9 of the best ways to enjoy Winter – Without Spending a Fortune!

9 of the best ways to enjoy Winter – Without Spending a Fortune!

9 best ways to enjoy winter without spending a fortune

// Get Snowbound

Go and visit the snow! Make the most of winter by actually going and seeing some snow! A lot of New Zealand doesn’t actually see the snow so you may have to travel but the actual partaking of snow activities doesn’t have to be expensive. Take some cardboard with you and slide down small sections of the mountain or simply throw snowballs at one another.

// Cook a delicious healthy meal

The cold weather means we want to stay inside more often, so why not make use of this motivation to stay warm and cook yourself a delicious healthy meal. Whether youโ€™re feeding a family or it’s just you and your cat, a delicious healthy meal is great for the mind and soul! Plus you’ll stay warm as you don’t need to venture out of the house. Don’t forget to feed your cat a delicious healthy meal as well, I’d recommend the Fancy Feast Inspirations range which have the benefits of Broths, which is a great way to treat your cat.

9 ways to enjoy winter without spending a fortune

// Movie Time

One of the best parts about winter is that it’s more acceptable to stay indoors and watch a tonne of movies when the weather is terrible outside! Grab a cozy blanket and your cat (remember those with animals are happier than those without!) and hunker down in front of a warm heater or fire after eating a delicious healthy meal and make your way through the movies you wanted to see but never ended up going to the movies to see.

// Walk it out

There is nothing more satisfying than being ridiculously warm on a cold winters day. We actually have some pretty amazing winter days here in NZ, so take advantage of them. On the next sunny winter day, grab your jacket, rug up warm and go for a walk. Get some vitamin D and some fresh air into those lungs.

9 ways to enjoy winter without spending a fortune

// Make like a Kid

As we grow up we seem to lose our kid like nature for adventures and having fun in all weather. Pretend like you are a kid again, if you have kids ask them what they would like to do and go with it. Don’t worry if it will make a little bit of mess or result in a bit more washing. Make a blanket fort, go jump in the puddles or find a playground to have a play around on.

// Do some Baking

I love using the weekends to get some healthy baking done. It’s a way of getting food preparation done for the coming weeks, whilst enjoying some down time inside. Don’t feel rushed to pump out as many things as you can, choose one or two items and make it fun for the whole family.

// Workout at Home

Motivation to workout seems to disappear as the weather gets colder. Now is NOT the time to make excuses, you don’t need anything more than yourself to have a good workout! You don’t have to venture out into the cold to a gym with lots of strangers, you can simply complete a workout at home. You’ll get your heart rate up and get that blood pumping and release the feel good hormones.

9 ways to enjoy winter without spending a fortune

// Host a potluck Dinner

Grab a few of your closest friends and offer to have a potluck dinner. Allocate each guest a certain type of recipe, for example an entrรฉe, main, vegetable dish and a dessert. Gather around the table and actually talk to each other while enjoying the delicious food.

// Games Night

Along the same lines as hosting a potluck dinner, grab a few friends and get them to come over for a games night. The type of game depends on what you are into, it might be a game on a console, computer or a board game. It doesn’t really matter so long as you’re all enjoying spending time together.

9 of the best ways to enjoy winter without spending a fortunte

This post was made possible thanks to Fancy Feast, if you want a great treat for your fussy cat then definitely give the new Fancy Feast Inspirations range a try! Fancy Feast believe that love is in the details, and so do I! The small details you do to make someoneโ€™s day and show them you care, ย or the small things you do for yourself to nourish your body and soul! As usual, all opinions, words and images are my own. #fancyfeastnz

~~ WIN ~~

To be in to win a Queen Mink Feel Blanket, $50 Warehouse Voucher (hello movie night!) and Fancy Feast Goodies for your cat, simply comment below and let me know your best tip for enjoying winter without spending a fortune!


153 thoughts on “9 of the best ways to enjoy Winter – Without Spending a Fortune!

  1. Going to the hot pools or spa. Really cold outside but once your in and relaxed you feel like you could be in Fiji. Your body also seems to retain the heat so you feel nice and warm for a Long time afterwards.

    1. Get the kids all warm and take them away when it’s not raining to the park or snow for the day and just play without any thing but themselves!!!

