




Is there something he really want to accomplish in 2021?

Something you want to make a habit and start being consistent at?

The 100 Day Challenge will help you with this just choose one thing that you really want to do in 2021 and make it a priority.

The goal is to choose one thing that you really want to do each day to help move you forward towards a bigger goal. Too often we set big Lofty goals or New Years resolutions that have been thrown out the window and forgotten about by February because they were too big, there were simply too many of them or we bit off more than we could chew.

So what we will do on the 11 of January 2021 is commit to ourselves and the others in the group to completing our chosen action every single day for 100 days.

If you miss a day it’s not a big deal just jump back in, the goal is to try and be as consistent as we can and to choose a habit or an action that we can do every single day that is achievable but will help move us towards a bigger goal.

For example you choose to have your action as eating your 5+ a day fruit & veggies every single day, you may choose to make your bed everyday, exercise every day, work on your flexibility every day etc.

We will band together to help each other keep each other motivated and consistent for the duration of the challenge. We will all be put into a 100 day challenge 2021 private Facebook group where we will commit to our desired action for 100 days as well as keep each other accountable.

For $5 each you will get entry into the challenge you will get help being consistent and hitting your goal. Every day out of the 100 days that you reach your goal will be an entry into the prize pool the minimum prize pool will be $100ZND cash the maximum prize pool will be the total of all entry fees received.

So what is it going to be?
For me personally I am committing to hitting my macros very day 100 days. You will note this is something I have control over I can choose what and when I put food in my mouth I can not control the weight on the scale.

If you’re ready to join us simply register and pay for the challenge and get thinking about your one action that you will take for 100 days in 2021.

Please do share this challenge with your friends and family as well!!



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