8 Ways to Love Your Body

8 Ways to Love Your Body

So many of us experience unhappiness, insecurity, anger and frustration when it comes to our bodies and our own self perceptions. “If only I were taller, thinner, prettier or had more curves…”

Stop beating yourself up! Stop wasting time and energy being unhappy and worrying about how you look and learn to love your body. Here is a short list of eight ways to love your body now.
8 Ways to Love Your Body

// Stop blaming your body for all of the bad things in your life
It’s really not your body’s fault. Instead take responsibility for your life and identify those things that are really holding you back. Is it your negative attitude? Lack of training or education? Lack of experience? Find the real problems and take steps to correct them.

// Make a list of 10 things you like about yourself
Make this list and then update it daily or weekly. This is a list of your most outstanding positive assets – smart, loyal, great sense of humour, etc. Focus on the value of these assets rather than obsessing on your height, weight or physical appearance.

// Now make a list of 10 things others like about you
With the help of the people who know you best, ask your friends and loved ones what they think your best qualities are. This may be scary, but you will be surprised at the positive traits they see in you that you often don’t see. Refer to this list whenever your confidence needs a boost.

// Avoid negativity, yours and those around you
Stay away from people who hate their own bodies as their insecurities will rub off on you and you will be back to focusing on your real or imagined insecurities. If someone in your group starts to put themselves down, don’t join in, change the subject or make excuses and leave. Surround yourself with positive influences and you will adopt those new attitudes and begin to love yourself.

// Avoid negativity (part 2) – Don’t listen to Haters and don’t become one
Don’t listen to the negative things others say about you, don’t let them get into your head, it only fuels your insecurities. Rise above it! When alone or in a group of friends, don’t ridicule or belittle others, consider how you feel when you are the target of that criticism.

// Make a list of what ‘could be’
Make a list of all of the things you could accomplish by redirecting the time and energy you spend worrying about your body, your weight, your wrinkles, or your pants size. Don’t let the numbers on the scale or your pant size define you. Once you have your list, start focusing on attacking those new challenges and working toward new accomplishments.

// Wear clothing that YOU like and that makes YOU happy.
Your closet should enhance and complement your body style. Don’t wear unnaturally uncomfortable clothes to impress others if it makes you unhappy or self-conscious. You will always look and feel better and smile more often when being yourself.

// Splurge on little things to pamper yourself
Expensive soaps and toiletries, your favourite perfumes, manicures and pedicures, scented candles and decadent sheets and towels – treating yourself to these small luxuries will make you feel good about yourself and will make you feel attractive and confident.

To love your body, you must focus on what you love about it – not what you don’t love about it. Remind yourself every day that life is too short to waste time hating your body.

What do you do to love your body?? – Comment below and let us know, we love hearing from you!