5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

As winter approaches, this is a good time to discuss some simple and healthy ways you can alter your surroundings to prevent Seasonal Depression that often occurs during the dark, damp, cold and dreary winter months. This seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is believed to be triggered by a lack of sunlight which disrupts your “biological clock” which in turn, interrupts your body’s serotonin levels, the brain chemical that affects mood.

Symptoms of SAD often include anxiety, sadness, lack of interest in normal activities, withdrawal, irritability, and a lack of concentration. Those suffering seasonal depression often gain weight as they crave carbohydrates (especially sweets), have an increased appetite, and show little or no energy or enthusiasm.

5 Ways to Beat theWinter Blues

There are steps that you can take to avoid these physical and emotional effects of the winter blues including:

// Light
Spend as much time as possible in daylight and light your home brightly with lighting other than fluorescents. Take walks during lunch and after work in direct sunlight and open your blinds and drapes to allow light in. Keep your environment as bright as possible and avoid extended periods in dimly lit or dark rooms unless sleeping.

// Colours
We tend to favour greys and black during winter months, but surrounding yourself with bright and vibrant colors can literally “brighten” your mood. Clothes, walls, bedding, and towels, choose yellows, reds, and oranges to bust those winter blues (and greys).

// Exercise
You will want to stay indoors and you will find excuses to avoid exercise, but this lack of activity will only result in unwanted winter weight gain leading to even further depression. Rake leaves, walk dogs, join a gym (why wait until the New Year?) drag the treadmill or stationary bike in from the garage and use it. Avoid hibernating on the couch or in your bed watching television as both will only contribute to your feelings of boredom and depression and can lead to binge eating.

// Adopt a plant
By adding a plant or many plants into your home, office, or apartment you are adding a touch of Spring and new life. If your budget allows, decorate your home or desk with fresh cut flowers for that bright and cheerful touch of spring.

// Healthy choices
Be very careful of your go-to “comfort” foods in the winter. They may temporarily “cure” your blues, but actually, lead to lethargy, overeating, weight gain and even more depression. Choose healthy foods that increase energy and prepare them in creative and healthy ways. Take this time to learn more about healthy food choices and cooking classes.

Try these five steps to fight the winter blues before they stop YOU and have the best winter ever!

What is your best tip for combatting the winter blues?