5 Ways your Cat can Improve your Health

5 Ways your Cat can Improve your Health

Did you know that having a cat can actually improve your health? Like we needed an excuse to have a cat right? And if you don’t own one, don’t worry as cat cafes are becoming a thing (there is one in Auckland!). If anyone tells you that you don’t need a cat, just show them this post with 5 ways your cat can improve your health

5 ways your cat can improve your health

// Increase Happiness
Cats have been known to increase happiness, in fact studies have shown that those with animals are more likely to be happier and suffer lower incidences of depression. You don’t even need to own a cat for this one to work, just watch some funny cat videos or look up images of grumpy cat! Automatic mood booster!

// Improve your Mood
Simply patting and hugging a cat can help to calm you, and who can be sad when they are hugging a cat?! Having a cat can give you someone to talk about things you usually would suppress. As the old adage goes, ‘better out than in’, simply talking through something which is on your mind and getting it off your chest is often enough to help improve your mood.

// Help you feel better when sick
Studies have shown that cat owners have lower incidences of depression and anxiety. When you aren’t feeling well, curling up in bed with a cat purring beside you watching movies and sipping hot lemon-honey tea can do wonders. They give us something to smile about which helps take our mind off feeling sick.

//  Provide Companionship
A cat is a great companion as they are soft, furry, good at giving hugs, they don’t use all the shower water or hog the bed. While a cat isn’t a substitute for human connection, a furry friend can definitely provide some level of companionship.

// Help to Heal
Sound has also been long associated with a therapeutic healing ability on human bones and muscle. That’s right, the purr from your moggy can actually have a therapeutic effect on your body! All the more reason to grab your cat and give it a big hug today!

To be in the draw to win a $100 Pet Post voucher, thanks to Fancy Feast, simply comment below and let me know your favourite cats name (it doesn’t have to be your cat ;))

5 ways your cat can improve your health

This post was made possible thanks to Fancy Feast, if you want a great treat for your fussy cat then definitely give the new Fancy Feast Inspirations range a try! Fancy Feast believe that love is in the details, and so do I! The small details you do to make someone’s day and show them you care,  or the small things you do for yourself to nourish your body and soul! As usual, all opinions, words and images are my own. #fancyfeastnz

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5 ways your cat can improve your health

110 thoughts on “5 Ways your Cat can Improve your Health

  1. I have 2 beautiful cats and I’d be lost without them!
    It’s true they make you happier and live better

    1. We recently adopted a little black torty girl who we’ve named Smudge from the SPCA. It has been the best decision we’ve made all year and she has made us so happy. She is such a sweet natured little thing and our sleeping has improved since having a little purring motor in the bed with us.

  2. Crookshanks because of Hermione’s curious cat in Harry Potter, and it’s also my Mum’s maiden name 🙂

  3. Grover, because it’s a mean name and he was the best darn cat this world has ever seen, I miss him every day!

  4. I have four cats they all have different little habits that keep me entertained.Love them all.They are Jack,Blondie,Jojo and number five.He is called number five because he was always the last cat to come inside when they were little

  5. My previous cats have been named Binky, Kiefer, and Oliver … and my current cat is Buttermilk Biscuit! He’s yellow and white, just like a biscuit!

  6. My favourite cat’s name is probably ‘Mouse’ – my partner’s cat is called Mouse and it’s just such a cute name, with a plus that you can confuse people who haven’t clicked onto what your cat is called, haha!

  7. Our baby girl was named Lottie after her predecessor who was a Charlie. There both straight from heaven I think. They both just found us and both have been thoughtful, sweet, affectionate an very good for cuddling as I struggle with my failing kidneys.

  8. We have 4 cats…YES, 4!! And they all have there own little caracter and no days goes by, were they don’t make us happy!! Ok!…sometimes they are little shits cause they are so damn fussy with their food. Nothing is good enough…anyway, they make us very happy! 🙄☺️

  9. My cat is called Killer and lives up to her name when it comes to birds and mice! She is a sweet we cat though and loves snuggles (and food).

