15 Things that will make you Happier – Without Shopping

15 Things that will make you Happier – Without Shopping

In today’s society we too often purchase ‘things’ as we think about the happiness that they will inevitably bring us. Unfortunately, they often bring us a false sense of happiness for a very short term and then after the novelty has worn off we forget about them and then return to our former state. This is when we often go looking for something else to purchase to make us happy again.

I wanted to write this post as a way of showing you that there are so many other options out there other than purchasing ‘things’! Happiness comes from within and the way we spend our time, rather than how we spend our money. Continue reading for 15 different things you can do that will ultimately make you happier! 14 of them do not include buying anything!

15 things that will make you happier (without shopping)

// Eat a Good Nourishing Meal
This doesn’t have to be any specific style of cooking, the act of simply preparing a good nourishing meal is both therapeutic as well as has great health benefits because you are fuelling your body with everything it needs to feel happy. Sure fast foods may feel to good to eat while you are eating them, however if you are anything like me then you will feel sleepy and far too full once you have finished the meal! Pull out a healthy cookbook or have a look for a recipe online and spend the time to create a nourishing meal, filled with plenty of different coloured vegetables.

// Exercise for Happy Endorphins
If you’ve ever seen Legally Blonde then you will know that exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy and happy people don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t. As hilarious as this scene is, it’s definitely true! Exercise releases endorphins which in turn make you happier. While it may not feel like it at the time if it’s cold, dark and wet outside and the T.V sounds like a much better option. You will never regret getting in a good workout and increasing those endorphins.

// Practice Gratitude
I’ve been an avid fan of practicing gratitude for a number of years now and I truly believe that it does make a huge difference to how happy you are. The simple art of spending a few seconds a day thinking about all the things you are grateful for really does help make you feel happier as you can appreciate how good your life really is, even if you are in a dark space. It doesn’t need to be a big deal, simply write down at least three things you are grateful for each night before you go to sleep.

// Connect on a Personal Level
Studies have shown that physically connecting with another person releases serotonin which is the hormone which elevates our mood and makes us feel happy. This could mean any number of things depending on your current situation. It may simply mean hugging your cat (see the next point!), or it could be holding that hug for a split second longer with someone you care about. It could be as deep as a sexual connection, heck it could just be cuddling up on the couch together watching a movie.

// Have a Pet!
Did you know that it has been scientifically proven that people who have animals, or cuddle animals often are happier than those who do not have a pet?! I don’t know about you but this is a perfect excuse to have a cat! Bella (pictured) never looks happy  unless she is asleep and doesn’t really like hugs which is a shame (although I do sneak them every now and again!) so it goes without saying that she would be fussy with her food. We’ve been trialling Bella on the new Fancy Feast Inspirations multipack with great success. She actually finishes a packet, something she never does with other brands, I guess the variety and tasty broths really do help! Moral of the story; hug a cat (or dog) today! Bonus points for serving yourself (and your cat) a Nourishing Meal then snuggling up on the couch for a movie!

// Sleep More
Sorry Night Owls, but getting more sleep is a sure sign to be happier. You may function okay with less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but inside your body is struggling. You know that frustration you feel when someone cuts in front of you on the way to work, your partner leaves a wet towel on the floor or your kids make an even bigger mess than normal? Those who get enough sleep have an easier time controlling that frustration and are less likely to lash out at the ones they love.

// Buy an experience
This is the only item on this list which includes actually going out and physically buying something. I contemplated excluding it from the list but I do think it’s an important way to feel happier so it’s staying. Do you remember that amazing concert you went too, the first time you did a bungee jump or sky dive, that awesome trip you took? These are the kinds of things that really do make us happy as they create memories that we can look back on time and time again.

// Review Past Photos
This is something I’ll put my hand up and say I’m guilty of forgetting to do! How many photos do you take over the course of a year? How many trips have you been on that you took thousands of pictures and after loading the best ones on Facebook and maybe gotten a few printed, you never looked at again? Grab a cup of tea and sit down for 20 minutes or so and flick back through some of the photos you’ve taken over the years and remember how you felt! I can almost guarantee you’ll be sitting there smiling to yourself by the end!

// Smile & Laugh more often
It may seem like a no-brainer but smiling and laughing more often really do have an effect on your happiness. Too often we go through the motions in our day to day life and forget to make sure we smile and laugh enough. Think back to the last time you laughed until you started snorting or couldn’t breathe, or the last time you smiled so much your face hurt? When was it? Was it a long time ago? Take small steps in order to smile and laugh more and see how much happier you feel. Even watching those funny cat video’s will do!

// Spend time with Happy People
You know those people who ALWAYS seem to be happy, no matter the day of the week, no matter the situation? Spend more time with them! These are the kind of people you need in your life! Happiness can spread like wildfire and being around happy and positive people truly can help make you feel happier in the long run.

