Tag: Paleo

Next in our Inspiring People series is the awesome Belinda Tuki who is the creator of The Honest Food Co (who you may remember I did a post about a while back when she was crowd-funding for her new kitchen!)….

There is something incredible about a good hearty Lemon Curd, it’s thick and creamy all whilst being sweet but a little bit sour at the same time.  I’ve wanted to try to make a healthier Lemon Curd recipe for a…

I’m not going to do another post of the food I’ve been eating over the past couple of weeks of the Whole 30 as to be honest it was getting boring taking photo’s of my meals which were all relatively…

A while back I decided to play around with a home made sunflower seed butter recipe, I then had a lot of Sunflower Seed Butter and no real use for it (other than licking it off the spoon, mmm!) so…

Last week I wrote about why I was starting a Whole 30. I thought it would be a good idea to show you what I have been eating for my first week of the Whole 30. I began on a…