Things I Love – January 2016

Hello 2016 and Goodbye January. It’s crazy that we are already a month down in twenty sixteen and even crazier how fast the calendar is starting to fill up with events. It will be December again before we know it.

January saw me having almost the full month off work, where we spent the majority of that time working on our house. It was a busy month and I feel as though we need a decent getaway, however the house is so close to completion that it will be awesome to just get moved in.

So let’s take a look at the things I loved in January 2016.
Things I Love January 2016

// Month off Work
Clearly having a month off ‘work’ was a highlight for me, as I’m sure it would be for most people. Don’t get me wrong I still did a lot of work, however it wasn’t in the office. At this time of year it’s nice to get out and about and not sit behind a desk for 8 hours a day.

// Bali
Bali has been on my list of must visit places for a while now (I even mentioned it in my winter travel lusting post) and we finally booked a trip there! September 2016 will see us set foot in Indonesia for the first time for both of us and I can’t wait for some sun, delicious food and relaxation.
Manawatu Gorge Walk Track Review
// Manawatu Gorge Walk
I’d been wanting to do the Manawatu Gorge Walk for a long time now and was so glad that we decided to lock it in as an event for Bootcamp. Getting out and going for walks in the NZ Bush helps to ground me and remind me of the fact that we live in such an amazingly beautiful country.

// House Progress
It finally feels as though we are starting to make some progress on the house. We’ve had the keys for just shy of two months now and it feels as though we have been working on it forever. We have now painted everything other than the skirting and one window in the laundry, which will be done once we have moved everything out of the laundry as it has been used as a bit of a storage area while we have been working on the rest of the house. We are aiming to move in within the next week or so and should be able to achieve this which is exciting!

Things I Love January 2016
// Currently Reading

I’ve got a big pile of books to get through at the moment. Over summer I have been making my way through more of the Stephanie Plum novels from Janet Evanovich, starting from the beginning. I am 2/3 of the way through number 5. Next on my list however is The Choice by Nicholas Sparks (please don’t spoil it for me if you’ve read it ;)).

// Scent of the Month
I’m a little bit sad that my all time favourite scent – Havana Cabana, in my Wickless Candles (Scentsy) is being discontinued at the end of February! You can guarantee I am stocking up with every order that goes through between now and the end of the month! There are a number of awesome warmers which are also being discontinued, which is sad however we are making way for some exciting new products! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more info!

What have you been loving this month?