// Teach Someone
Have you ever taught someone something they didn’t know? It could be an adult or a child, it could be big or small, it doesn’t really matter. The art of teaching someone how to do something they couldn’t do before, or teaching them a fact is a lost art. It could be as simple as teaching someone how you do your hair or makeup they always compliment you on, you could teach a child how to tie his shoelaces or teach someone how to add a little bit more happiness in their life by sharing this post (see what I did there ;)).

Mason Jar Granola Hande made Gift

// Make a Gift
We all have people that we buy gifts for each and every year. Have you ever thought of making a gift for those special people in your life? Last year we were trying to think of what to get our Bootcampers (approximately 50 of them!), that would show we appreciated them supporting us but obviously didn’t cost the earth as that’s a lot of people to buy for! We settled on making homemade no-grainola and popping them in milk bottles with cute decorations. Whilst it wasn’t a huge gift they were well received and I think the hours we put into them were well appreciated. I certainly felt great passing them out!

// Keep in touch with loved ones

Okay, I’m guilty as charged here. There are a number of people I care about that I really haven’t kept in touch with as much as I should do. Especially over this past year as life has been so busy. That’s always the excuse though isn’t it, being busy. Stop and spend two minutes thinking about the people you care about that you haven’t made time to connect with lately and make it your mission to contact one person each day for the rest of this week. It might be a simple text, e-mail, Facebook message or snapchat to say you’re thinking about them or a phone call to have a good catch up.

// Volunteer or donate to Charity
Along the lines of teaching someone, volunteering is a great way to give back to others and giving back to others almost always makes you feel happier. Whether you decide to volunteer at a local sporting event, school gala or by donating to Charity it doesn’t really matter. So long as you feel a connection to the cause and enjoy helping out. We’ve done a number of events for charity this year for Bootcamp which is an awesome feeling when you take in a whole bunch of pet food to the SPCA or take over $100 into the Cancer Society.

// Forgiveness
There are two parts to forgiveness, and I’m not going to lie, it’s hard! In life it’s kind of inevitable that at some point someone will do something to you, either inadvertently or on purpose that will really grind your gears. It’s so easy to hold on to this hurt and carry it around with you but carrying this around really does nothing for us and to be truly happy we really do need to forgive and let go. The second part of forgiveness is to forgive yourself. Yes, yourself. Often we think back to the past to things we would change if we were given a chance, to things we wish we had done differently or to how we wish we looked or acted different. Sorry to say, we can’t change the past we can only learn and move on. It’s really important to forgive yourself for these types of things as holding onto the resentment can eat away at you and limit your happiness.


This post was made possible thanks to Fancy Feast, if you want a great treat for your fussy cat then definitely give the new Fancy Feast Inspirations Multipack a try! Fancy Feast believe that Love is in the Details, and so do I! The small details you do to make someone’s day and show them you care,  or the small things you do for yourself to nourish your body and soul! As usual, all opinions, words and images are my own. #fancyfeastnz

WIN – competition now closed

To be in to win a $100 Countdown voucher & Fancy Feast Goodies so both you and your cat can have an amazing meal, simply comment below and let me know your best tip for being happier without shopping!

207 thoughts on “15 Things that will make you Happier – Without Shopping

  1. That was such an awesome read, I could really relate to lots of them. It made me smile and gave me a boost to get back on my own track and get out there and do it.
    My own tip would be reward yourself all the time. No matter how small your accomplishment or achievement be a little selfish sometimes it’s not a bad thing it’s actually a nessesity, but yourself first. ❤

    1. Absolutely nailed it!! Especially Gratitude – it’s so important.
      I need to print this blog out and hang it on my fridge. Daily reminders of the fact that, it’s the simple things in life that make me happiest combined with the people I love and who love me back!!

  2. I agree that experiences make us happy and not stuff. I love making happy memories with my kids by doing things with them rather than buying them things and tell them that when they look back on life they will remember experiences more than stuff that they have been given.

    1. Lots of great advice here. I’m trying to do the gratitude one more. I feel like I’m getting grumpier as I get older but I really have so much to be thankful for. there’s so much scary crap going on in the world we are so lucky to live in this beautiful place, for my kids to grow up healthy and strong.

  3. I love this article!! I live 14/15 of these I do need to prioritise sleeping 😁
    My favourite thing to do is to Breathe in a moment… Inhale the feelings, the scenery, the people, the smells…. & take a moment to embrace it all, then relax & exhale gratitude for the experience 😊😊 Beats shopping any day

  4. Become a listener, Take time to talk to family and friends, a fifteen minute chat not about you but them, ask questions and get to know your friend with family ask what they have been doing for the day or week. You’ll feel more enriched and respected without even trying.

