16 Things I did in 2016

16 Things I did in 2016

I really enjoyed completing my 15 things I did in 2015 post last year, so thought I would do the same this year and do a 16 things I did in 2016 post.

I find they are a great way to really look back and reflect on all the things you have done each year because when the end of the year rolls around you often forget some of the things you have done and seen during the year as they are such a distant memory.

When I was looking back over the year to see what I had been up too, I grabbed my calendar and flicked through my blog and social media month by month to see the events which stood out for me. Sometimes it feels as though not much has happened, until you really start looking back at the events that happened and other things you managed to do during the year.
16 Things I did in 2016

So, here are 16 Things I did in 2016. In no particular order, they are just things that sprung to mind when I was reviewing 2016.

// Became a Metafit instructor
It’s really hard for me to believe that it was less than a year ago that I certified as a Metafit Instructor! Metafit is a form of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), it’s been great to incorporate some Metafit sessions into the Bootcamp schedule and the occasional class within Bootcamp for something different.

// Attended Scentsy conference
This seems like so long ago now! I went up to Auckland for a couple days and attended my first Scentsy Conference. It’s always nice to attend events like these and get excited about your business all over again!

Manawatu Gorge Walk Track Review

// Manawatu Gorge Walk
At the start of the year we decided to do the Manawatu Gorge Walk with a bunch of our Bootcampers, it was a really nice walk and I’d highly recommend it. I preferred this to the train track walk, as you didn’t have to walk over really high train bridges!

// Powerlifting Nationals
I was super stoked to be able to compete at the Powerlifting Nationals as I didn’t think I was going to be able to, due to a date clash! I ended up coming second in my class, which was also a surprise for me!

Bali Trip Recap 2016

// Travelled to Bali
This seems like so long ago, but in September we spent just over a week in Bali. Unfortunately we both got quiet sick while we were there which was a bit of a downer, but it was a nice relaxing break and nice to get away!

// Biked 45km
The weekend right before we took off for America I did a 45km Bike Ride. I was part of a team my work entered for the Iron Maori, I had never biked this far in my life and did precisely zero training for it. I’m a below average cyclist and it was slow, but I finished it.

Westmere Walkway - Wanganui Walk

// Westmere Walkway
In March we did a walk that is really close to home that I never even knew existed! We decided to do the Westmere Walkway walk for our first Bootcamp Birthday! It is a relatively short walk, but really pretty and easily accessible, I’d definitely recommend it.

// Travelled America
In November we spent three weeks travelling around America. The reason for our trip was for Kyle to compete at the Natural Olympia in Las Vegas! After Vegas we headed out to the Grand Canyon and then over to New York for a week! It was a great trip and I still need to blog about it!

// Moved into our House
We purchased our house in December 2015, however we had a lot of renovations to do! We ended up moving into the house in May 2016 after we had done a lot of work! We pretty much put in a brand new kitchen and bathroom as well as fully painting the whole inside of the house and taking most of the floors in the house back to native wooden floors after they had, had lino on them – a terrible job.

Wanganui Bootcamp Mud Muster 2016

// Completed Mud Muster
For the second year in a row, I entered the Mud Muster in Wanganui. We entered with a large group of Bootcampers and had a tonne of fun despite the rain most of the way around the track. It was a lot harder this year as there was a lot more mud.

// Finished our Home Gym
A couple of months after moving into our house we put the old single garage that was on the section up for removal and started the process of building a much larger garage which would become our home gym and office. We ended up contracting a builder to do the building for us but we did the exterior painting and putting up walls and painting the inside.

Bath Bomb DIY

// Made Bath Bombs
I’m not a big beauty kind of person, I literally own NO makeup at all (I used to own a mascara but I don’t even know where that is) but I do like making things! I gave making my own bath bombs a go and they were a great success!

// Made Coconut Yoghurt
I love making things in the kitchen, especially if it is a lot cheaper to make it than it is to purchase it. Coconut yoghurt is one of these things, so pricey at the supermarket – but actually pretty easy to make!

Oceania Powerlifting Championship Recap 2016

// Oceanias Powerlifting
After not being selected for the team, there was a change around and I was lucky enough to be chosen for the B team to compete for New Zealand at the Oceania’s Powerlifting Championships hosted in Christchurch. I ended up winning my class which was a HUGE shock to me, definitely one of the highlights of 2016.

// Netball Tournament
I haven’t played netball in a while, I stopped playing for our work team because I didn’t want to injure myself for powerlifting (Netball is where I have done a number of ankle injuries over the year – to both ankles) and it was on a night that I did my own training. However we entered a Bootcamp team into the local ‘social’ netball tournament! I’m pretty sure we were the only social team, however we had a lot of fun!

East Auckland Barbell Club Powerlifting Competition Recap

// Achieved 400 Wilks
This is probably my most exciting achievement of 2016! I achieved 400 Wilks in competition (and only 10 days after competing at Oceanias)!! Unfortunately as it was an in-house competition it doesn’t count for the National Rankings, but I know I can do it now so this is my first goal for 2017!


Thanks to the Team at Gym and Fitness I have 1 Pink Treadmill to Giveaway! To be in the drawn to win, simply:

1. Comment on this post with at least one highlight of your 2016 year
2. Like our Facebook Page
3. Tag a friend in our Facebook post about the Pink Treadmill Giveaway (One friend per comment)
4. Share our Facebook Page with your friends (Optional, but will get the competition drawn quicker ;))

pink treadmill

This competition will be drawn once we hit 10,000 fans on Facebook!

443 thoughts on “16 Things I did in 2016

  1. The one really great thing I did this year was join the Wanganui Bootcamp Group.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am so glad I took the plunge.
    There has been some pain but it was all worth it.
    I have joined up again this year and decided to go a little bit harder.
    We are currently doing the 21 Day Detox Challenge and without the support I get from Amanda and the Group (even without being on Facebook) I don’t know if I would have stuck it out.
    So, a big thank you to Amanda, Kyle and the Bootcamp Gang.

