Intermediate Abdominal Workout

Last week I brought you the first in a series of Abdominal workouts. Last week I gave you a quick beginner abdominal workout you can do at home with no equipment. Today I have for you an Intermediate Abdominal Workout which you can also do at home with no equipment.

I spoke about why the Abdominal are important in my last post so I won’t go into that again today. If you want to find out more then have a look at my beginner abdominal workout

Intermediate Abdominal Workout

Here is my Intermediate Abdominal Workout:

Click Here to skip to the video. 

// 30 Heel Touches
Lie down with your feet on the ground so your knees are facing up to the roof. Reach down to touch your heel on one side and then reach down to the opposite side. Keep your head nice and loose so you are not putting strain on your neck. Look up to the roof while you are trying to touch your heel. You should feel this in your side of your abdominals. 

// 30 Russian Twist
Sit down on the ground as though you are at the top of a sit-up. Keep your feet planted on the ground and rotate from side to side slowly. If you have a kettlebell hold on to this at the same time as rotating from side to side. If you don’t have a kettlebell and want to make it harder grab a full drink bottle or milk bottle or even a can of food.

// 20 Mountain Climbers
Begin in the top of a full push-up position facing downwards. Now bring one foot in as close to your chest as possible, then step it back out to the beginning position. Repeat with the other leg. Start out walking your legs in and then work your way up to being able to run your legs in each time.

// 20 Second Side Plank (each side)
Lie on your side with your legs out straight, one on top of the other. Come on up to your bottom forearm which is leaning on the floor and up on to your bottom foot. Hold this position for as long as you can and then roll over and face the other direction and repeat. You should be trying to hold yourself nice and straight. If this is too hard to begin with perform the same movement but go up from your knees rather than your toes.

Intermediate Abdominal Video

Keep an eye out next week for my Advanced Abdominal Workout, which once again you can do at home without any equipment!

What is your favourite Abdominal Exercise??