  5. Such an important read! If we are constantly striving for the bigger, better, newer version of something we will never be truly happy. My favourite tips for being happier without shopping are surrounding myself with positive/happy people and exercise!

  6. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Whether it be your friends, family, the elderly, children or all of the above. Make sure they are people who push you to achieve your dreams and don’t hold you back. Also don’t take anything for granted because once it’s gone you’ll wish you still had it so live everyday being grateful for the things you have!

  7. This post is so great! Was having the same thoughts today deciding what I could do with my nana on a student budget. We often will get up early & go watch the sunrise at the beach or take our ordinary lunch and go and eat it somewhere new. Thanks for the post!

  8. It’s so true! I have been giving experiences as gifts for a while now and it’s such fun! I have also recently started my gratitude diary and feeling better for it. So onwards and upwards there is so more great advice in here.

  9. I love to make calls to my whanau 🙂 Keeping in touch with them is a big priority of mine.
    Something else I love doing that doesn’t cost a cent is spending time in my gardens. Just doing the weeding or making a feature garden. I go down the back of the farm where the Waimakariri River runs through & collect drift wood or find odd shaped rocks to bring home for my garden..I just love doing these things!

  10. I love to go for long walks down the beach with my dog or go out on my kayak 🙂

  11. I love closing up all the curtains, making some popcorn and snuggling on the mattress with my daughter and watching a family movie. We both enjoy watching movies together and we both love the quality time together aswell 🙂 And the best thing is, we could watch movies together all day x

  12. Loved this. So many easy tips that can really make a difference. I’ve been working on changing my attitude towards frustration, it’s not the problem that’s the issue its my attitude towards the problem that’s the real issue. Therefore instead of worrying about it, finding a solution is way more productive and helps the happiness levels 💜💜

  13. Great article. My favourite non-shopping way to feel happy is to take some me-time to pamper myself, paint my nails or do a face mask etc.

  14. I do two things when I am feeling a little blah, unhappy, anxious or fretful. I go for a walk with a friend in the outdoors, preferably along the beach and preferably in bare feet to “re-earth” myself. If no friend is around I call my mum and have a chin wag as I go or I smile and engage with the other people I meet as I walk. It’s always a good idea to stop and pat the lovely dogs being walked 🙂 the second thing I do is have crazy dance parties, solo or with my sisters, where we turn the music up loud and dance like crazy people with absolutely zero coolness or care factor, little grace or coordination but a whole lot of fun and laughter.

  15. When I’m feeling low or downbeat I put on my favourite upbeat songs and DANCE. It’s hard to feel stressed or sad when the spice girls are telling you what you really really want and you have to laugh when you attempt to twerk

  16. Spending time in the garden, if you can and grow something you are interested in. So, when it fruits or matures then it is so exciting. I find gardening so relaxing and fun. And growing food is way more exciting than buying it. Thanks for the great article.

  17. I knew, intellectually, that this worked, but how often have I told myself, “I’m just too tired to go to the gym”? Exercise is one of the most dependable mood-boosters. Even a 10-minute walk can brighten my outlook and then gives me a sense of motivation and rearing to go the day or the puppy dog eyes that my dog gives me if we don’t go for that walk!! that’s much more rewarding than spending $ I didn’t need to, taking him for a long walk! 🙂

  18. Keep trying what you believe is impossible. When you finally do it the feeling is amazing! For me it’s the tricky yoga moves

  19. Organising my space. Always end my day on a happy note in a clean set of pjs with fresh sheets after cleaning the house and listening to my favourite songs.

  20. Exercise, being outside in the fresh air, and being healthy.😊. Quite happy to avoid shopping malls forever!!!

  21. Some really good points here! For me its getting lost in a good book (from the library so it doesn’t cost anything!)

  22. Thanks. I just love this article. Such a god reminder. It makes Mr happy when I give someone a random compliment and see how it makes their face light up.

  23. Great article & comments! I will be looking back over these great ideas. Something that makes me happy is completing a job that has been on my mind for a while…tidying a cupboard, planting herbs, decluttering etc. It is a great feeling knowing that I’ve Done It.