    1. Finished uni at the top of the class! And also competing in beach series over summer with my 2 kiddies ❀

    2. The mud muster sounds amazing!!! My highlight for the 2016 was branching out if my comfort zone and signing up to powerplate!!! It’s amazing

    3. 2016’s biggest and best highlight was finding out I was pregnant after trying for 2 Β½ years. A treadmill would be great for working off the extra pregnancy 🀰 Weight!!

    4. Awesome article! Really motivates you to think about what you will be proud of at the end of the year. πŸ‘

    5. Okay so now my highlights! The things that stand out are definitely the trips away – family week in Fiji, girls’ reunion trip in Dunedin, weekends away in the Coromandel, Auckland, and Wellington for my dads 70th. But also the little things – we did “Sunday fun day” as a family and went to heaps of cool parks and walks with our daughter, who is four – loved exploring our local area and enjoying the outdoors while being active and setting a great example for her. The little things all add up to big things!

  2. I managed to finish my masters to become a fully trained dietitian! 5 years and finally achieved my life gol

  3. My highlight of 2016 was moving into my own place with my two boys. The feeling of strength and overcoming fear is a massive accomplishment for me. I am the healthiest I have ever been and continue to make like healthier for me and my two boys!

  4. Last year i started walking as my son came home from school and said he had got teased by boys at school cause his mum is fat, i got up to 1 hour walks this year i plan to do 14ks in March then in May walking my first half marathon, its hard on wet days to get out and about can’t afford to go to the gym or buy equipment, so thanks for the chance to win a treadmill

  5. I need to write down all the things I did in 2016, sometimes I get too caught up in the negative and miss everything I achieved.

  6. My highlight is definitely having my rainbow 🌈 Baby Ella πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ in June ❀️

  7. One of the biggest highlights for me was finishing my Post Graduate studies! Was the hardest year but I got through it and I have much more freedom to do more things that I love this year! I learnt so much physically at the gym and mentally through studies and such in 2016, it all just prepared me for my 2017 adventures, I can’t wait!

  8. Sounds like an incredible year! 2016 wasn’t my best but I’ll make up for it in 2017! Starting it off by entering into a new decade – The thirties! Whoop! πŸ’•

  9. My highlight was loosing 45kg. I worked my but off and changed my diet and it really worked. This would help me maintain this loss since im having ti stop my gym membership due to financial reasons. Thanks. X

  10. We made gardens at the end if 2015 and have picked vegetables from it just about every day since the beginning of 2016. Another highlight would have to be walking and running up and down Mt Maunganui so many times. Feels good starting this year being fitter!

  11. After years and tears scrimping and saving, eating baked beans and going without, this year we finally did it. We bought a house. It’s a tiny house and up ninety steps (which keeps us fit) but it’s perfect and it’s ours!!

  12. I entered and ran in a 5km event to many this doesn’t seem like much but for a non runner like myself this was huge

  13. Mine was starting to wedding plan and joining the gym πŸ™‚ and over coming the fear or attending group fitness classes

  14. This is one hard decision but One highlight of 2016 would be what happened on August 6th. I got to marry my best friend, the father of our gorgeous daughter.

  15. i went under skills active to become a PT a dream of 20 years ..starting to become a reality

  16. Tried the gym and found it not for me, been looking at renting a treadmill (which are pricey) so winning one would be fabulous and would not only benefit myself but my mum and dad.

  17. I love walking really early in the morning, a tread mill would be very handy in the winter when it’s too dark in the morning!

  18. I need to upgrade my treadmill, tis making some terrible noises. They are handy when you can’t get out to go for a run. I would so love a pink one.

  19. Our highlight of 2016 would be that we explored the North Island. We all got to see & do great things in our own back yard. πŸ˜€

  20. Finally going to the Doctors & getting my health problem sorted out, its been along 10 months but life is finally getting alot better for me, & now I am started to get back into my walking fitness again. Bring on 2017

  21. The biggest highlight for me was buying our family home at auction. After months of open homes and missing out on many, it was a great feeling to place the winning bid on this house. And of course even better to move into it! Our new happy place πŸ™‚

  22. It might sound weird, but my highlight of 2016 was realising my life was slipping away from me, I’m not healthy, I’m to stressed, I don’t sleep well, so that’s when I took my life back, I’m eating better getting lots of exercise (the treadmill would help a lot with that) I’m less stressed, I ended the year on a really good note, and started the new feeling better than I have in a long time

  23. Doing a ten day 170km walk with friends in Spain – after a year of training it was awesome

  24. My highlight is that I met some amazing people who have helped me redefine my work and life goals and things are starting to happen!

  25. That’s a hard one! My highlight would be finally getting to back up to the far north, my old home town! Great reminiscing! 😊

  26. My highlight is seeing my 3 nephews and 3 nieces grow one started uni last year, one finished school last year, another started intermediate and it is just fab to see them learning and growing

  27. My highlight was increasing my fitness goals . I started the barbell class with Wanganui Boot camp December and loved it! So much I have joined again. I had a bad year of netball injuries which impacted on my excecise. I’m now feeling so much stronger and would like to start running again. This treadmill would be great to run on as I’m nervous running on uneven surfaces.

  28. I ran a marathon!!!! The feeling of achievement was great- it’s amazing what we can be capable of

  29. My biggest accomplishment for 2016 would definately have to be giving birth to our 2nd daughter!!

  30. Smashed my personal goals completing a 10 week personal challenge/ detoxing my body. Best 10 weeks ever, looking to find another 10 week slot in my calendar sometime soon!

  31. I ran a marathon!!!! It felt amazing to achieve this and it’s incredible what we can achieve if we set ourselves the challenge

  32. My hi light is I survived spinal surgery & all ready to get on the band wagon, and I have an amazing boy that keeps me going each & every day, & got engaged so trim down for the wedding no more hippo !!!

