Two Ingredient Healthy Ice Blocks

It’s that time of year here in New Zealand, where all you want is a nice ice cream or ice block to help cool you down after a long hot summers day. I’ve talked about my sweet tooth on a number of occasions and currently I’m in the middle of a 60 day clean eating challenge I have set for myself, which unfortunately means no ice creams for me (I really didn’t think that through when I set the challenge did I?!).

I remembered that last year I attempted a two ingredient healthy ice block and they actually turned out to be pretty good and refreshing so I thought I would try to make them again.

Two Ingredient Healthy Ice Blocks

This recipe is one of those recipes that I feel like a con for calling a ‘recipe’ as it is so darn simple and doesn’t really require much effort at all, and what’s more it only requires two ingredients and one of those is good ole H20!

You can make these two ingredient healthy ice blocks into almost any flavour you could imagine as you use flavoured Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) combined with water to make the delicious refreshing treats.

Depending on your BCAA these ice blocks will generally be gluten free, refined sugar free and dairy free which makes them an ideal ice block for pretty much everyone!


1.5 Serves BCAA of your Choice (I used BSN Amino in Fruit Punch Flavor)
800ml Water


  1. Mix up the BCAA and water in a shaker bottle (or use a fork in a tall glass)
  2. Pour the mixture evenly between your ice block containers
  3. Pop in the freezer until frozen.

See I told you it was super easy! One of the best things about this recipe is that you can change up the flavour by just changing the BCAA you use, and they are super low calorie as most BCAA are between 0-10 calories per serve!

What flavour ice block would you most enjoy??  – Comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you! 

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