Books I’ve Read Lately – Mid 2017

I’ve been reading a lot more this year, something which really needed to happen given my slight addiction to purchasing books! I kid you not, my pile of books to read would probably be halfway up my body if they were all stacked on top of one another.

Something I’ve been meaning to do is to write a post every few months on the books I’ve been reading lately and give you a little summary of what they are about and what I thought of them. I love finding out what other people are reading so thought some of you may enjoy these posts as well.

Note that I read mostly non-fiction books with the occasional fiction and this time around there happens to be all non-fiction books!

Book I've been reading lately mid 2017

// Better than Before
I found this book a little harder to get into than ‘The happiness project’. I struggle with books with too much research in them, I’d rather the executive summary but once I got a few chapters deep I was hooked and really enjoyed it. This book is all about habit formation and essentially being better than you were before with small habit changes.

// Extreme You
I really wanted to read this book because a lot of these types of books are written by people from all over the world, whilst Sarah lives overseas she is actually a kiwi who started out working at Air New Zealand. A really easy read, highly recommended! Extreme you is all about stepping up and standing out and being the most extreme version of yourself.

// Living Forward
Living Forward is essentially a short book telling you to get off your butt and create a life plan. Stop letting life take you for the ride and instead create a plan and review it often to see if you are on track. A very easy read which would be a waste of time if you didn’t actually take the time to create a life plan. I’m working out where I can make the time to do this (it’s all about making it a priority!). Our mini vacation to Taupo last month was born out of reading this book.

// Rework
I absolutely loved this book and smashed through it within a couple of days. It’s a really easy read with lots of mini chapters (and cute pictures!) that are only a couple of pages each. There are so many great strategies for changing the way you (and others) work, that even just choosing a couple of them to focus on you’d definitely recoup the cost of the book back in no time.

// Switch
Switch is all about how to change when change is hard. This was actually a recommended reading for the Precision Nutrition course I have just completed. With heaps of stories to illustrate the authors points it looks at how change can be difficult and gives case studies on how people have made changes when change can be hard.

What have you been reading lately?? – Leave me a comment and let me know, I love hearing from you.