  33. My highlight was being with my family ❀ I can’t wait to try making the bath bombs with my daughter she loves them

  34. I managed to not go totally nuts last year! (after the year I had that has to be a major highlight!) This year should be better though, we’re travelling!

  35. Going to see Flume live and topping that night off by getting engaged to my love of my life x

  36. What a cool way to set goals! My biggest accomplishment would have to be returning to work after maternity leave and my goal for 2017 is to give anything health and fitness related a go just for fun. So far I’ve done a liver cleanse tea thingee which actually helped me to have less coffee and more green tea and I gave crossfit a go! Next up is Paddle boarding!

  37. My highlights would be seeing the many milestones and achievements my little ones have done this year.

  38. My 2016 accomplishments would be running 3 half marathons, the first one 6 months post knee reconstruction surgery.

  39. after YEARS of talking about going to the gym, i actually did it!! i played netball every chance i got and my son was there every step of the way.

  40. My highlight was finally graduating with my BSW Hons. Can’t believe I finally finished it!

  41. My biggest accomploshment would be to realise that i needed to make a change with my health and within my house hold, and started 2017 with a clean slate, started working out and eating right.

  42. Two things for me. Firstly I am super proud of finishing my studies after 8 years of part time study – I have finally completed my Bachelor in Business. And the other major acomplishment, in my eyes, was keeping my son’s school lunches as clean as possible for his first 6 months at school.

    I am currently babysitting my brothers treadmill while his house is being built, and I am going to miss it once I return it. I had joked with friends about finding a pink one… glad to see it is actually an option!!!

  43. The highlight of my 2016 was watching my baby girl grow into a confident independent one year old. How time flys watching precious moments from a new born baby to a toddler the best feeling.

  44. 2016 was my first year as a married woman, went on my first long haul flight to England even though I’m petrified of flying! Moved from Invercargill to Auckland, started a new job and along the way managed to gain 10kgs!!! Pink is my fave colour and this would not only help me get the kgs off, it’d match my headphones & gym shoes too! πŸ’—

  45. Our highlight was meeting family down south and having a speedy trip around the south island with my partner and daughter. We did it on a shoestring budget, and I love it like that

  46. Mine was loosing 40kgs and gaining a full time job! I’d love this treadmill to keep me in line.

  47. The highlight of 2016 for me would have to be having my beautiful son in May πŸ’™

  48. Like many I started 2016 on a weightloss journey and found myself 13kgs lighter by August! My whole outlook on life changed for the better… the ultimate highlight is the fact that I have now put a portion of the weight back now 5 months pregnant with our first child and I am so thankful for the change in mindset that is allowing me to embrace my rapidly growing belly and continue a healthy lifestyle for our family β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œπŸŽ€

  49. My highlight was falling pregnant! Due in April! Treadmill will be awesome to have to help me get back into shape πŸ™‚

  50. 2016 highlight – learning to live a healthier lifestyle body mind & soul ❀❀❀❀

  51. 2016 was a bit of a tough year personally but it definitely had some awesome moments too. Our number one highlight would have to be my partner and I managing to buy a lovely house to make into our home. We’ve had an awesome time decorating and diying and getting dirty in the garden. It’s surprising to me how wonderful it feels to know it’s our own!

  52. I got to move home to the bay of plenty after a long hard 6 years in Christchurch in 2016 and it hasn’t been easy to say the least but it sure is amazing!! We are my old home I grew up in also which makes it that much sweeter being able to bring my boys up in the home I grew up in with my parents and sister 😍

  53. I was hoping to loose weight last year in 2016 but haven’t been able to do any exercise as I have agoraphobia anxiety and can’t really go outside much in public or even go in shops. I have been slowly eating more healthier food when I can buy it which is good πŸ™‚

  54. For me it was seeing my friend Hayley who has been a bestie since back at kindy. We got to spend time together while she was over from Oz. I am so grateful for friends like her.

  55. I’m onto my second bootcamp this year , love it . Would love to win that awesome tread mill

  56. My 2016 highlight; first was the born of my baby girl Ruby…she complete our family and she is such a joyful litle darling such fun to be around ….second was me joining bootcamp…what a blessing it was to found bootcamp…i was in the brink of a meltdown i think from feeling not myself..After baby your body and your fitness level change and that can be a hard fact to except
    Bootcamp has provide an outlet for me to be active, healthy and a chance to do something just for myself…so thank you bootcamp and Amanda and Kyle….

  57. My highlights of 2016 were getting married and honeymooning in Hawaii.. the end of a lot of saving, planning and hard work and the beginning of a whole new adventure x

  58. 2016 was not a good year for me after suffering a heart attack at 50 and receiving 2 stents then being told i have gall stones and have 2 ops coming up but this year I am going to fight back and win the battle

  59. I mostly succeeded in never using the car – even if it takes two trips of walking to the supermarket it’s an achievement. My town is readily walkable so no excuses. My plan us more of the same and a pink treadmill would provide my husband and I the ultimate in home exercise and privacy.

  60. Your achievements are something to be very proud if Amanda……I’m very proud of you. I did enjoy bootcamp and am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. The treadmill would b great as mine is had it and have been on the look out for another one. Best of luck to you all.πŸ˜†

  61. My highlight was my girls trip to bali. Unfortunately I went as my heaviest weight but have started my weightloss journey now and thus tredmil would help so much

  62. Took up tennis again. Got a promotion (sort of). Lost 10kg. Bought our wanganui house. Upgraded my car. Started kitchen reno. Bring on 2017!

  63. My highlight of 2016 was finally getting somewhere with my daughter’s eczema, which in turn reduced my stress levels so I can finally sleep properly at night. We also bought a new car which has already cut gas costs for us.

  64. Really simple highlight for me was my knees that were causing a lot of pain and restricting my walking/walking upstairs, got BETTER!!!!

