Category: Travel

We have not long got back from a Trip to Hawaii and I am planning on writing some more detailed posts on the things we did and saw as well as some tips and tricks for anyone else planning a…

Whenever I travel I am always looking to find affordable accommodation, I just can’t bring myself to pay a few hundred dollars per night for accommodation, especially when you don’t use the room for much other than sleeping in and…

Often when we go on holiday our health and fitness goes out the window, we have done all the hard work on the lead up to the holiday and now is our time to let loose, drink the cocktails and…

We are going to Hawaii next week (NEXT FREAKIN WEEK!), so I have been in travel mode lately, attending to the final details for our trip.  Last week I wrote my top tips for arriving at your destination feeling fresh…

We are heading off to Hawaii in a little over a week and a half (can you say exciting?!?!), it’s been a little while since I did an overseas trip but I love them and am a pretty good traveller…