Inspiring People: Emma from Embracing It

 Next in our Inspiring People interviews we have the Lovely Emma from Embracing It. Emma speak about how being diagnosed with Endometriosis has affected her healthy lifestyle and her journey to living life to the fullest. 


My name is Emma. I’m on a mission to be as fit and healthy as possible. Lover of CrossFit, real food, coffee, baking, fashion and photography. I am 22 years old and work as a Communications and Marketing Coordinator at Barnardos, a non-for-profit children’s organisation. In 2012 I completed a Bachelor of Communication at Massey University and come June, (all going to plan) will have a Graduate Diploma in Event Management.

I grew up in Napier, New Zealand where I lived with my family of five. I am extremely motivated, diligent and aim high in all areas of life. I don’t let anything stop me reaching my goals, including constant battles with my health. 

Tell me about your journey to living a healthy lifestyle… Including your health issues (if you don’t mind)

My journey to living a healthy lifestyle has been a long one, with many ups and downs, a bit like a soap opera really. After 5 years of no answers, endless hospital admissions and what felt like hundreds of specialist appointments in 2010 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside the uterus where it shouldn’t be. Check out EndoNZ for more information on it. 

The recovery after my first operation was a bad one. I was still in a lot of pain, to the point where I couldn’t exercise at all. I felt like everything in my world had been turned upside down as at secondary school I played almost every sport and danced. I let this frustration spiral into a journey of self-destruction, eating takeaways and junk food because it made me feel better. I created terrible behavioural patterns, and as it was my first year away from home at university, fast food was a luxury and easy option.

Because I was on so many hormones to manage my endometriosis the weight gained fast. I become extremely self-conscious with my body. The desire to change things came when I went shopping for a university ball, I couldn’t find a dress in Glassons that fit. I didn’t want to be that fat girl who couldn’t fit clothes at Glassons.

So the journey began, over 2 years I managed to drop my weight by altering my diet. It was a slow steady progression, but a rewarding one. When the weight dropped I started to feel better about myself and accepted that there was no simple answer, no cure, and no magic pill that would make life easier. I took a more proactive approach to life and had another operation to remove more endometriosis, and things got better.

I started exercising and getting involved in more extracurricular activities and was much happier with life. I was the girl that couldn’t fit clothes at Glassons and now I was working there, buying more clothes than I needed because I could fit them!! My co-workers convinced me to enter Miss Manawatu and it was one of the best things I ever did. it empowered me and assisted in finding self-love (how cheesy it that?!). Since this transformation I have become more and more interested in health and nutrition and the amazing things food can do for your body.

Then I was introduced to the world of CrossFit! When I worked at Glassons/Hallensteins Head Office, one of the guys convinced me to go along to CrossFit Quattro in Ponsonby, not really knowing what I was in for, I agreed and haven’t looked back since. I now attend CrossFit Central in Wellington and love every minute of it! I recommend it to anyone and everyone. 

There are still really bad days and terrible melt downs when I question it all, why me? What did I do to deserve this? But now I am the one in control and am willing to try new things. I’ve accepted it and embraced it. Living with endometriosis has made me the person I am today, made me more determined to achieve things and overcome the unpredictable obstacles along the way. As I put it, I have “embraced” it, which has turned into a blog, sharing my story and life alterations.

Cross Fit with Endometriosis

How have your health issues affected your ability to lead a healthy lifestyle?

I have particular health implications which force me to eat a restricted diet. I’m intolerant to gluten, have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and am allergic to various preservatives; including the one in most lollies!!! If I eat something my body disagrees with I pay the price and regret it pretty quickly! Luckily, the better I look after myself, the better my body treats me. Therefore although it can be frustrated and hard to stay motivated at times I’m rewarded for living a healthier lifestyle.

The most frustrating thing about endometriosis is you never know when the pain is going to come. Unfortunately for me, exercise often brings pain…in 7th form I ran cross country and ended in the Emergency Department on some very strong drugs. I’ve had to accept that sometimes my body isn’t up for heavy weights or hard-core cardio, so opt for a walk or just listen to my body and rest. Having to take pain killers also knocks me back, often leaving me far too tired (both physically and mentally) to exercise.