  65. Love the pink colour I started aqua aerobics and love it great fun and went most weeks twice a week

  66. My highlight was making it through the year alive! 2016 was a hideous year, but 2017 is shaping up to be much better., I’ve got two half marathons which I’ve already signed up to do in March & im really motivated to get myself back into an awesome fitness routine. This treadmill would really help, and I LOVE the colour! πŸ’•

  67. Wow, amazing achievements! Love the tip about the coconut yoghurt too as it’s a fav but so expensive to buy! 😊

  68. I joined a gym this time last year and I am still going strong. This years challenge is to run every single day so a treadmill would be amazing to help me achieve this goal, espially when the weather is not so nice, or I need to be at home with my kids.

  69. 2016 highlight was seeing my children achieve thier goals….this year is going to be about my goals tehehe….well also them too but won’t forget about myself πŸ‘Œ

  70. Ive lost 12 kgs over 2016 so this Treadmill be awesome to help keep that weight of as well as changing our house hold Diet

  71. We moved into our new house after a year and a half living in a very small house with my parents , im surprised we all made it out alive lol

  72. Wow!
    You’ve done some pretty impressive stuff over the year.
    I spent the last part of the year just learning about healthy eating, Yoga and being more mindful. Starting to put it all into practice now+

  73. Brought my first house at 22! And the high light, getting my puppy to fill the house with love!

  74. My highlight was my sister visiting from the US with my 10 month old niece who I had never meet. Would love this treadmill as mine started smoking then caught fire two months ago. My husband said I must have been running too fastπŸ˜€

  75. Gave birth to my first child, best experience ever! Now I need a treadmill to lose the excess weight that came with it πŸ˜‚

  76. Completed G2G multi stage desert race in Grand Canyon and met so many amazing people who were so mentally strong. It proved to me that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to! xo

  77. I bought my first home πŸ™‚ it’s so good to finally have a place where I can settle with my 2 boys, not having to constantly worry about wrecking someone else’s home and angry landlords!

  78. Im not sure if it was a highlight or not (debatable lol) but i turned 40 in 2016!! Im the healthiest, fittest & happiest ive ever been πŸ€—

  79. My highlight of 2016 was marrying my best friend and having my first trip out of nz for our honeymoon

  80. One of my highlights for 2016 was doing the tongariro crossing with a great bunch of people. To over come my fears as I live with anxiety and panic attacks. I never thought I would be able to do something like that two years ago. One big thing that help was joining boot camp, it got me out of my comfort zone and pushes me everyday not to go back.

  81. 2016 just wasn’t my year but I learnt to keep my head up and carry on as things do get better.
    But my highlight for 2016 was making it mandatory that 2017 is going to be a year where I challenge myself to achieve goals I have procrastinated over for years.
    One of them was to improve my all round well-being and so far it’s going fricken amazingly, here’s hoping it stays that way.
    Good luck everyone this would be an amazing prize to have.

  82. The highlight was finding out we were pregnant! Huge emotional high and like nothing I have ever felt before! Looking forward to everything 2017 has to offer – keeping fit, happy and healthy and especially including getting back into shape once baby comes – life as we know it will never be the same… a true adventure ahead! ❀️❀️❀️

  83. Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway. Would really like to win this for my Mum Zylla. It would definitely make her look good & feel good about herself. Cheers xxx

  84. My main highlight was giving birth to my 3rd child – a healthy boy πŸ™‚
    Also my eldest child started school and the excitement on her face was priceless. I would love a treadmill so I can git fit and lost the pregnancy weight that has stuck around.

  85. My main highlight was the birth of my 3rd child – a healthy boy. Also my eldest child started school, the look of excitement on her face was priceless

  86. One of the best things I did was move from Christchurch to Dunedin with my partner. I was so stressed and paranoid all the time, worried there would be another earthquake and sick of moving due to earthquakes. We felt like we had almost a duty to stay in Christchurch or that we would be considered weak if we left – but we decided we come first and we need to look after ourselves. We decided Dunedin was a good option and started the process. I was very lucky to find a job that I really enjoy and my stress levels have dropped to almost zero. I still worry about earthquakes but not as much. I miss my family in Christchurch but now we both have a great excuse for a road trip and holiday!! Physical health is SO important but moving to Dunedin made me realise that mental health is just as important too, and now that I am very very happy, my physical health has also benefited. Have lost weight, gained muscle and feeling great. I exercise more now and actually really enjoy it! Can’t afford the gym but always trying to find new ways to keep fit and healthy. Life is gooooood, bring on the rest of 2017!

  87. Mine is reaching a weightloss milestone for myself which i am determined to keep off thank you for the chance

  88. I managed to complete my university gym challenge which is 100 classes in 5 months! It was a huge challenge but lead to my love of Supercircuit and high intensity interval training which I never saw coming! I’d love to start running as well so this treadmill would lead to my 2017 highlight hopefully!

  89. I’ve finally found an understanding and compassionate doctor, it’s changed my world I’m so grateful to finally feel heard and understood

  90. My highlight of the year is Joining a Waka Ama crew. What a amazing way to exercise. Tomorrow we compete at the NZ national championships which I never thought would be possible this time last year.

  91. 2016 was a life changing year for me and the start of a new journey first I had weightloss surgery and have lost 67 kg so far with about 40 Ish to go…. I feel fantastic I also quit my job in ece to pursue an art degree which I am loving….. life is looking a whole lot different for me….. bring on 2017

  92. Wow you’ve been busy and have had an active year. I’m impressed. I returned to work in 2016 after three kids so it was busy for me. This year I need to focus on my fitness and health. This treadmill would be perfect to help me achieve my goals while still being there for my girls. Ps love the pinkπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  93. My Aunty had been on dialysis for a couple of years due to complications with diabetes which led to failure of both kidneys. Luckily she has an identical twin sister! My beautiful mum. Mum used to be very over weight and had pain in her joints but then found out she could be a possible donor for my Aunty. Mum went cold turkey on everything she enjoyed. Alcohol, sugar, high fat foods, preservatives you name it. Mum lost all the weight and more to be a healthy donor for my Aunty. She went for tests from head to toe which took over a year. Finally on December 21st 2016 they had their kidney transplant operations in Auckland hospital. All went extremely well. My Aunty is on hardly any rejection medication and both mum and Aunty Anne are recovering so well that even the surgeons can’t believe it. Today they both leave Auckland hospitals care and get to go home, Aunty Anne needs weekly checkups in Waikato and mum has regular monitoring also. So yes that was my highlight for 2016! I am so blessed to have these beautiful woman in my life. I myself work as a personal trainer at contours Taupo so I have access to a treadmill but I’d absolutely love to win this for my mum as she needs to keep fit and healthy to look after her remaining kidney. She deserves it and would appreciate it and I’d be stoked to know she’s keeping active.