  10. My kitties name is Gypsy! She’s an absolute princess and I’d be lost without her purr power!

  11. My adopted daughter’s cat’s name is Henry and he is a real snugglepuss and loves sleeping in her bed..

  12. At the moment we have Charlie who we brought home from the SPCA , he is part Maine Coon and has been with me in the garden this afternoon , Probably the favourite name for a cat would be Noah, as I had just got the little ginger kitten when we had a bad flood on our farm and so the kitten got named and we always remembered when we got him.

  13. Marni, is my ‘Prince Rayner the third’ sometimes and my ‘twerp’ at other times
    He prefers the sachets but can’t always afford them for him, so he has to ‘make do’ with the cans poor wee man 🙂

  14. I have two cats! One called Rusty (my gorgeous Ginger princess) who I left at home with Mum when I moved out and MOG who I was left with by a former Flatmate. Couldn’t choose a favourite cat but Rusty definitely my favourite name (first pet I named!)

  15. I have toby aka the ginger ninja and he’s an egg sometimes but he certainly makes our lives happier and I believe healthier too. He’s a great stress reliever 🙂

  16. I’ve always grown up with pussy cats. They’ve always just been a part of the family. I’ve had a Socks, a Snowflake, a Whiskers, a Spike, Thomas, Max, Gorgeous Cat, Molly Moo, Sir Charlie Twinks and Mr Grey!, to name a few.
    They’ve all been special but to pick a favourite name is hard…

    Miss Molly Moo and Snowflake are cool names for a cat along with Mr Grey who is just like Christian Gray from those books…

  17. Can’t beat my old girls name “fluffy” It’s a bit cliche but she’s adorable 🙂

  18. Our cat is called Stevie but if I had two other cats I’d call them Rozencranz and Guildenstern from Hamlet.

  19. I have 3 felines, all rescues, their names are Frappe (milk moustache), Vivere (means to live, she nearly didn’t make it) and Fiore (flower). <3 <3 <3 xxx

  20. Love my kitties! Even got them advent calendars 😻 My favourite cat name is Milly, and of course that is my cats name 🙀

  21. I would have to say Dusty because that is our cats name. She quite often comes inside very dusty as well. Not sure what she gets up to. 🙂

  22. I’d love to get another cat, as three years ago my neighbour’s dog killed my much loved kitten Lord Tubbington (Tubs for short). He was a wee fluffy fat thing who wobbled when he walked 😊

  23. I have four cats but Blondie lives up to her name.She does silly things and keeps me smiling.

  24. I have four cats and they keep me entertained.Blondie lives up to her name.She is a dumb blonde.

  25. We have two that I tolerate! (the rest of the family loves them!) Bella and Ceefa! (C for cat, we’re just hilarious like that!)

  26. I am entering for my neighbour who is a crazy cat lover…actually she feeds the strays that turn up at her house 🙂 So nice to the cats of the wild, some have turned quite friendly too 🙂

  27. My cat-Chico is a gorgeous rag doll cat and he has stuck by my side over the last few weeks since I had a bad fall and have been home recovering.he has slept right beside me and been very protective of me and very loving .he normally prefers to snuggle up to my hubby but I’ve had to sleep in a spare bed due to the injuries and he has been my constant bed companion.

  28. Dragon Battlecat Fernandez the First. I reached him out of a wood pile at three weeks old after his mother abandoned the litter. I’ve been honored to be his faithful servant ever since. 🙂

  29. Our little fuzznugget is named Rodney Chesterfield Dangermouse III. He was 3rd of his litter and had huge blue eyes like Rodney Dangerfield and I loved Dangermouse as a kid. He never really gets called by his full name, he’s stopped listening by the time I get to ‘ger’ haha. He has so many names; Rowdy Roddy, Roddy DD, Rod the cod, Ronny Dingo. I sometimes wonder if other cat ‘owneders’ (coz your cat owns you really) have lots of names for their cats too.