  24. Making the time to stop and be in the moment with my kids. So rewarding for all – they love the undivided attention and seeing them happy with just me is a bit of a buzz too. Need to do it way more than I do tho

  25. I always take 5 minutes to make a pot of tea and read a book- no phone, no internet!

  26. I make sure I’m surrounded by happy people, do random acts of kindness and get plenty of sleep!

  27. I like to keep a focus on what I already have and practice gratitude everyday. I also find having a well balanced diet, exercising everyday in some form ( for me preferably walking or swimming) and being around people who make me feel happy is what keeps me going. 😊

  28. Be happy within yourself.. Stop and take time for yourself.. hug your kids and cats..

  29. Getting amongst nature always makes me 100x happier. Fresh air and sunshine always helps

  30. Have patience, no point stressing over the little things because stressing ruins your day.

  31. Meditation – it helps you focus on the here and now, it is relaxing and makes you a calmer person.

  32. Great article 🙂 I love doing many of these things…I need to do them more often 🙂

  33. That was the best read I’ve done in a very long time, if I was to share any tips mine would be,

    To indulge in positiveness, surround yourself with happiness. Smiles, giggles, love and laughter can always make something so dull feel like the best in the world. It can share up a rainy day and make a sunny day even better 👏

  34. Happiness is:
    -making other people happy (about themself, about something, about someone) because when you make other people feel good…it makes YOU feel good.
    -achieving goals, you set for yourself or with friends.
    -spending quality time with your loved ones.
    -capturing the momens that makes you happy…
    I could list so many more things, lol so I’ll make this as short as possible! 😉

  35. What a great read. I practice many of these. I also love to sing, I’m terrible at it but it feeds my soul 🙂

  36. If only more people could read and live by this. Balance is key, plus there’s no point buying things if you don’t feel good with them.

  37. I love the saying ‘We rise by lifting others’. I love making people smile. Giving them a laugh, a compliment, some time. These things don’t cost a thing but mean the world.

  38. Dance!!! Whether it’s while your peeling spuds, dancing with the kids, or while trying to rock baby to sleep find somewhere to have a little bogie. The kids love it, music always feels good and your getting that heart beating 💃🏻

  39. I love my books from the library. Curled up with my Ratty cat and a coffee. Also love to sit outside under the stars all wrapped up in a blanket listening to the night sounds. Makes me realise how tiny my problems are compared to the beauty we are surrounded by.

  40. Love these great ideas!
    For me it’s definately giving to others and taking care of myself through eating a healthy diet and regular exercise. I used to scoff at women wearing activewear sipping coffee with a friend until I joined a gym and understood the role physical exercise, music, sunshine and company play in switching on those happy hormones. It’s fair to say I’m a gym junkie now…and a very happy one at that!

  41. Fab tips .. long walks along the coast with my dog .. makes me happy n blows away any cobwebs 😎🐕

  42. I love baths and a really good massage especially if im stressed…Also can’t beat a really good coffee and spending time at the beach collecting pippis..I like to keep it simple 🙂

  43. Something that makes me happy is baking beautiful cakes with lots of flowers and sharing them with friends or family. The sea also makes me so so happy- I miss the ocean endlessly when I’m away from home so there are lots of trips to the closest beach nearby to get some saltiness back into my life.

  44. OK get more sleep even though I’m a night owl to be a happier mama for my babies 🙂

  45. Get outside with the kids!!! Anything from a walk – taking them to a playground/bike ride / walk / play hide and seek!!!! It always gives me the giggles

  46. Ohhh was just looking through past photos over the weekend, was so relaxing at the same time so much fun, remembering the good ole times 🙂

  47. I also think experiences as well as having positive relationships with other people brings you more happiness than being centered on buying things to make yourself happy.

  48. Happiness is having a chillax with girlfriends over a bottle of wine and cheesy nibbles

  49. Could not agree more! Your suggestions are brilliant. I would like to suggest that we have these sorts of things posted up all over our homes to remind us to do them….all the time!!!

  50. great tips a lot I do already but new ones there I’d never thought of like they say money is not a key to happiness

  51. Surrounding myself with those I love, snuggling up watching movies with my twin girls, soaking in a hot bubble bath appreciating the small things and focus on the positives <3 x

  52. Love spending time with family and friends, something as simple as going to the beach always revitalizes me

  53. Oh I love this article, and will share on my athlete page for all my clients, hoping to inspire them also with some fantastic ideas.
    My best tip to be happier without shopping is to declutter your life! It’s simple = cleaning! If you have a clean room, work space and car it is amazing how much happier you feel on a daily basis. The moment I become upset or feel down for no real reason it’s often because I have let my room get a bit messy or even my car. A clean space means a clean mind.
    I have a beautiful new fur baby, her name is Zeena and she is extremely timid though, I am hoping some fancy feast treats would help to lure her out from under my bed and help her understand that she can trust me.

  54. spending time with family and friends reading to relax and spending quality fun time with a movie or games night at home. COmplete with the cat trying to steal some popcorn 🙂

  55. Well today all the family meet up at the park with a picnic had a blast. Even tho it was cold it was good for the soul to just watch the kids run around and play with each other. Made my heart feel full❤

  56. I am happy just connecting with cats. Seeing cats or being with cats gets the old endorphins flowing.

  57. I believe we should all do something for ourselves, everyday that makes us happy. Going for a walk, listening to music, singing, dancing like no-ones watching and laughing with loved ones. We all need to let go a little and enjoy the little things. Starting everyday with a positive mindset really does improve your overall wellbeing.

