Let’s get a bit more personal

The ever so lovely Nicola from Eat Well NZ nominated me for a Liebster award so I thought I better nut up and share some interesting [maybe or maybe not] things about myself as well as answer Nicola’s questions. 

I am quite a private person despite having a public blog, but I thought this would be a great way to let you all find out a little bit more about me. 

A little bit more about me - Move Love Eat Blog

Once nominated for a Liebster Award, the rules are as follows:

  • Reveal 11 interesting facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions designated by the blogger who nominated you
  • Nominate other new bloggers for the Liebster Award
  • Give your nominees a list of questions they have to answer

 So here goes, 11 interesting facts or things you may not know…

  • Perhaps not interesting or something you didn’t know but I have had a huge travel bug for as long as I can remember. I am not 100% sure where it started but I did have cousins who used to send me post cards when I was younger and my granddad used to go on lots of overseas trips and I heard all about the places he went, I imagine it came from one or both of those.
  • I have the most intense sweet tooth, seriously I could demolish a packet of biscuits and still be looking for more. I have been trying to tame my sweet tooth by using more natural sources and this is part of the reason why I have done a Whole 30 and a 6 week sugar free challenge. This is also the reason why I don’t even buy biscuits, if they are in the house I will eat them.
  • I am crazily shy. If you first meet me in real life I may seem standoff-ish because I am so shy. I feel uncomfortable around people I don’t know and feel as though I don’t socialise well. I am comfortable online though and once I get to know people.
  • I can’t stand coffee. Yet I’ve never actually tried it. Seeing a lot of people addicted too it and the fact the smell makes me want to vomit has meant I have never tried it and I don’t feel the need too.

Liebster award - Move Love Eat

  • I love lists, like I seriously love lists! I like to keep lists to keep me focused and on track to reach my goals.
  • I had never stepped foot into a real gym until about three years ago. TRUTH! Fast forward three years and I am often found in the side of the gym the females hardly ever venture into (c’mon girls, you can do it!) and I have a Personal Training qualification!
  • I used to race go-karts. Actual outdoor go-karts, and I loved it! I must admit I wasn’t that good but I do usually beat everyone at indoor karts 😉

Liebster award - Move Love Eat

  •   I set goals every year! I have done ever since I started working at least. Even if the goal at the time was only to save $1k and to pass all my papers. These days the goals are more blog, strength and house deposit orientated.
  • I am ridiculously sensible. See #1, I have contemplated dropping everything and just going travelling a number of times in my life but I am too sensible and realise that I can work and earn money so I can afford to travel for a few weeks a year instead.
  • I don’t wear makeup, like ever. Mostly because I am too lazy to learn how to use it and partly because I didn’t want to get sucked in too always wanting to buy it when I could save my $ to travel. I am jealous of people who can do their makeup well though and I have quite a lot of friends like this! If I’m being extra fancy I’ll straighten my hair and put on some mascara and tinted moisturiser but that’s going all out for me.

Liebster award - Move Love Eat

  • I find thinking of things on the spot ridiculously hard, even harder if it’s things about myself. I don’t really like talking about myself and often keep things bottled up inside and don’t share unless specifically asked about it. Coming up with 11 things was crazy hard for me too!

 And here’s the answer to Nicola’s questions:

What inspired you to start blogging?
To begin with it was an outlet to procrastinate from studying. This blog then began as an outlet because I didn’t really like my job and I wanted to do something I was interested in and try to help others.

What inspires me to keep on going is the lovely comments I receive both on the blog and social media and knowing that I can make a difference and help people on their healthy living journey.

What is your go to dinner recipe when you want something yummy and healthy but in a hurry?

Chicken Breast & Vege. Lately we have been having chicken nibbles in the crockpot with vege when we get home from bootcamp, they are super tasty and all we need to do is defrost the vegetables when we get home so it’s ready in literally a couple of minutes.

What are your top fridge and pantry staples?
Meat! Chicken breast is great, with a pack of frozen vege and you can easily whip up a meal. I’d also add nuts and seeds as well as rice and a fully stocked herb and spice cabinet!

Liebster award - Move Love Eat

What are you reading right now?
Rushing Woman’s Syndrome by Dr Libby.

Do you have any quotes/words of wisdom that you’ve found that have really resonated with you/changed the way you think?
Being positive and seeing the positive in things can really change the way you see the world! There is always something to be grateful for!

Do you have pets? Tell us about them!

Nooooo! As much as I’d love to have a cat, I’ll be waiting until we have our own place.

What is your proudest achievement?
This is hard! I can’t decide between two things.  Finishing my degree, post grad and getting my Chartered Accountant while working full time. Or getting Wanganui Bootcamp off the ground and turned into a real business with Kyle.

Wanganui Bootcamp

What are your three favourite foods?

I couldn’t choose just three but I’ll share three I love. Bliss Balls, Steak and Biscuits. As I mentioned above, there is a reason why I don’t buy biscuits!

Are you a morning person or night owl?

Ohh my, the answer to this is incredibly sad. I used to be a night owl and I was the WORST person ever in the morning. I am still not the best with mornings so I wouldn’t say I was a morning person but I have been getting up early because Kyle is an early riser and the fact that we have morning Boot Camp sessions which begin at 6.30am so we need to leave the house around 6am. I am definitely not a night owl anymore since I often find between 8-8.30pm my eyes are heavy and I’m struggling! I manage to hold off bed until 10pm but that’s about it!

I’m nominating:
Samantha from Planet Bake Life
Eszter from Shrinking Eszter
Lauren from Lauren SAHM

Please check out these blogs, all these girls are super lovely!

My questions for the lovely ladies above are:

  1. What is your favourite form of exercise?
  2. Sweet tooth or savoury?
  3. Favourite Comfort Food?
  4. Would you rather be in front of the camera or behind?
  5. One of my goals for this year is….
  6. If you could travel to any three places this year, where would they be?
  7. If you could eat only three foods for every meal for the next month, what would they be?
  8. If money was no object, how would you spend your days?

 Were there any of my facts which resonated with you? Do you want to learn more about the people behind the blogs you read??

6 thoughts on “Let’s get a bit more personal

  1. Loved reading your post 🙂 I’m actually a really private person too, but it’s getting easier to share more about me the more I do it. You’ve inspired me to get back to more goal setting. I’ve been feeling a bit unmotivated lately, but I just need to push past that.

    1. I know what you mean, it does get easier the more you do it. I still feel weird putting photos and stuff up on social media but am getting better at doing it on the blog 🙂

  2. This was really interesting to learn more about you! I wish I was more sensible, especially with money. I’m trying to now, but this doesn’t seem to be an instinct of mine.

    1. I’m glad you found it interesting Lena 🙂 Money is one of those things that can come easily or not. It really is a habit thing though, once you start getting out of the habit of spending on things you don’t really need too it does get easier 🙂

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