  94. I would have to say for myself would be my cousin and her partner finally getting engaged they are the perfect couple and loved going to their engagement party and seeing my family that was definitely a highlight of 2016 :-)….
    Also all the memories I made with my four kids another year gone by!!!!! They grow up so fast!!!!!!

  95. I made one of my sons dreams come true
    I saved so very hard and was finally able to take him to Legoland
    He had wanted this for about 4 years and in November we travelled to Malaysia and had the most amazing Mum and son holiday and we went to Legoland
    Best day

  96. A highlight for me in 2016 was starting to introduce a healthier diet into my training. I’ve been running and swimming for years but recently bought a bike and begun triathlon training and weight training for strength. As a salad dodger and someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy “Healthy food” I’ve always eaten badly but in 2016 I focussed on protein with amazing clean eating recipes like pancakes and healthy baking which I’ve enjoyed!

    Ps. I’d love the treadmill for speed work as I live on Waiheke and struggle to find flat ground!

  97. I joined the gym and mostly stuck at it for the year… definitely could have done better though, so this is the year for getting back into fitness and healthy eating instead

  98. i lost 26kgs and rediscovered my desire to better my life.. still have many kgs to lose yet tho..

  99. Highlight of 2016 was having constant work so able to save and not worry about money! Also I cooked more healthy and tried new recipes!

  100. One of the amazing things I did over 2016 was driving from Pukekohe to Whangarei and back. This is a huge feat for me as I am not a confident driver at all and it was out of my comfort zone. I plan on continuing to push myself in 2017 by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

  101. Highlight: basically surviving, I guess! The Feb 14th earthquake and the resulting damage to my property (not again!) here in Canterbury. 2016 seemed to be all about surviving, getting by a minute, an hour, a day etc at a time. You get the picture πŸ™‚ Sadly, it was year of struggling on many levels, I lost a loved beloved pet on the 27/1/16 and had to handle the resulting grief and loss plus an enduring personal illness.

  102. I lost 20kg in 2016, an extra success due to an illness I suffer from. I went to a Metafit class and “enjoyed” it. I’m going to start going when I get back from holiday.

  103. I decided in 2016 to become a healthier mummy! So I can be the mum running around at the park with my children not the one sitting on a bench watching so I got a p.t and now I have saggy loose skin never mind 2017 the year of timing!

  104. My best part of 2016 was getting engaged, now it’s Time to shred for the wedding , the treadmill would sure help!

  105. I lose 5kg but more importantly I completed the couch to 5km programme for the first time

  106. i have started to do walking in this last year i can not believe how much better i feel, i can go upstairs now without puffing so much

  107. My highlight would be starting pole fit! Im becoming more limber and I love the strengthening in my core. Feeling so good right now. Need a bit of cardio in my life now πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  108. Completing my NZQA level 3 in early childhood and care πŸ™‚ This would be amazing to win!

  109. I have a 13 year old girl who is just starting to worry about her weight do we got her a treadmill last year but unfortunately she was only on it for 10 mins and it blow up and we don’t have that kind of money to buy her another one, we get her into sports but because we live 30 min out of town we are also limited to how many sports she can play again due to not having money to ran back and forward. If she won this treadmill I would hope it would be life changing

  110. I had some amazing bike rides last summer and into the great autumn, this summer not so much so far!

  111. My highlight was the tough guy and gal event I did with my boot camp team in July πŸ™‚ and losing 23kgs!

  112. Most amazing thing too happen in 2016 was taking in my 5 month old niece and giving her a loving home. This was a massive change for me as I am a working single mum with a 17 year old. I had 2 seconds to make the decision to give this wee baby a home. She is now a year old as of New Year’s Day and even though it’s been tough I would not change anything. I am looking forward to 2017 and watching this wee girl grow and hoping for some ME time

  113. Our youngest started school! Bitter sweet! He’s done so well even received a principals award at end of year assembly! Proud!!

  114. My highlight was working harder to becoming debt free in 2016. So hard for a shopoholic lol πŸ˜€

  115. My highlight of 2016 was at forty finally getting to leave New Zealand for the first time to go to Australia for my Uncles wedding and going to Sea World with my beautiful miss four, we had a fabulous week away πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

  116. My highlight for 2016 would be the travelling I done to Thailand, Perth (for family) and Bali with my sister.

  117. My highlight was strengthening my talents and giving lots of cakes and cupcakes to others throughout the year was awesome! oh and nominating a very deserving family in need, and winning them $500 countdown gift card just in time for Christmas was the ultimate!! They totally deserved it and were blown away

    1. Finished my research and my master. Feels so good to not be studying anymore, but it is taking a while to bounce back after five years straight.

  118. Inspirational your amount of focus, planning & determination to achieve your goals!!! Ka mau te wehi!!!

  119. My highlight, I had so many firsts. I think the best one was signing up to Jiu jitsu with my kids. Play fighting got a whole lot more technical! Haha so mch fun grappling.

  120. My highlight was finally getting a gym membership, first time ever that I stuck it out for a whole year! And I managed to pay off a few debts etc so am able to relax more this year and do things… Adele in March, overseas trip with my son etc this year is going to be great!

