10 Tips for Gym Etiquette AKA How to not be the person everyone hates in the gym

Whether you’ve been a gym goer for 10 years or 10 days there are some simple gym etiquette we should all be following to make the gym a more enjoyable place for everyone.

Gyms can be intimidating places when you’re not a regular. Heck I sometimes feel a bit intimidated or don’t know where to start when I go to a new gym. If the gym goers followed these 10 Tips for Gym Etiquette it would definitely help make the gym feel more friendly and less intimidating. 

 10 tips for gym etiquette

1. Put your weights away
Just do it, put them back where they came from! 

2. Don’t hog the equipment
No body likes a hog, use the equipment you need and get on with it

3. Wipe the equipment down
Sweaty equipment is not cool, if you leave a puddle clean it up.

4. Don’t curl in the squat rack
Don’t be that guy (or girl) curl out in the open – you don’t need a squat rack so don’t take up precious gym real estate.

5. Keep your towel on in the change room
Nobody wants to see you butt naked no matter how much you think they do! I’m all for confidence but I don’t need an eye full when I’m ready to workout

6. We are here to workout not socialise
If socialising is your thing so be it, but don’t stand around chatting and hog the equipment! See rule #2, get out of the way of those of us who want to get in and get out. 

7. Don’t be a creeper
At yourself or others, no-one likes a perve (ok some people do but most people don’t!) Keep your eyes to yourself, the wall at the back or your equipment.

8. If you don’t know what your doing, ask for help.
If you don’t want to ask for help at least don’t start with ridiculously heavy weights, you’re just asking to injure yourself.

9. If your waiting for equipment ask the person nicely how many sets they have left to go.
Don’t just stand there like a creeper (refer #7) it weirds people out, they were there first, let them finish.

10. If people can smell you before they see you, keep some antiperspirant handy.
I know the gym is where you come to sweat, unless you’re the only one in the gym however you need to consider the others that are using the premises, it’s just common courtesy.

Do you have any pet hates in the gym?

5 thoughts on “10 Tips for Gym Etiquette AKA How to not be the person everyone hates in the gym

  1. Hahaha this is very accurate! No one likes a creeper!

    My advice for the cardio area would be that if there is a time limit you should stick to it – especially at peak times. Even if there isn’t a time limit, keep an eye on whether people are waiting.

    1. I fully agree with Alisha, its kind of frustrating seeing people who are almost at an hour on the treadmill at peak times…

  2. hahahaha Awesome!

    Definitely agree with all your points especially re: keeping your towel on. I raced into the changing after a workout and have just about run smack-bang into fully naked woman. NO NO NO. Seriously NOT COOL.

    I did RPM a few weeks ago and these two women basically had a conversation throughout the whole class until someone along from them told them to shut up.

    About a month ago I watched a woman ‘style/straighten’ her hair before her workout…I mean “seriously?”

    Because I don’t wear make-up I don’t understand how people wear it to the gym, although I I guess I do understand coming from work and not having time to remove it before a workout. Perhaps not everyone sweats like me and their make-up stays in place.

    1. Ugh the dreaded run in with the naked women in the changing rooms, it’s just not necessary!!

      Ooh yes, I might need to do another list of things not to do in a class, talking all the way through one is a pain in the butt!!

      Haha there are heaps of people that do that at my gym as well, it’s all good if it’s after the workout and they’re going out or something, but I really don’t understand it beforehand!

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