Day 1; 15 Interesting Facts & a Pic

^ Pic of me in Mar Del Plata Argentina last year, yeah its not recent, but thats all your getting for now! πŸ™‚

15 interesting (or not so much) facts about me;

1. I have an accounting degree (Much like a lot of you other chicas by the sounds of it)
2. I have a neice & nephew I have only ever met once, it makes me sad.
3. I am not comfortable with my body (Working on this)
4. I get bored easily & get enthusiastic about new things.
5. I am incredibly shy in person, unless you get to know me.
6. I have a sick sense of humour.
7. Borat is my favourite movie, not so surprising when you read #6.
8. I used to race Go-Karts, stopped because I didn’t have enough time.
9. I generally find I get on better with guys, but am trying to change this as I miss not having a number of girl friends.
10. I am an auditor, and I love it compared to accounting.
11. Travel is my life, I love it to bits, havn’t been to many places though YET.
12. I love taking photos, but am too cheap to get a real SLR camera.
13. I am addicted to Twitter even though I only started a couple of months ago.
14. I have lunch with my mum once a week unless i’m out of town & I love it!
15. Shock Horror; I used to not even be able to walk into a shoe shop, I hated everything about them because I could never find shoes that fitted me that were nice, so me selling shoes is a bit Ironic really. Now I am fine since I can find lovely shoes! πŸ™‚

That was harder than I expected coming up with 15 things!!


6 thoughts on “Day 1; 15 Interesting Facts & a Pic

  1. woooooooooo!! go the accountants!! haha I got the “it’s a great base degree” from my dad, who is also an accountant.

    I’m with ya on #4!!!

  2. Haha yeah whenever I wanted to give up I also got that kind speech, I do think it is good to have, will help me in business anyway, but boy did doing the degree sucked! The Post Grad sucks more though πŸ™

    LOL re #4 hence me being all into this challenge & getting fit at the moment, fingers crossed both last! πŸ™‚

  3. Lol they look ridiculous but they have so much fun & I get a bunch of laughs taking photos, boy they won’t be pleased that I shared hehe

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