  121. My 2016 highlight was saying goodbye to it and starting fresh for a better new year…2017! I had my mother pass away and I suffered lots of illness…so pleased to see it all behind me and praying for happier years ahead now thanks…:)

  122. Highlight of the year was getting engaged 😍😍😍 nothing beats that. But I also kicked my fitness into gear and joined crossfit and absolutely loved it!! Best thing ever πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ’ͺ

  123. A big highlight was a new job. However this meant less time for excercise that I have been used to so setting up something to do at home was a must which has been a challenge, but getting better at so definitely a memorable experience.

  124. I started walking in 2016 its made me feel so good physically as well as mentally! I would love to win this treadmill so i could use it on those rainy days!

  125. Losing 12 kgs even through.a really tough year it isnt where i wanted to be but its a loss its something

  126. Your 2016 looks like it was a great year! One thing I did in 2016 which I loved, was spent 3 weeks exploring the west coast of America. It was AMAZING!! So many hikes through Yosemite and a trip to the Grand Canyon. As well as the usual shopping and Vegas etc. it was the highlight of my year 😊

  127. One of my highlights was competing in the Spookers Run For Your Freakn Life 5km obstacle course, with great friends, zombies and all!

  128. Yum! I love coconut yoghurt. I used to be really good and motivated. But the past year I have lost all motivation and I am hoping 2017 is my year. I’m getting married in August so that’s some extra motivation for me!

  129. My highlight was the birth of my second baby, another gorgeous boy, Ashton ❀️

  130. I’m after this treadmill for my daughter who bikes 70 to 80 km every day and walks 8 to 10 km, unless the weather is really lousy when she punishes her cross-trainer instead, but this treadmill would be a welcome alternative when she’s stuck inside.

  131. 2016 was a hard year for me do my highlight was waving good bye to it and welcoming 2017

  132. I’ve signed up for bootcamp and I’m gonna keep going this time!!! It hurts but it’s great πŸ™‚

  133. One of my highlights was riding my daughters horse without falling off as he’s a bit special! !

  134. Some awesome achievements above from 2016 but mine would have to be backpacking through Thailand, I am a real home body so taking three weeks to enjoy how others live was so beautiful and taught me so much!

  135. I’ve put on 20+kgs this year!😱😭 currrntly battling anxiety and depression and don’t venture out much so this would be wonderful

  136. My highlights were moving to our first home with our two boys, and getting my first teaching job following graduation. Now to make 2017 as inspiring my finally getting fit x

  137. Something good?? That’s a hard one to pin point something..
    Hmmm.. I had an ok year at work..
    I started to like drinking water again..
    I got to watch my sons progress at soccer..

  138. This last year I have focused a lot on my nutrition. I love working out 4-5 times a week but have now learnt the will power of eating clean. I have slip ups every now and then but am loving the increase in results just from eating clean whole foods. I enjoy following your journey 😁πŸ’ͺ

  139. Highlight was having our bubba in late July! And also starting to get the bits together for a home gym – This pink meanie would be a great addition please!! Thanks #mamalifts

  140. Highlight from 2016 would be spending a week with my little brother in Aussie just me and him up Sunshine Coast and getting my tattoo over there to make the anniversary of 1 year of my son dying

  141. More lowlights than highlights this year so the realisation that de-cluttering my home would make it a less stressful place for me to be was a highlight … and getting stArted on the huge job!

  142. Highlight for me was completing the Tauranga city to surf walk of 12k in 2 hours. I deal with chronic pain so to do this was a huge accomplishment.

  143. I would love this! Getting out the house with my 4 kids is hard work so exercise at home would be fab.

  144. Committing to doing the Mototapu Off Road Marathon in 2017. Getting it done in March 2017!!!πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£ #GoalsBefore50

  145. Have made up my mind to loose some weight before going to New Zealand in July and would LOVE this tread mill please !!! πŸ™‚

  146. My sister has invited me to te Gold Coast for my 40th in July so I need to motivate and lose some weight so I don’t die in the heat!

  147. I hit my goal weight (25kgs lost) and spent 5 weeks travelling America visiting small town Midwest πŸ˜πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  148. Celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary. ..Oh and discovering my abs for the first time ever lol

  149. 2016 was the year I started setting goals and getting back to my love of things important to me.
    Art and drawing. Fitness and we’ll being. Travel. Clean eating.
    In essence doing what I need so I can do for others. Making a difference in others lives no matter how small. Kindness costs nothing 😊

  150. I enjoyed becoming independant… solo mama and making it work for my children. Best decision Ive made in 11 years. Enjoying working more hours… but leaves me little time to accomplish my new years resolution… lose weight. lol

  151. My highlight of 2016 was giving birth to my son in March. He is seriously the coolest little guy! I cant say anymore as that was the best day of my life (aside from marrying my husband). I am so proud of my son. Number 2 on the way now to who we alsofound out about at the end on 2016 and found out last week she is a girl so we are blessed with one of each. :).
    After this one, I would love to get fit again and a treadmill would be perfect as with a toddler and a baby, finding the time to get out for a run or to go to the gym wont happen plus treadmills are expensive!

  152. Managed to get into work. Part time, but being a Mum of 2 little ones, it was great to finally get out there and do something. πŸ™‚ x

  153. My highlight of 2016 was definitely kicking the smoking, sooo proud, doing that has opened so many doors for me to do with my health and wellbeing, I eat better, I exercise more, and I’ve set an awesome example for miss 9, want to make her proud

  154. My oldest finished his last year of primary school and I could see the man he is going to become at the prizegiving

  155. I survived 2016. I ended up moving house twice but moving onto bigger and better things. Bring on 2017

  156. 2016 was a Rollercoaster lots of ups and downs. I got back into working out and being more active this goal continues into 2017

  157. My high light of 2016 was becoming a mum for the first time to my gorgeous son born in november. Then after he fell I’ll at 4 weeks it took all my strength to help him over come illness so he could come home from hospital on christmas

  158. My highlights were finally havING the courage to walk away from the abusive unhealthy relationship I was in, as well as finally being diagnosed with fibromyalgia so I could start treating the symptoms. This would be

  159. My highlights were finally havING the courage to walk away from the abusive unhealthy relationship I was in, as well as finally being diagnosed with fibromyalgia so I could start treating the symptoms. This would be amazing for low impact training on my body xxx

  160. Awesome, I love this idea, will look back at my own calendar and see what were my 16 highlights if 2016, thanks fir the inspiration.

