Common Alcohol Myths

Common Alcohol Myths

Given summer is on it’s way which means we are generally more partial to a drink or two I am doing a mini series on Alcohol. The first article covered the effects of alcohol where this one will explore some common alcohol myths. This next articles in the mini series will give you a few tips for being alcohol savvy, give you some non-alcoholic alternatives as well as some healthier cocktail recipes so keep an eye out for those ones too. 

common alcohol myths// Mixing alcohol & energy drinks makes you drunker
Nope, not true. Energy drinks contain caffeine which mask the sedative effects of alcohol that often cue people to stop drinking, this means we are tricked in to drinking more because we have this false energy from the caffeine.

// Vomiting helps you to sober up and prevent a hangover
Oh good god, please don’t just drink yourself silly then vomit and think everything is going to be ok. Alcohol absorption occurs in the blood stream pretty much immediately so sorry to say as soon as you’ve drunk it, your body will be affected.

// Coffee will sober you up
Nope, sorry this isn’t true. While it may give you a little burst of energy from the caffeine, the effects from the alcohol are still going on in your body and this takes time for the process to complete, not coffee.

// Eating before I go out will sober me up
Again, not true. While eating before you go out is advisable it does not keep you sober. It simply helps to slow down the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into your body, it doesn’t stop it from being absorbed. Definitely eat before you go out, but don’t use this as an excuse to go silly on the alcohol!

// One drink an hour – I’m safe to drive
Don’t you freaking dare! Seriously the impacts of drinking and driving, even if you think you are fine are NOT worth it, it’s putting people’s lives in danger. If you are planning to drive home then either don’t drink or only have one (and not a super powered cocktail!). As cliché as it sounds, it’s just not worth it!

I’m sure there are plenty of other ones out there! 

What is the worst alcohol myth you have ever heard?


2 thoughts on “Common Alcohol Myths

  1. This isn’t the worst myth I’ve heard but one that I found fascinating. People often believe that alcohol will warm you up when you’re drinking. Turns out the heat you feel is false. It’s the feeling of the heat LEAVING your body. I can vouch for it because often I’ll be wearing a chilly little party dress, outdoors in the breeze, have a couple of drinks, feel warmer…then when it’s time to slow down, I’ll be shivering more than before I started!

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