  58. I love to garden! I also like to make bead drops which hang in the window (my aim is to make a huge beaded curtain!!) And I sell things on Trade Me and Always stick a little freebie in every parcel so the person opening it gets a smile on their face (my feedback proves this – Kimbacat1) I know I love receiving the odd freebie so I like to return the favour. It’s good for the soul to do something for someone that you don’t have to do 🙂

  59. Spend time with friends and family, not because you HAVE to or because they or you are in NEED but just because you CAN and there are always amazing things you can go and do together whether its taking the kids to the local park or just relaxing in front of the fire with a glass of wine

  60. Being happier within yourself, I like to turn my stereo on loud and dance and sing getting things done that need to be done but I’m happier doing them when I have my music going loud 😊👍

  61. Great read! Music is an instant mood booster for me. Turn the radio up and have a boogie!

  62. What a great article! I find having ‘me time’ is greatest way to being happy. Whether it’s shopping or reading 🙂

  63. Some very good advise I look my sleep so trying to balance work and honelife is a real must

  64. Some very good advise I love my sleep so trying to balance work and honelife is a real must

  65. I love love love this! And after having a stressful week at work this is just the thing I needed to read! My weakness is that I wait until the weekend to rejuvenate and unwind but I need to commit to doing it more regularly during the week too so I am refreshed! My tip would be – have a bubble bath or a mini spa once in a while. Take some time to dim the lights, turn on some candles, get the bubbles and bath bombs going and lie. Let your body soak and rest and relax itself. Stay until your skin goes wrinkly and then go to bed with a nice hot drink afterwards. It is so soothing and lets your mind rest! I would love to win this voucher to get some groceries for the food bank in winter because that is another feel good act I can do.

  66. Take off your shoes and feel the ground beneath you. Playing with my cats or getting my hands dirty weeding the garden is great for my soul and sanity. Just being in the outdoors is great as well.

  67. Spending quality time with family as you never know when something will take them away.I appreciate family and friends more as I’ve gotten older

  68. So incredibly accurate, love this blog post. Buying ‘things’ is only a fleeting moment of happiness. This. So.much this!!

  69. I put my pinny on, find a yummy recipe and get baking! Cookies, cakes, muffins, scones!!! Then I take my delicious homemade baked treats to my folks house, who are my positive affirmations in life, and we sit down with a cuppa tea, devour into my tasty treats and chat away!!!

  70. My favourite thing to do is just sit with my friends and enjoy their company even if we’re not even doing anything 😊

  71. So true! Some people forget how good they actually have it. Need to stop and take some time to appreciate things ☺😊

  72. Go for a walk or catch up with a friend especially one you haven’t seen for a while. It’s always better than shopping and saves you money 😊

  73. Go for a walk keep yourself busy having a job keeps you busy and money in the bank 🙂

  74. These are amazing I’d love a chance to win cos I’m not eating well. And we had to use our grocery money to get new seat belt

  75. What makes me happy everyday is sharing my passion of baking with people that cannot bake…it keeps me going and the wonderful appreciation I get is amazing

  76. spending time with my children is what makes me happy, the smiles on there faced and nothing better then cooking lovely meals to fill their tummy’s up :D. This would be great to win, Goodluck to everyone & also myself hehe 🙂

  77. Make time for yourself. End of a day a nice hot bath or shower after some relaxing yoga or Pilate’s then a hot drink, electric blanket, good book and an early night in bed with your beloved pet

  78. Very valid and strong points made and I totally agree with them, it is important to take a look at ourselves and life in general. I’m sure my cats would love the change of diet lol all four of them and the voucher would be very helpful.

  79. Time for yourself, but in a group setting, i.e. group fitness class, martial arts, etc

  80. Self time, but in a group setting, i.e. group fitness class, martial arts, etc

  81. A hard sweaty workout and eating well always does it. I also get a bucket load of happiness when I do something nice for someone else. Be it giving my breakfast bananas to the homeless guy on my way to work or paying someone a genuine compliment or treating my partner and his son to random little gifts that they can enjoy together. Letting people know you appreciate them shares happiness too.