  161. Best thing I did in 2016 was become the fittest I have ever been in very long time!I am looking forward to continuing my fitness this year in 2017 and achieving my goals! πŸ˜†

  162. My highlight for 2016 was learning to ski. Loved it and can’t wait for the 2017 season.

    PS I would love a pink treadmill! Excercising with a toddler can be challenging.

  163. The biggest highlight of 2016 for me was finding out I’m going to be a Aunty to a beautiful little boy I have my own daughter who is nearly 2 it will be her first cousin we are so excited, it would also be a dream come true if I won this treadmill πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜Š I would love to get back into shape also pink is my favourite colour!!

  164. The biggest highlight of 2016 for me was finding out I’m going to be a Aunty to a beautiful little boy I have my own daughter who is nearly 2 it will be her first cousin we are so excited, it would also be a dream come true if I won this treadmill πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜Š I would love to get back into shape also pink is my favourite colour!!

  165. Highlight of 2016 would be hard to pick one because it was a huge year for us. Having our 3rd baby being at the top and moving back to NZ after a couple years overseas another.

  166. Omg Amanda you and Kyle are honestly huge inspirations for me and Ricky. You guys are amazing and I always feel super proud to be friends with someone as wonderful as you! Huge congrats on everything you achieved last year, it certainly was a massive one!
    My biggest achievement was most definitely purchasing my first home with Ricky. It was honestly not expected to happen and everything just fell into place & we officially get the keys in under a week. Exciting!!
    Love this blog post idea btw, I feel like I should do something like this!!

  167. 2016 I got my first job in over 10 years after been a stay at home mum to two kids went to uni but became a hermit and i finally went bk to my passion of hairdressing slowing getting there but it’s been 5 amazing months and getting confidence bk

  168. Probably top of my mind coz most recent but starting to learn to ride my dirt bike was a highlight. 2017 will be practice makes perfect!

    Your highlights are amazing though lady! Check you two out πŸ™‚ xx

  169. The highlight for me – achieving and smashing my goals! Both fitness and personal! Going back to work after 5 years maternity leave! So looking forward to what the new year has to offer!

  170. My biggest achievement was probably getting through my first year without my Dad’s guidance. I also started thinking more about my health so gave up smoking, now 5 months smoke free. Which has set me on my new path to become fitter and healthier this year.

  171. Some of those things sound awesome. I hope my 2017 involves health, fitness and memories for my kids

  172. I had a great start to my weightloss journey which i started on june 20th 2016! I want to lose 74kg total, i have lost 20 so far. I also completed the Whanganui mud muster, did the gorge walk a few times and smashed out 2nd place in the Biggest loser competition run by my gym.. 2017 is gonna be even better!

  173. The Highlight for me was a new edition to our family…Mojo our little chocolate chihuahua – taking care of him and training him and now I can walk him in the reserve and take him for walks because he has had all his shots. I have had hip replacement and need a second one so walking Mo will help.

  174. I had my baby in 2016.. it will always be a good year but time to get my mind, health and fitness on track!!

    1. Going on my first overseas trip and going in a swimmimg pool for the first time in 38 years!!!!

  175. Started my jaw surgery journey which means once we have date can set wedding date 😁😍

  176. Got a job in mental health! So great to be helping people help themselves….one great way is exercise…works well…set small goals and work at them…☺☺☺☺

  177. Wow! That’s amazing! 2016 was a big year of family – my girls first year at school, our youngest turned one our middle turned 2, I returned to work and then found out we were pregnant with number 4! It’s been a year of juggling patience and love πŸ™‚ thanks for this competition 😊 what an amazing prize! I miss running and fitness – post baby me time πŸ˜‰

  178. I started running! And fell in love with it. My 2017 goal is to run 1000kms and this prize would help so much when winter rolls round.

  179. What an amazing opportunity which we would love to be considered.. my daughter has been selected for a netball academy and needs to get her fitness up, I would love to run with her I the mornings but getting my son to come who’s 8 is such a chore and with it being illegal to leave him home alone provides for hard work, as a single parent I love to lead by example and would love to run with her , currently can’t afford one outright and have been looking for a second hand one just to mainly help my girl out and get her fit not only for netball but healthy and fit for life

  180. My Highlight of 2016 will have to be that I got to bring into the world yet another adorable baby girl who just lights up the room when she enters..

  181. Well there’s always ups & many downs thru out the year you always find yourself trying to better yourself in whatever your pursuing. I had alot of ups which included doing my 1st ever mini triathlon with my 5 year old who also participated in the children’s 1. That was a big highlight for both of us, another up is falling pregnant with my 3rd child who is due to enter this world any day now which our lil family can’t wait for. Even thou I have slowed down Lots with my exercise,healthy eating & extra activities I love to do I’m focusing on what’s ahead for 2017 an will be trying my best to get back into shape ☺

  182. 2016 was a great and busy year! It began with summer days SUP’n on lake Taupo, moving into Autumn training an competing in the Spirited Woman’s adventure race (what a blast that was!!) winter was spent keeping warm lifting weights and WODing with the awesome family at CrossFit Taupo, spring began Tribal wars in Hamilton with an awesome team and then Two 2 Tango in Auckland which was a fantastic experience and finally walking the inaugural Taupo ultra marathon (50k’s) phew! That was s bit nasty!! Summer started to bloom (well tried) the lake was watched for perfect paddling conditions, early morning CrossFit started to thaw and the festive season began ….. so 2016 was a pretty good year! May 2017 bring a bit more of the same πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😁

  183. Hi there.
    2016 was a great year for me, broke 5 bones in 2015 so a whole heap of rehab and finally ready this year to kick some ass.

