Go Green Expo -2015

Today’s post is a guest post by Sara from Business Best Friend – Sara was one of the lucky winners of the Go Green Expo competition we ran on Instagram a few weeks back. 

Take it away Sara….

Who doesn’t love free stuff? I am certainly a fan so was super stoked to win tickets to the Go Green Expo through MoveLoveEat’s Instagram. If you don’t know, Go Green Expo is for all things organic, clean, conscious living. The range of stalls was seriously epic. Everything from seed mat made from wool to makeup to the most delicious, nourishing food imaginable.

Go Green Expo Review

My expectation was the expo would be dominated by food. And yes, there was a lot of food. From my old favourite Pana chocolate, perfect for dairy free babes like me through to discovering gelato made from coconut milk. Yes please! Don’t even get me started on the fresh juice. And the sauerkraut. And getting to sample Little Island drinking coconut milk (huge fan of their ‘ice’ cream).

However it wasn’t all food. In fact, what truly blew me away about the expo was discovering the huge range of organic products out there in New Zealand. A more mindful lifestyle is nowhere near as hard to attain as I had thought. I was already an the Eco Store convert so was ecstatic to score 6 full sized products for a measly $25. Definitely the bargain of the day.

Go Green Expo Review

New discoveries were Tailor Skincare (I got a sample face mask I’m hanging out to try) and Inika makeup. The idea of not putting chemicals on my skin makes me so happy. These are just the highlights for me, the girl that came with me went home with two magazine subscriptions and an incredible looking bamboo pillow. Seriously a huge range on offer.

It wasn’t all products and food samples though. My lasting impression of the Go Green Expo was the people and sense of community. Stalls holders were passionate about their products and couldn’t wait to chat to you about it. I noticed several stall holders having a wander and checking out who else was there.

Go Green Expo Review Auckland 2015

I definitely digged the collaboration over competition vibe. The open, sharing culture of the Go Green Expo is best exemplified by the seminars. I squeezed in two between sampling and discovering, a talk on sleep and one on living consciously. Picked up some excellent tips and would have loved to listen to more but with so much to see, smell, taste there simply wasn’t enough time.

The Go Green Expo is everything an expo should be, a chance to try, a chance to learn and best of all, you leave feeling more awesome than when you arrived. I could not recommend more, so get yourself along to Wellington or Christchurch, or join me in Auckland next year!

What Eco friendly products are your fave??

4 thoughts on “Go Green Expo -2015

  1. I went to the Go Green expo too! I tried a lot, but what I ended up buying was some Tom and Luke Trinity Bites – they are so delicious!

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