  2. Love just rugging up in coats hats and scarfs and heading off for a walk/bike ride along the beach. Can’t beat a dose of fresh sea air ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Nice dinner glass of wine good rom com in front of the fire by candlelight would be a perfect winters night ๐Ÿ’•

  4. We love to do lots of baking in the winter and you find most of the ingrideients already in your cupboard and jumping in puddles is always fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. My best tip for enjoying winter without spending a fortune is to bake on the weekends for the week ahead, because it stops you from splurging on overpriced goods on your breaks! ๐Ÿ™‚ My favourites are muffins because they are convenient to take with you, and they are already in individual portions <3

  6. Me and kids love building forts with furniture and sheets and then camping out in lounge to watch movies

  7. I cook tea and use the oven at the end of cooking tea to do some baking and play silly games with the kids like dress up to see who can put on the most clothes and have a prize giving and then a games and movie night with the kids rugged up warm and some hot milo and popcorn ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Have a catch up with friends, swap books and stories, or go for walks, cost is minimal rewards immense

  9. We like getting the fire going, toasting marshmallows, or wrapping a potato or apple in tin foil and putting it in there, it’s like camping indoors because we all hang out talking while they are toasting or roasting away .

  10. I agree with all of those who have said that a movie night at home or a games night at home with a warm fire & a delicious meal makes for a special time together and it doesn’t cost much at all. Baking for the week ahead saves you a great deal too. Thanks for all your great ideas!

  11. I’ve noticed we,personally, are less social in wintertime so your tip to Host a potluck Dinner is a great idea and won’t cost us a lot of money but we can catch up with several friends at the same time this way.

  12. My favourite tips are – Bake some yummy treats in the afternoon for that night, my favourite is chocolate brownies ๐Ÿ™‚ Add some vanilla ice cream and some popcorn drag a mattress out into the lounge, rent a DVD and you’ve got yourself a fun, cheap winter activity that the whole family will love ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I love to knit in winter, cosy on the couch with a movie on, local $2 shop wool is good and knitting needles are like $1 a set from any op shop, I knit baby hats and donate them, or scarves, head bands even, my girls love them in all kids of funky colours!

    1. Always awesome to head to the beach on a sunny clear but crisp winters day to have a walk up n down the sand. The beach is my happy place all year round!!

  14. At night its a hot shower, heater, blanket, fur baby, lights down, PJs, good movie or book and a cuppa but during the day I like catching up for coffee dates and wrapping up and walking to the library or town

  15. Snuggling under a duvet, cuddling my kitty, watching a movie with a big bowl of soup.

  16. I do a winter clothes swap with my friends! New clothes without leaving the house ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. I live on a farm and it gets really cold here. As well as cutting firewood we will quite often go and find trees that have fallen down and cut them up, we get some really good wood from it. We also collect pinecones and sticks that are dry for our fire. We also like to keep warm by using extra blankets and using towels to prevent the draft from coming in through the bottom of the door. I like to prepare my clothes the night ahead for course so I am not having to run around at 6am shivering looking for stuff!

  18. My tip for enjoying winter is have as many baths with books and candles as possible! Also, eat loads of soup ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Winter is a great time to get the oven going for yummy baking, roasts and casseroles. Remember to leave the oven door open when you are finished to let the heat seep through the house!

  20. We take the kids for a drive to porters pass to play in the snow. Only costs a small amount in fuel.

  21. Guerilla Playground playing – pull up at a playground – play hard out for five mins and then drive around looking for the next one

  22. We get a few layers on and go fishing off the rocks. Often catch a snapper or two but even if we don’t it’s still a lot of fun!

  23. I love popping my daughter all rugged up in her pram and getting outside for some fresh air and going for a good walk. A stop for a coffee and a play at the park before turning back is a great way to spend the morning with a fellow mamma friend.

  24. Movie night or games night in front of the warmth of the fire with a warm winter pudding or toasting marshmallows and making smoores

  25. Yesterday we went for a road trip and found lots of snow at the bottom of ruapehu, we made a snowman and had a snow ball fight, took photos and packed a lunch. Best day I’ve had in ages.