    1. Goodness yes Anna! My fur baby Pumpkin gets rarely actually gets called Pumpkin, she’s pumpers, pumpy, pumpster, sweetie pie and bub-bub!

  30. My cat tiger ,the name we gave him when he turned up 3 years ago, is just adorable loves life and is part of our family, loves a fancy feast treat. He picked us to be his forever family and we think he made a good choice. He also visits our neighbour daily to share his love and get extra treats.

  31. My friends cat and a favourite of mine is called Maldive – named after proposing to his wife in the Maldives and they got a kitten after getting back home.

  32. Ziggy is my fav cat, he got his name from David Bowie’s alter ego Ziggy Star Dust as his other name was the long white Duke and our cat Ziggy is a white Javanese who is very very very long. We think he suits his name perfectly.

  33. Our current cats are called Kelty & Sally. I’d like to have some sibling cats with related nature names like the trees Willow, Ash, Maple.

  34. I have 8 cats which some of them are my 2 daughters cats. There names are tizzy, angel, Brenna, charlie, Timmy, tigga, cuddles and mufasa.

  35. I have 3 beautiful kitties 1 tabby MAGIC and 2 Gingers TE KOHA and COEY their names are my faves. I adore them with all my heart.

  36. I had a beautiful cat named BUSTER, I do miss him, I would love another cat but waiting for the right one 🙂

  37. My cat is called Chuck but my favourite cats name is Toby as he was my first cat and I got to name him 🙂

  38. Our 11 year old boy is Enzo and he’s a pretty Quiet old boy now since we moved from
    Quakey chch.

  39. Thor (God of War) is the name of my cat but he is a softy. He loves to snuggle up to me in bed and always puts his paws around my hand (holding hands). I love him to bits. 🙂

  40. We are getting 2 little fur-babies on Thursday. A little brother and sister. We’ve got coco for a girls name, not sure on our little mans name yet, some great ideas here. Can’t wait for snuggles and fun!

  41. My cats name is Daisy because she lived as a stray in my garden until i adopted her – she chose me! And she lovely, currently fast asleep on my lap!

  42. our two cats are called Itchy and Scratchy, my husband named them after comic book characters. We simply wouldn’t be without them and their funny ways. At 9 years of age they are still kittens at heart and keep us on the go. If you need soothing, or to calm there is nothing better than a cat on your knee purring its heart out to make you feel good.

  43. I love cats, but have to make do with cuddling other family members cats as my hubby is allergic 🙁 It would be nice to get some treats for my grand childrens 2 cats.

  44. I have a cute grey and white cat . Her name is boots. My all time favorite cat name would be tibbles

  45. My gorgeous boy is my very senior Goldie (18 yrs old) he loves to sit on me and snuggle up really close to his mumma 😻😻 he makes us all happy just being his furry little self.

  46. I grew up with cats. They’re awesome. Aloof attitude that comes with their ownership of their human mingled with some love, usually around meal time, but they’ll claim it’s unconditional. We have a neighbourhood Russian Siamese Shorthair that practically lives at our place and his appearance never fails to put a smile on my dial…

  47. We have 5 x four-week old foster kittens with us at the moment who we have just named Angel, Tinsel, Holly, Jingle and Belle. With their Mum (Carol) they are keeping us entertained but also grounded in this silly season 🙂

  48. I adore felines ,everything about them and as I live with a chronic pain condition ,they are amazing therapy and comfort to me ,sadly I lost one of my beautiful girls this year due to an aneurysm ,but I still have one old girl Lexie who will be coming up 14 ,cats rule ,love me to bits

  49. Oops I mean love them to bits and it’s CAROLE not caroke ,typo errors lol ,dont know how to edit

  50. I have three cats and I love their names – they are Gemma, Jasper and Samuel – they are such great company and all have unique personalities.

  51. I think the name Lily suits a white cat very well. I met Lily at the Riverside Motel. She was very happy to keep me company during my stay in the motel in Whanganui, with Mt Ruapehu in the background. Thus she was a mountain lily.

