Category: Workouts

Would you do 30 squats to get a ride on public transportation for free? The Moscow city officials are offering a free ride on public transport for every passenger who performs 30 squats before passing through the barrier. This offer…

Yep, the above e-card was totally me until recently! We are no longer Yoga virgins, we headed to a 10am Centergy class at City Fitness last weekend before smashing out our planned workouts for the day. I knew going in…

Where have the months gone, they seem to be flying by at the moment. Which isn’t a bad thing as I don’t know about anyone else but I am well and truly ready for a break! Bring on summer and…

Day four is my favourite day at the gym! I always try and make it on a weekend so there aren’t as many people around and I’m more likely to get use of the squat rack without waiting, because I…

Day three consists of an upper body workout which other than the abdominal workout I really like as I can really feel each of them working. The abdominal workout I can definitely feel it working but I don’t enjoy these…