  26. We like going for bush walks in winter (on a nice day). Warms us up & gives us exercise. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Doing a workout then afterwards snuggling up to your spouse on the couch with a warm cosy blanket watching movies

  28. I love going op shopping (or treasure hunting as we call it ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) with my little girls. We love hunting for goodies and finding awesome bargains. I also do beading and make bead drops, which is very relaxing.

  29. I love movir nights with my kids. making a bed in the lounge and eating treats. falling asleep together to ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Let out your inner child! Build a fort around the tv, let the smell of a dinner cooked in slow cooker fill the house and your nostrils & settle in for a Disney movie marathon in your fort with all the pillows in the house.

  31. Love going on family bush walks even on wet days
    It’s amazing the feeling of isolation and nature in the winter.. Mushy leaves squishy mud..

  32. We took the kids to mt ruapehu this year to see the snow and instead of spending heaps or money snowboarding/skiing we just hired 2 sleds for $15 each for the whole day. We all had a ball

  33. I think a potluck dinner sounds great, good music, company, food and wine is a great combo for getting through winter, mulled wine, sitting around a Brazier and chatting.

  34. Light the fire, go to a park to burn off some energy (jackets and gummies so no excuse), come home change into warm comfy clothes, make hot chocolate in a pot on top of the fireplace, grab some popcorn and warm up while watching a movie.

  35. I survive winter by having good healthy meals, at least 1-2x /month a massage or spa or sauna… getting into the outdoors .. Forrest, river walk… or the beach.. for some real fresh air & sun.. Move Love Eat… EAT must be the dog loving the walks, & eating is also the Lab… & the EQ Cat… a very particular lass also… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  36. Potlucks are great! Lots of different variety food. I love a warm.bath and than drying in front of the fire too!!!!

  37. i just love go for walk with my dog i say walk she says run about like a crazy just love it

  38. My hubby, kids and I bring mattresses and blankets into the lounge and make a huge fort and watch movies together. It may also involve popcorn ๐Ÿ™‚ . We have 2 cats that are just as cuddly and we are so they enjoy the winter movie nights too. Awesome giveaway ! Thank you

  39. Winter is a great time of the year for rigging up, wearing slippers while sipping red wine in front of a fire. It’s also the perfect time of the year for a relaxing soak in the hot pools.

  40. Aw winter, my favourite time of the year. Layers, scarfs and thick socks! Last week we had the best winter day yummy hot breakfast followed by a brisk dog walk ( hot coffee in hand of course), home for lunch then yummy homemade soup for dinner with a scary movie by the fire…. Total bliss!

  41. Just getting amongst it!!!My husband is back living his dream…working up the Mountain and snowboarding often!!Being outdoors,embracing the fresh air and the beautiful scenery that is NZ!!

  42. I’ll say it have to be heaps of Hubby’s body heat!lol
    Cuddle up in front of TV,
    We have no heating,

  43. My idea of enjoyment in winter is making a big pot of soup leaving it on slow in the crockpot all day then curling up in front of the fire under a warm blanket with my loved ones watching movies

  44. We love rugging up warm in jackets, scarves and hats, putting on my gumboots and having a splashy walk in the swamp reserve near our house, or building huts from all the driftwood on the beach after a storm. Makes coming home to a warm house even better too.

  45. My winter saving tip is to watch TV in bed in the evening and have the two cats as hot water bottles!

  46. Try and get out of the house on the weekends, spending some time doing a activity with my son and sometimes the tag-along-teen ๐Ÿ™‚
    The local library is generally good for having some sort of activity planned over the weekend, always check there to see what events are coming up (usually free) and plan around them, Also have a talk to your local council and see if they know of any (free/cheapish) activities that are coming up. Sometimes there will be some fun winter ones.
    Head to the grandparents farm where calving season generally starts during winter, so a great experience. Or head to the beach house for a few days and see what treasures the wind and sea washes ashore ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. I love curling under nice fluffy blanket watching good movie on couch with nice hot chocolate with gas heater on nice cosy night best night thanxs

  48. I’m not a keen runner but I do it to keep my cardio up. However with winter I just didn’t want to leave the house. So I scoured the companies for deals and hired a treadmill! Now I go for short runs a few times a week without having to worry about ice/snow/rain. It’s brilliant.
    I also like to snuggle under a thick blanket with my cats (a.k.a hot kitty bottles) and a cup of tea watching tv.

