in years!

// Tried a Degustation menu

Our local UCOL has a kitchen where once a term or so the general public is invited to attend meals prepared and served by the students. I often lock in at least one if not a few of the events when the dates are released as they are always a really good meal and cheap. When I saw a degustation menu come up I knew we had to try it out, there were lots of foods we would have never have tried otherwise and I probably wouldn’t go again but was a great experience.

Our first home

// Brought a House

Lastly, the most recent and probably the most exciting is that we brought our first home! We have a lot of work to do to get it up to the standard that we would like but it is a solid little home and we can’t wait until we have completed the renovations and decorating and have fully moved in. A huge thank you goes to my dad for putting up with us living with him for the year!

What are some of the notable events or activities for you in 2015? – Comment below and let us know, we love hearing from you!

One thought on “15 Things I did in 2015

  1. Congratulations on such a productive 2015! I am looking forward to reading what you’ve been up to this year. 🙂

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