  52. We have a beautiful boy called Captain Sparrow. He is very loving. I was recently unwell and he cuddled up to me and that made me feel so much better.

  53. Humm we have 3 cats. All so different and hard to choose my favourite. Probably Muffit, as she is Miss Contrary, has to be her decision.

  54. I have three beautiful cats
    Smudgy is now 14 years old and the kittens are 9 months old there names are buddy and sally.
    I did have 9 cats at one point

  55. My cat is mudamuss and I would not be here today if it wasn’t for him he keeps me in this world when I just want to get off he gives me so much love as I him love him so much

  56. I have 2 cats Sparky and Feegle and they are a wonderful part of my life. I love both my guys.

  57. At our place we have Kelty who is rather elderly & ill. We are hoping to have him with us for Christmas but the Rainbow Bridge is calling him.
    Our girl is Sally who is an absolutely crazy tortie & white who gets zooms a few times a day & races through the house chasing ‘who-knows-what’!!

  58. We have 2 kittens from the SPCA – Dusty and Smokey. My first ever cat was called Otto, and that is my favourite cats name.

  59. We have two rescue kittens calle Peppa and Roni also known as Little Miss (Peppa) and Fat Bum (Roni). We love them to bits and their favourite tinned food is Fancy Feast Salmon Grilled…they go crazy over it. Thanks for the opportunity.

  60. We have 3 cats (2 boys and a girl) in our house, one is Gingee (from Shrek), one is Braxton (from Home and Away) and our eldest girl although named Cleo when we rescued her 8 years ago, was renamed to Pretty Girl and it has stuck. They all love to get treats when we can afford them and some fancy feast at christmas would be amazing.

  61. My fur baby’s name is Pumpkin, I love her to bits so that has to be my favourite cat name! If I were to get another cat I would probably name it Biscuit or Muffin – definitely a foodstuff of some kind!

  62. I have a ginger pair (brother & sister) named Jack & Crystal that I love dearly and they are such good company and have been extra attentive since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. They have hardly left my side and are such a joy to be around. Favourite cat names from years ago were Rhubarb & Custard and Benson & Hedges lol

  63. I have two cats, a Birman/Norwegian Forest named Charlee and a Ragdoll named Athena. They are my world and I have trained them in harness and in the car. They always no when I’m down or unwell.

  64. My fabulous nine year old daughter cat is named Saphira after a dragon character in a story book called Aragon.

  65. My cat is called Heidi and she truly lives up to it. I have also had a cat called Princess, and a male cat called Digger all for obvious reasons.

  66. Rubiks is our ‘grandcat’, who has many adventures . He is in tune with our needs and feelings . Gorgeous kitty. <3

  67. I’m not allowed to say my favourite cat’s name as I love all three of mine equally, but there is a theme with the names. Can you spot it?

  68. When i was a teenager,i took Opera Lessons and was studying Music at College .. i decided my Black and white cat had to be called Figaro… I think it was also Gipetto, Pinochio’s Fathers Cats Name… anyhow …calling my cat could be hilarious :p

  69. My boy is named Phobo, short for phobophobia, because when he was little he was scared of everything. Now 7 years old he is a lovely friendly boy who will ask anyone for a cuddle and pat 🙂

  70. I have two cats (Harry and Chloe) but when I was a kid we had a persian called Rasputin. He was beautiful and I loved his name.

  71. My favourite cats name has to be our newest family members name; Sammy! She is such a vocal little rascal but I’d be lost without her – she’s a beautiful mumma cat we adopted from Kitten Inn

  72. I wanted to call one of my kids oscar so when we didn’t I called one of our cats oscar, unfortunately he was the cat that went missing, so I still don’t have an oscar in the house

  73. We have a Buster (aka the wee Man, Bus Man, Bussy Woo), Howard Moon (aka Fatty, Howie Zowie, Husky Bear, Bear Pig, Trash Panda) & Vince Noir (aka Skinny, Slappy, Spotty Man, Howler Monkey)

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