  49. A tip for “me” is to haul myself outside and spend atleast up to 2hours splitting wood ๐Ÿ™‚ This keeps my blood circulation going & warming me up (I’m not quite 50yr old ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) keeps me fit and gets my mind off “going out”.
    Another tip – doing some baking on cold rainy days (if I have time in between getting calves & cows in, milking) for my hubby and I so we have morning teas together.
    Also catching up in my recipe books to read, and cutting out recipes from old magazines to file away.
    My hubby and I also just make time to relax together over a coffee and a movie ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for this great opportunity x

  50. Jumping into a nice, warm bed, and watching a movie with the family is one of our favourite activities.

  51. we go and hire out lots of movies, make our own popcorn in the microwave and snuggle up together, with our kitty and just enjoy the indoors,leaving the cold outdoors behind.

  52. Staying in with the whole family eating treats, keeping warm and watching movies. Love xx

  53. Make an indoor obstacle course for your cats, as they hate not being able to go out side and its fun to make and then watch them enjoy.

  54. We have a movie night at home, we make pizzas, microwave popcorn, soda stream, kids pick movie, snuggle up on cushions and blankets, when it’s really cold we toast marshmallows on fireplace and heat hot chocolate in pot. Cheap and easy ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Being a foodie, winter to me means taking time out to make warming comfort foods like hearty pumpkin soup with cheese toasts, beef and red wine casserole with mash, spicy coconut chicken curry, creamy mushroom risotto, slow cooked roast lamb with roast vegetables and gravy…..just to name a few! They are cheap to make using cheaper cuts of meat that benefit from slow cooking and seasonal winter vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, swede, parsnip and silverbeet!

  56. Making some traditional comfort food like lasagne or macaroni cheese (plus a delicious dessert such as caramel steam pudding) and enjoying it with a warm cozy night in with family ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. lighting the fire and making a big pot of soup before cuddling up the couch with a good book, such a good way to relax!

  58. A hearty beef stew done in slow cooker, the all curl up on couch under blankets and watch a DVD, hot choc for kids and cheap wine made into mulled wine while we watch

  59. We love warm cozy movie nights with popcorn and hot chocolate. The kids get to pick what we watch but I still love a good kids movie!

  60. Fire roaring, candles lit, herbal tea and a movie with my fiancรฉ and our kitten… Nothing better than being cosy inside and listening to the wind, rain and snow!

  61. Putting on layers of warm clothing and then taking the dogs for a long long long walk. They love it as they can run long distances in the cold weather without overheating, and the walking is good for me.

  62. Getting heaps of hugs from the one you love is a perfect way to stay warm this winter! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  63. Hot chocolates, marshmallows, popcorn and snuggling on the couch watching the latest movie releases with the kids! Cheaper than the movies and don’t even need to leave home! Bliss!

  64. We like inviting our friends and there children over for movies no ght, everyone brings a plate of food to share the parents catch up over tea and coffee and cake and the children sit back and watch dvds

  65. Definitely sitting in front of the fire reading a good book with a hot drink. Nice and relaxing.

  66. If is wet and cold out snuggling up with the kids and blankets to watch a Disney movie is always fun.
    Baking cakes and cookies to have with a hot chocolate is another family wet weather option.
    Board games and crafts.
    If it’s not wet layering up and taking the little on a winter …what can we see..walk.
    Slow cooker bacon bone and vegetables soup…soul food.

  67. Getting cozy in our couch in front of the fire with a red wine while enjoying watching our fave movies. Isn’t this neat My hubby Jason? Cheers Move Love Eat!โ˜บ๏ธ

  68. Putting on a warm coat, gloves, a hat, and heading off for a walk is one of my favourite things to do in winter.

  69. Crockpot meals are uber delicious and yummo . and can be the yummiest of meals, using bits and bobs from the fridge, the garden or pantry and fill that home with aromas and appreciation ๐Ÿ™‚

  70. Playing a good old fashioned board game with the kids. Doing some arts and crafts. Couch with a blanket and reading stories. Using hotties and bed socks for heating

  71. Using your own fresh home grown veges to make homade vegetable soup!!! Potatoes, parsnip. carrot, silverbeet, kumara, pumpkin, onion etc, yum yum!!!

