Category: Misc

What ever it is you said you would do, Just do it! Totally on the money quote!! What have you been putting off until tomorrow? I think mine is saving & getting rid of these pesky 10kg, time to Just…

The last couple of posts have been rather wordy so how about something a little more photogenic?! Another Plinky prompt is to blog about your favourite things to photograph and why… Well I have no idea why but I love…

Hands up if you have heard of Kiva? Even if you have heard of the organisation I urge you not to skip this post! Kiva is an organisation that gets people like you and me to ‘lend’ funds to those…

Something I have been meaning to do for a while now is share a few of the blogs I have saved in my favourites (yes i’m a bit old school, not a huge fan of google reader). Kristyn commented on…

Source I have this habit of stumbling across new blogs then reading them the whole way through, and I mean the whole way through starting from the most current post back until the blog began! On occasion I will only…