Move: My Training Plan – Day 2 Lower Body

Day two consists of a lower body workout with a couple ab exercises as well as the DB Clean which work as a short cardio workout for me, it’s a relatively new exercise to me and every time I’m left puffing!

As per my previous post where two (or more) exercises are the same colour it means that I super set them, which means I do one and then immediately do the other then start back again at the first one until all the sets have been finished.

Exercise Reps Sets
Kettlebell figure 8’s 20


DB Clean 12


Glute Press 24 (12 each leg)


Leg Press 20


Toe Press 20


Cable Side Bends 30 (15 each side)


Leg Extension 12


Leg Curl 12


Kettlebell figure 8’s

Retrieved from Here

Dumbbell Clean

On searching for a suitable image to illustrate what I do here I’ve realised more and more that this is my rather different take on a dumb bell clean! I start with a two dumbbells, one held on either side and slightly squat down then jump in the air and land in a full squat holding the dumbbells almost sitting on my shoulders, then slowly rise back up to standing position and do it all over again.

Glute Press

Retrieved from Here

Leg Press

The leg press I have been using is essentially a hack squat machine, or a lying leg press, I have been using this to do my ‘leg press’ and ‘toe press’. At my old gym I used a standard leg press machine.

Retrieved from Here

Toe Press

Retrieved from Here

Cable Side Bends

Retrieved from Here

Leg Extension

Retrieved from Here

Leg Curl

Also known as the hamstring curl, I hate the hamstring curl machine at my old gym as I always felt too short in it and didn’t feel like it was safe, but don’t mind the one at the new gym as it has more options for adjusting the machine to suit you.


Don’t forget to check out my other training plan posts;

Creating a training plan
Day 1 – Upper Body


Do you do any of these exercises?

Do you have a favourite lower body or abdominal exercise?

4 thoughts on “Move: My Training Plan – Day 2 Lower Body

  1. The “jump”as some people refer to it in a clean movement is the motion to open the hips and influence the weight up (ie making it weightless) for enough time for you to drop under the weight and catch it in the squat. Once the weight is secured/caught in that bottom squat position you can then stand it up. The emphasis shouldn’t be on the jump up, more influencing the weight up enough for you to jump down (!!) under the weight. Does that make sense?

    1. I kind of get it, this is a really new exercise for me and I use super light weights and it still tires me really quickly, I’m not sure if it will stay on my plan or not to be honest. I might replace it with some kettlebell work as I do love them!

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