  72. Making a big pot of vege soup! Feeds my many children well on a cold winters night.

  73. just me n my fur babies so we huddle up in the room with blankets n hotties ( to save gas and wood) with hot drinks and all rugged up like an eskimo, scarfs n beanies etc…..a must have is a big pot of chilly mince that will last the week to enjoy nachos, wraps, lasagne and pasta , as well as a flask full of hot coco while doing movie marathons at night!…. any1 would think were camping!!!…well if the fire was on we could do “smores”..yummmmmmm actualy im off to light it now! Happy winter Ya’ll

  74. We go collect pinecones and firewood, this warms you once, at home we cut the wood and stack it warms you twice, then light the fire and relax in front if it reading a book from the library warms you thrice. Is inexpensive and very nice!

  75. Chopping up firewood! It’s great exercise and you get the benefit of being able to snuggle up in front of the fire later on.

  76. My two winter favourites are for the adventurous days… Go skiing! And for the not so adventurous days… Gather your cat, some blankets, your best mate, a hot water bottle (Hottie), a milo and some melted choc in a mug to lick with a spoon and settle in for a movie day!

  77. Going to the museum, lots of entertainment at Tepapa can spend the whole day there and it’s free!

  78. A warm fire two snugly kids a blanket popcorn and s great movie are always a hit in our house ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  79. Rug up warm and go for a walk! Even though it’s cold there’s so much fun to be had outdoors in Winter. There are lots of puddles waiting to be jumped in and leaves to run through.

  80. We love driving up the mountain playing in the snow coming home to homemade soup and cooking toast over the open fire laxing back with the kids watching movies.

  81. Have the family over and everyone contributes with food and movies to watch…a good bottle of wine to share,(adults only…lol…)rugs, hotties, duvet’s grabbed off beds by grandkids and lots of homemade popcorn!!

  82. Love making pillow/blanket forts in the lounge with the kids on stormy nights. Popcorn and ghost stories make for some of my fondest parenting memories.

  83. I make a large of pot of vegetable soup, invite a few friends around for soup and toast and afterwards we play cards in front of the fire. No television makes for more conversation and one fire for a group saves the others on heating and its a great way to catch up with friends what with all out busy lifestyles.

  84. pretend there’s a power cut. camp out in the sitting room bake potatoes and toast marshmallows in the fireplace, then play board games

  85. I find cuddling up with my partner with a nice hot drink and watching our favourite movies and tv shows is always best! I get cold really easy so thank goodness my man is warm blooded โ˜บ๏ธ

  86. I ‘d got two who are always hungry and that why I love to cook and play with my kids or watch tv

  87. The best thing in winter for me is on extremely cold mornings ill be heavily armoured with several layers of blankets . My cat will battle her way through and snuggle with me under the blankets. Usually this wakes ne up soo i get up heat up the room prepare her meal food and make a hot chocolate for myself with marshmellows . Once everythings nice and snug i put on a tv show or movie by then my cat kiyomis eaten and done her grooming and what not before jumping on my lap for pats and naps . Its literally become some what of a weekend ritual haha

  88. Snuggling up in my fleecy blanket with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate…Pure bliss

  89. Because my flat mates and I are students we tend to light the fire rather than using our heaters to save power – then make brownie in a mug and snuggle up and (here’s the sad part) study and do our assignments together! We also love going out all rugged up in coats and listening to jazz music at the bar and having some hot fries.

  90. Its all about the marshmallow ๐Ÿ˜ I just love a good old fashioned hot chocolate loaded with mini marshmallow & a warm fire to toast big marshmallows on. Warm, Sweet Gooey Winter Goodness

  91. My top tip for enjoying it without spending a fortune is just to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of being in the warm indoors, it certainly makes us appreciate summer! I love winter and having the fire going, sharing a comforting meal with family and being grateful that I am toasty and warm!

  92. A few bottles of red, Fire place, Pot luck dinner and friends over Netflix! Best way to spend winter xx

  93. When camping in winter heat rocks up beside the fire, before bed wrap the rocks in a towel place in bottom of your sleeping bag as a like a hot water bottle ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. Dress up warm and take the kids to the park, the beach or for a bush walk, it’s amazing how different these places are in the different seasons, its not only fun but its a great learning experience too!