  82. I love the idea of choosing an experience and doing it with someone you love. You don’t even need to buy one, just deciding to get outside for a day to make memories together can bring the most joy 😘

  83. Love this.
    It’s a perfect reminder that what brings you happiness and feeds the soul can’t be brought

  84. Omg this was a great read and definitely so much truth in it!
    I think in Winter our minds get a little bit depressed with the gloomy weather and it makes it harder to motivate yourself so “buying things” seems to be a quick fix solution but the high doesn’t last!
    I’ve been trying to get more involved with Charities this year and highly recommend this because it leaves you feeling great….
    The other thing I try to do and although in the long run it costs $ is plan a new adventure for the future! I have a couple of small adventure goals on the go and one bigger one and just having those things to research and get excited about really brings me happiness..

  85. To whom ever came up with this page is brilliant, all you need is the time of essences as that’s the key, this has a great feed out to everyone that has a different life style, thank you for reading my post and for giving me the privilege of commenting my thoughts.

  86. I love this, especially the pet one. Don’t sweat the small stuff, that’s what I go by.

  87. I like to do good deeds as much as I can. In anongst the bad stuff that fills our media these days I like to restore people’s faith in humanity.

  88. Some people need to appreciate things as they come, in saying that making time for yourself is a must and is sometimes quite hard to do when you have little ones.
    Rejuvenating and unwinding with quietness and a red wine may eaze the mind.lol.
    Relaxation is the key in my life as i am a busy mum and have very active children.

  89. Some great ideas. I am going to save these as a reminder. Thanks for the motivation.

  90. I so agree with all of this! I would add take a kid to the outdoors. It’s kind of impossible to be anything but joyous when you’re discovering nature with a child. When was the last time you threw rocks into a river? it’s pretty much the ultimate in fun.

  91. Spending time with good friends like Deborah Sadler. Laugher and love the small things. Date night with my kids showing them how much I love them.

  92. Great post totally agree with all these I think instead of just looking at past photos I should print more put on the walls!

  93. Dancing in the rain, I love it.
    Singing in the shower.
    Running and screaming/yelling on the beach or on a mountain top.
    All these and more are so relieving, they make me feel at ease and release so much tension.

  94. I totally agree that exercising for happy endorphins is important! Well, I’d put of exercise as I felt like anything that was effective was something I hated. Then I realised anything was better than nothing and so I started doing what I enjoy, and it means I exercise even more often! Now I just ignore the calorie counting etc and just make sure I’m enjoying doing some.

  95. Spending time with amazing friends. I also have a beautiful cat Lulu who I sneak cuddles from but she makes me happy

  96. Mine is exercising and surrounding yourself with happy and supportive people, ones that bring you up when you’re down and are happy for your happiness

  97. Mine is exercising, walking is my favourite and surrounding yourself with happy and supportive people, ones that bring you up when you’re down and are happy for your happiness. Would love to win please 😆

  98. Love love love this blog post! So relevant to today’s society with so many of us trying to find happiness through ‘things’, yet if we LIVE life through many of the key aspects you talk about happiness doesn’t need to be searched for it is just how we are! X

  99. Im a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and taking care of the mind body & soul so this blog was a really great read for me !

  100. awesome article I do most of these often I own 3 cats and 2 dogs but I also make sure that I spend time with friends and family not necessarily going out somewhere but just sitting and talking about life and things in general My family and friends are probably the most important part of my life

  101. Thank you for sharing this article! You do have good views there. For me, I do a gratitude joirnal daily. A tip that would be equally important is to be with nature as much as possible. Whether looking at a sunrise or sunset, walking on the beach or nature trail, it doesn’t have to be complicated. It helps you be in the moment and also think about the good things in your life.

  102. Fantastic article, wide words on a day I needed to read them.
    I love walking at the beach sans shoes.
    keep up the good work.

  103. All so very true, especially exercise 🙂 even just a little bit can make you feel so good. Thanks for the great read! 🙂

  104. All so very true! Especially exercise, I don’t even just going outside for a walk can make you feel really good. Thanks heaps for a great read!

  105. When you surround yourself with positive people who make you feel your best, you gain a sense of completeness and security. Compliment this with excersise and good eating and the worlds your oyster! You’ve done an awesome blog!!

  106. I do things I love to make me happy. I love to cook and share delicious nutritious food with my loved ones 🙂 If I am stressed, cooking takes it away and makes me happy. It feels good to create something from scratch

  107. Really loved this post! It’s amazing taking a moment to reflect and think about how these really do impact on your mood. I always find a lot of pleasure looking through my albums and in turn it generally gives me the idea to write letters to my whanau who live far away after I’ve remembered the good times after flicking through the photo album. Also stoked to have seen this post appear on facebook as I wasn’t yet following you ❤ love your content!