 What’s your approach to balance & moderation in life (and/or food)?

 No fat burning pills, crazy calorie restrictions, supplements, shakes or days of starving myself. I strongly believe in the statement “everything in moderation, including moderation.” I don’t eat perfectly all the time. I REALLY like spoonful’s of peanut butter straight from the jar black licorice and dark chocolate (to justify, chocolate does have endorphin boosting superpowers).

I believe in whole-food and eating anything that is good quality, fresh and unprocessed. I do my best to follow a primal/paleo diet. My meals include things like meats, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats from coconut, avocado, olive oil and some nuts and seeds. I also incorporate dairy, as I’m a sucker for Greek yoghurt and muesli and a good coffee.

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. So in times of celebration like Christmas and birthdays, there should be cake and various delicious puddings. You should also never beat yourself up for indulging in treats like these. If you’re exercising and eating clean you CAN have these, they’re not going to make you fat.

I think that people need to eat according to their own health, needs, goals, lifestyle, ability, access and passions. Of course this will be different for everyone, as it should be; we’re different people, with different bodies doing different things.

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 What is your favourite form of exercise?

 Internal training is definitely my favourite. At the moment I’m obsessed with Les Mills Grit, Plyo, which is an intense plyometric-based workout. For those who have never heard of it, plyometrics, also known as jump training, builds power and increases speed and leg strength. It also increases muscular endurance and stamina and users power agility training to transform muscle fiber and produce a lean, athletic shape. I also love CrossFit and Yoga.

 You have some beautiful recipes on your blog, would you care to share one of your favourites with us?

 My favourite recipe is my Snickers Balls, which everyone at my CrossFit gym absolutely loves. They’re easy to make and too easy to eat. They taste just like (if not better) than a Snickers Bar. Be warned, these are addictive. 

[yumprint-recipe id=’4′] What are your top three ingredients to have on hand to whip up some Paleo treats?

 Almond flour, coconut oil and honey. Once you have these delicious and enriching ingredients on hand you’re good to go!!!

 What is your number one tip for those who want to live a healthier life?

 Variation is key. In both your diet and exercise routine! Eating the same thing every day and running along the same route can get extremely boring. This brings excitement into what you’re doing and forces your body to adapt to new regimens – I find I hit a plateau after I’ve been doing the same thing for period of time and need to spice things up. Experiment in the kitchen and try out different forms of exercise.

 What is one piece of workout equipment/tool that you swear by? 

 My foam roller!! Nothing beats getting rid of those knots and giving your body a good stretch out.

 What are your favourite healthy living blogs/websites or tools?

 Petite Kitchen, Julia and Libby, Megs and Soph, Juli who runs the blog PALEOMG 

 What is your long term health/fitness goal?

 I’d like to decrease my body fat percentage and continue learning more about my body and what works best for it. I’d also like to work on my general wellness – getting a good quality sleep every night and having a more positive outlook every day. In the future I would love to do further study in nutrition and naturopathy.

Last words:

Commit and get inspired and believe you can make change happen. I highly recommend creating an inspiration board with the things you’d like to achieve, pictures of people you admire and motivational quotes!


Thanks so much Emma for sharing your story with us all, you’ve come a long way especially with your health issues and learnt so much by the sounds of it! 

You can find Emma:
Over on Tumblr

Feel free to check out some of our other inspiring people interviews:
Nicole Joy – Why it is perfectly acceptable to eat desert for Breakfast
Lucia Oles – Optimum Nutrition Sponsored Fitness Competitor
Jane from KettleBells and Cookies
Laura from KettleBells and Cookies
Emma from Static Era
Leah from Naturally Leah

2 thoughts on “Inspiring People: Emma from Embracing It

  1. This was like I was reading my own story- I also suffer with IBS and Endometriosis, and have had a large journey to get to where I am today. Keep it up Emma, you are very inspiring!

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