  95. put on your favourite movie get your darling ,blankets and kids marae style on in the lounge all snuggle and warm chillaxing with your loved ones, during the day do some home baking everyones favourite comfort food and walah your set for a cheap warm and cosy night with your loved ones

  96. Definitely the Games night! We just had a weekend away with friends where we had a pot luck dinner and dug out all our old board games from the 80s. We also dressed up at guess who characters it was great!

  97. I’m a console gamer, so would be gaming for me. With my best side kick Gypsy (my cat) helping me out. And a big bowl of popcorn!

  98. Spending time with family wrapped up really well in a lovely warm house and saying come on over it is pot luck.

  99. Love rugging up and heading down to the beach, especially after a storm, gathering driftwood and making a teepee. It’s always fun watching it grow after you have left as other people add to it. โค๏ธ

  100. Share a evening with friends, the fire and some great conversation assisted by some drinks.

  101. Breakfast with my little family before school, porridge/ toast & hot chocolates. Nothing beats family time and a good hot meal ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  102. Homemade soups and stews, a fireplace and dog cuddles under the blankets ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ

  103. A tasty barley and vege soup with buttered crusty bread in front of a good movie under a big fluffy blanket with my love.

  104. I love snuggling up with our fur babys under the blankets! They’re like your personal hot water bottles except u get a free massage at the same time xx love that our cats love winter snuggles. Definitely saves on money and water

  105. Walk along the beach with a friend, munching on hot Makatu Vegetarian Pies. Then home to a warm shower. Snuggle up on the lounge with my three girls (felines), Frappe, Vivere & Fiore <3 A yummy Horlicks malt drink, while watching a dose of reality TV, then its off to bed, all mellow & relaxed.

  106. I love to do baking with my grandson ……the heat from the oven warms the open plan kitchen/lounge area and giving some baking away to friends warms my heart!

  107. My best tips – invest in some merino socks, warm the kids beds with wheat bags, and find a friend with a fire – love a fire in winter!!! My fav thing to do is knit – and winter, well – may as well!!

  108. My entire family of children & animals, enjoy gathering around our fireplace. Snuggled up, warm & cosy, surrounded in yummy snacks, whilst watching a great movie.

  109. I have a Buble’ Bath… yes you read right. I get my candles out, Epsom salts, essential oil and my speaker… play some relaxing music (I have a Michael Buble playlist esp for the bath) and unwind. Sometimes it’s been gusty or raining heavily and it makes the bath seem more heavenly.

  110. There is nothing nicer than sitting in the dark after dinner with the fire roaring, cat cuddled up on my knee enjoying a nice bottle of wine and a good movie with my family! Added bonus right now is a rainy day with the fire roaring, cat on my knee watching the Olympics with a good coffee.

  111. “Invest in a “Heated Throw” – has kept me warm, cosy and happy during days and evenings whilst in my chair. I don’t have to use the heater or light the fire most nights so saved heaps of money re. power bills!”

  112. Making a big Crock Pot Soup normally Bacon Hock and Vegetables great for eating for a couple of Days and Lunches at work

  113. Bake and cook larger amounts. Then freeze individually. Do all at once it not only uses oven efficiently but warms the house too and on busy days healthy meals all prepsred

  114. Bundle up and hit the trails. A winter walk is a true adventure and the mud is just part of the fun (and it all washes off. Avoid the summer crowds on the walking tracks

  115. Fort building and playdoh making! Always a big hit with the little and big kids, plus its warm and falling sleep to the sound of the rain hitting your window and roof in your fort with your favourite person or people is simply one of the best feelings.

  116. I like to just lie in bed and snuggle up watching movies on my days off. Also it’s the perfect time to enjoy ther scenery go out and look at the snow on the mountains if you can ๐Ÿ™‚

  117. I love family movie nights. I get all the bean bags and blankies out ready for a night snuggled up in the lounge.

  118. Cuddling up on the couch next to the fire with my two boys (boyfriend & cat) and binge watching anything we can get our hands on. Just caught up on Game Of Thrones series & we don’t really know what to do with ourselves now that it’s over. โ„๏ธโ„๏ธ

  119. Probably kinda lame, but chilling outside with either blankets or a bonfire and hanging out with friends/family. I live in the country so I do enjoy looking out at the stars, especially with good company.

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