  108. Great read and very true!! too much of the time we feel that money is the only thing that can bring happiness. I always find simply walking the dog and getting outside on a good fine day bring be so much more happiness and mindfulness than money or shopping ever could. 🙂

  109. At his was a good read, gave me a few ideas. I like to potter around in the garden. Quite therapeutic ripping out weeds. I get a thrill when a cutting takes off

  110. This is a good list! I will have to try to incorporate more of these into my life. Family time is something I treasure, even just something as simple as having us all at the dinner table at the same time!!!

  111. I love spending making the house organised and tidy so we can enjoy spending time in it (rather than go out and spend money). It makes me feel like I have control over some aspects of my life and creates a pleasant place to spend time in. It does a lot of good for family (especially sibling) relationships just to hang out.

  112. My cat definitely makes me happy. So does catching up with friends in the sun. Good food, good conversation, often exercise.

  113. My absolute secret to a happier life without shopping is taking a moment and thanking those around you for their ongoing support and love whether it be by giving something to them like a helping hand with housework, making a cup of tea or generally just having a chat. Furthermore taking time for yourself is also very important and enjoying it make sure you do one thing for yourself each day whether it be write down what you are grateful for, have that bubble bath or squeeze in 15 mins of excercise happy dancing this will boost your happiness and mood. And of course remember to smile even if it’s to yourself or a stranger smiling will release endorphins and make for a much better quality of life and overall wellbeing.

  114. Going for a walk to the local library and getting a fee books out and reading it out loud with my partner and cat! Quality time!

  115. Love this. A refreshing read like this is a great reminder of how lucky we are 😊

  116. I loved your suggestions….. Practical and achievable. I might choose one thing and try it for a month, then choose another top and add that to the first practice etc etc. thanks for your great insight !

  117. I love the make a gift. I make homemade crackers and take to work for everyone weekly

  118. What a great post. I’ll be saving this to refer to often. Some great reminders in there. I love the tip about practising gratitude- an easy way to feel richer instantly!!

  119. I connect with my family – no matter what kind of day I’ve had, a Skype call with family overseas, or a hug from the ones living here lifts me up again, keeps me on the right track.

  120. My favorite thing to do that doesn’t cost anything is to take my son to the park and watch his little face light up when he’s on the swings

  121. I love embracing gratitude! We love yoga in nature on our grass in the back yard!

  122. Pretty much all of the above! A good reminder that taking a little bit of time to appreciate life and take care of yourself can go a long way

  123. Interesting read, and definitely a few tips I could try. A couple things I think that help me feel happier are a soak in a hot bath with a good book – some downtime from the hustle and bustle. Also having a list and crossing things off so you know that you are achieving things (but make sure the tasks are achievable in a reasonable time period).

  124. Playing with my children. Life is so busy sometimes and withholding so many things going around in our minds sometimes it’s hard to just breathe, relax and take 5. My girls and I love card games and when we play I turn off to everything else, the dirty dishes, the crumbs on the floor and my cellphone.

  125. I found this really motivating, especially spending some time each day to go over things I am thankful for. I need to do more of these things instead of indulging in retail therapy.

  126. This is such an awesome read. So true indeed, material things make us happy but only for a short time. In the end true happiness comes from people and experiences and not on things. These will forever be etched in our memories and the in the memories of people we’ve touched. Happiness is priceless. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  127. Talk about a motivational boost! These tips are so great and well worth a Sunday afternoon read. Im only young, and have lots of non-material things to find out about and to love!. I can’t wait to continue on my happiness journey and these tips are damn good place to start! <3 <3

  128. Awesome tips. Sometimes we forget about the little things in life. Making daisy chains with my niece, reminiscing over photos, baking helps me feel good too.

  129. I love just having the time to take photo’s. I find it very relaxing and something I love to do.

  130. I really enjoyed this article and it really was a great reminder on what to focus on for true happiness 😊 my best tip is to be surrounded by those you love and to also spend time alone doing something you love such as healthy baking 😊

  131. Fantastic blog. All amazing and doable points. Thou it’s hard to get enough sleep. But I always feel great after a workout and love hugging my two kitties. All my friends make me smile and are positive which reflects back on my attitude and wellbeing. Will look into some volunteer work now.

  132. Exercise! I increased my exercise over the past few years as part of a lifestyle change, and it is truly amazing how much happier and de-stressed I feel after a walk 🙂 Great for your body and mind, and it’s also a great social activity if you exercise with a friend <3

  133. What a great post Amy! I just finished my job to work for myself full-time and I’ve had to make smarter decisions about what I’m spending my money on. And you know what? It’s actually been really fascinating to see what unnecessary things I spent money on, and the things I really value now! So here’s my savvy tips for being happier without shopping!

