Things I Love February

Even with the extra day in February this year, time is flying. We’ve been busy working on our house, bootcamp and organising our lives for the rest of the year.

It’s crazy how quickly our calendar has been starting to fill up for this year already, and it’s not because we are super popular and sociable it’s because of Bodybuilding (Kyle) and Powerlifting (Me) competitions as well as a few trips we have planned. Combine this with some events we are planning on doing for Bootcamp and we don’t have many free weekends at all!

Anyway, enough of the talk about the future – let’s look back to the Things I Loved this month!

Things I Love - February

Things I Love February - Scentsy World Tour - Wickless Candles NZ
// Scentsy World Tour
At the start of the month I headed up to Auckland for a few nights for the Scentsy world tour. This was an opportunity to discover the new products (being released tomorrow! EEk!), get in some training and also to catch up with some of the people I miss in Auckland!

Things I Love February
// House
We’ve pretty much finished the inside of our house and have started looking forward to the outside. It was always our intention to demolish the garage that was currently at the property and build a new one. We have tossed up between a kitset and building it ourselves, getting someone else to put a kitset up for us and getting one built from scratch. We have just this week made the decision to have one built for us from wood. We have been busy getting rid of the trees which are in the way for the new garage. (Sorry trees :()

Things I Love Feb - Currently Reading
// Currently Reading
I had not long started this book at the end of January and was enjoying it. My reading has slowed down a lot since I have gone back to work and have less time to read. I still haven’t quite finished it (I’m shocked at this!), but just the other day I got to part Two – and can you say PLOT TWIST?! It was not what I was expecting at all but I am really enjoying the new direction! I’ll have it finished by the end of the week.

things I love feb scent of the month
// Scent of the Month
I am still sad that my absolute favourite scent has been discontinued. But I did stock up with the sale that was going for Feb (Last day today, if anyone is interested in getting a bargain!). This does mean that there is room to find a new scent however which is exciting! Perfectly Pomegranate is definitely one of the ones which could become my number one, I always like the fruity scents!

Things I Love Feb
// Cold Smoothies
I always take forever to drink my smoothies when I make them for breakfast. I struggle to get it all down quickly so often it comes to morning tea time and I’m just finishing it off. I find that ice just melts and dilutes my smoothie so I was happy to discover that George Foreman now have Chill Sticks which fit the Mix and Go! This means my smoothies will stay colder for longer, meaning that I won’t just throw the last part out (which is what normally happens!)

Things I Love Feb
// Overseas Trips
Yep, last month I was excited that we had booked a trip to Bali and this month I’m excited that we have booked a trip to Las Vegas! We’ve both been before and I don’t actually care that much about Las Vegas in particular but I am excited to check out some of the surrounding areas and fingers crossed we can head to the Grand Canyon while we are out that way! It’s not until November and Kyle is planning on competing at the Natural Olympia Bodybuilding competition over there – hence the choice of Vegas.

What have you been loving this month??