    1. Check out books from the library & spend time reading while there! Remember Borders? *sigh*
    2. Take your dog, your BFF, your other half or yourself for walks on the beach or around the neighbourhood.
    3. Take a class or volunteer at your local community centre! They’re much cheaper than gyms & independent companies.
    4. Visit family & friends, and bring bikkies! A catch up and a cuppa is better with biscuits. 😉
    5. Start your own blog & write about the things you love!
    6. Have a spa day at home. Bath, face masks and nails. It helps if you have 3 sisters who love doing this stuff!
    7. Try a new recipe or cooking a meal you haven’t tried with only the ingredients in your pantry and fridge!
    8. Use Snapchat filters on your unsuspecting Mother who doesn’t get it = hours of crying fits of laughter on the floor!
    9. Lip sync battle or have a dance off with friends, family or flatmates! More fits of laughter ensues!
    10. Clean. Nothing makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something like a clean and tidy house. So weird, but so true!

    Phew! I know that’s not exactly A tip, but I hope that helps with more ideas!!

    Elise xo

  134. Making others happy is one of the best things ever! I love making people smile. It gives me a bigger buzz than going shopping for myself.

  135. This is a great article! I love getting a good workout at the gym- always feel better afterwards

  136. Organising my closet and drawers – makes me feel great without shopping as I discover clothes I haven’t worn for a while.. so almost like getting new ones!
    A lot of the time they are hidden behind or underneath others and I just tend to grab the top ones time and time again. Another bonus is clearing out clothes I know longer wear to donate to charity shops knowing that they may help someone else.

  137. Being in the moment so you can enjoy it and bask in the happiness instead of thinking about the next thing on the agenda or what needs to be done. By being present you can actually notice that your happy 🙂

  138. Spending time in nature dies it for me, even if it’s just out in the garden

  139. I absolutely agree with ALL of the above. Taught to me by various beautiful souls over my past and via my own learning through experiences… these things have proved invaluable to even just surviving day to day. We can all take something away from this… or atleast be reminded of the value of the basics in life. <3 <3 Loved the post. thank you

  140. What an amazing inspiring article thank you so much for sharing. My tip is to take time for yourself and self love. Think of the positive attributes you have and work towards being a better person through helping other or learning a new skill. Keep your brain active. Always try to look at the bright side of life no matter how dark it may appear. We don’t always have a choice in what happens to us, but how we react to this is our choice.

  141. Learn to be kind to yourself. Learn to stop in the middle of your whirlwind, take a breath and think “Would I be this hard on somebody else who had made the mistake or done what I’ve done that’s got me this agitated, 99.99% of the time you wouldn’t so cut yourself a break.

  142. hit the charity shops – not to buy but to drop off those “I never really liked it anyway” items

  143. I find taking guilt free time out for yourself is so important! It really refreshes your spirit and that’s a win win for everyone!

  144. All great points! I’m trying actively do more of these at the moment – especially gratitude. Focusing on the good things in life is one of the best ways to minimize the crap!

  145. Great post….my best advice for being happy is hard work n but definitely free….choose to be happy each day and if necessary multiple times a day

  146. Spending time with my family and pets – it doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but feeling a sense of connection with my loved ones makes me feel all warm and fuzzy 🙂

  147. So true, this was a great read – thanks!

    My favourite tip to increase a longer lasting happiness is to get out in nature, away from all the hustle and bustle. I love going for bush walks or cycles (sometimes at night too) and there’s just something calming and soothing about escaping all the consumerism, even if it is just for a moment in comparison. Definitely brings forth a deeper sense of happiness.

  148. Play with kids (your own or friends or nephews or neices!) Really play, something active, spotlight, hide and seek. its fun physical and triggers childhood happy times!

  149. Read a story to my grandson. Costs me nothing but time and that is time we’ll spent.

  150. So agree! I try very hard to avoid associating just consumerism/ materials with being happy! I go for walks and play with my pets and those are some of the happiest moments, also try and show my love to those around me through doing things for them rather than buying things for them!

  151. This was an awesome read.
    I’m happy when I get enough sleep, when I get to see my partner and when I cuddle my cats.

  152. Definetly playing with my girls- 6 months old and 2 years old. Children’s laughter is truly contagious and so precious.

  153. Wow very inspirational reading so many easy to follow tips I will be sharing with my friends during our catch ups

  154. My best tip for staying happy without shopping is to spend time with my wee family at the park or out for a walk

  155. We have been saving for a wedding so NOT spending money has been this years goal. At first it was hard.. Not being able to just go out shopping or go to restaurants etc. but after a little while I’ve started to enjoy it. My partner and I spend more time together… Going for walk with our dogs, spending time gardening or just being together. When I’m by myself i enjoy just reading curled up with my cat.
    I appreciate what we have more and appreciate the experiences and time together rather than just spending money for a quick high

  156. Great article. Completely agree a good night sleep, exercise and a good laugh are the best tips for any situation

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