  184. I moved to new home at opposite end of country, grew own veges, made own face scrubs

  185. 2016 was the marked the emotional end of my cancer journey. I marked it by riding the southern alps on my 50cc scooter with 200 others raising money for the cancer society. 2017 is going to be amazing.

  186. My highlight of 2016 was finally applying for and getting into a psychology course! Now that I’m about to start study I’ve decided to collect my own gym equipment so I don’t have to spend money on a membership

  187. Best part of 2016 was realising my fitness is nowhere near what it can be and I need too step it up a notch – best way too do that is have an amazing PINK treadmill right at my finger tips 😍😍

  188. This year i stopped smoking
    Finished my apprenticeship in hairdressing and got my restricted licence. I had a phobia of just being in a car but had to overcome my fear as my son was starting school and needed to drive him there.

  189. The best thing I did in 2016 was by far, finally taking control of my health and fitness. I cleaned up my diet, started boxing fitness, joined a gym and hired a PT. By the end of 2016 I had stripped 22kgs of fat but more importantly, conditioned my ‘fat’ mind also. After hating on my 33 year old self, lots of failed attempts at fitness and endless cycles of self sabbotage, I finally felt like I had made a breakthrough, and fell back in love with myself all over again. πŸ’žπŸ’ͺ
    I spent all holidays setting up a home gym, and funny thing is, the only thing I am missing is a treadmill, and that pink one! 😍 It has my name written all over it πŸ˜‚

  190. I managed a PB in the half Marathon at the mount! Was so windy and such a killer having to run the mount right at the end of the race but super proud of myself for that

  191. Would love to upgrade my thrashed treadmill for one that can help me achieve my goals. So cool it’s pink too!

  192. I lost 10kg but have really only just begun this little challenge I have set myself! Love my bike!!

  193. My highlight was doing my first long distance run in the Round Rarotonga Road Race. I had been training for months and got a faster time than my goal.
    Beautiful place to go and it is super hot.

  194. This year I decided after four babies to stop making excuses and take back control of my body and weight I have been going for 10km walks everyday since the start of the year and also some cardio in our garage I know I can do this

  195. I bit the bullet and enrolled to be a full time Uni student. Freaked out but excited about studying and gaining a degree

  196. This is super inspiring, I had an extremely unproductive 2016,but this year is my year for achieving things. I have a diary and I intend to fill it with all my amazing achievements, it’s going well so far πŸ™‚ feeling fitter, happier and more inspired than ever. Winning this would be a great boost in the fitness sector of my 2017

  197. Moving out of our earthquake broken home (sold it) and buying a new warm, not broken home!!

  198. I walked my daughter down the aisle and gained a son-in-law. Within the next couple of weeks I also gain a grandbaby πŸ™‚

  199. Highlight for me were having baby number 2 and getting on track again with my fitness. Started Boxfit again and had my first fight weighing in at 112kg so proud of myself for getting up I front of a crowd for a great cause suicide prenvention. Ready to drop the kgs this year and have another fight coming up end of May πŸ™‚

  200. This is amazing. Highlight of 2016 was being involved in opening a new store for the company I work with!

  201. Last year was a pretty standard year, highlights though were my baby girl starting school and my beloved brother having his first son with his wife. I didnt treat myself and my baby well in 2016, so this year i turned 39 on the 17th Jan, and decided things need to change, joined the gym for the first time in my life, so scary but actually really loving it! Taking time out for myself and setting some goals are a huge focus this year so I can be the best mother, wife, daughter and sister i can be to my family.

  202. My highlight for 2016 was to reach 70 years of age still in pretty good health and fitness! Celebrated playing Ambrose Golf with a dozen friends who DON’T normally play Golf. Fun.

  203. After seven years, many dramas and hurdles as a solo mum of three, I finally completed my Diploma of Nutrition, and Bachelor of Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine πŸ™‚ super proud of me. I have chronic pain, and all that sitting was hell. But I didn’t quit. Had to defer some papers along the way, but I didn’t quit πŸ™‚ now… I have a lot of weight to shake! Again! It’s mission time!

    1. Having my gorgeous wee girl in 2016 was definitely my highlight. Would love the treadmill to shift the baby weight πŸ‘Ά

  204. I embraced my life feeling that I really know who I am, what I stand for and grounded my values. I become an advocate for equality. I embraced the words of the Delai Lama which makes me think before I speak or judge others.
    I embraced my body and accepted my flaws.
    I became peaceful and energetic about life. I have also planned 2017 to be full of adventure with travel, daily fitness, clean eating and a challenge of a half marathon.

  205. My goal this year was to join a gym which I have done. Now to continue going its a lot harder than people think specially when your a solo parent and are stuck at home at night or when you have a sick kid and can’t do much. It would be nice to be able to fit nice clothes again… sigh… one day lol.. good luxk every one on their goals.

  206. One of the best things i did in 2016 was walk again as the doctors told me after being paralised on my right leg that i would not walk again but with my determination and 4 other kids waiting at home for me with my newborn in intensive care there was no one that could tell me i couldnt do anything. Now today its hard to do prolonged excercising or even the normal day things like playing with my kids and walking. But im doing it anyway i havent got a choice but am trying to better myself any way possible

  207. Best things in 2016 was to start walking for exercise again and getting some fresh air! But lost motivation after falling pregnant and morning sickness kept me pretty much housebound but now on the other side and feeling much better so would love to win the treadmill so when my new baby is here I can still get my walks in even if it’s raining!

  208. Highlights of my year included reaching my elusive pb’s on leg press, bench press and squat rack and seeing my functional strength increase hugely.

  209. I am proud that I didn’t quit my degree and I made it through my 2nd year in 2016 . Studying is so hard especially with 5 kids whom I am raising on my own so it’s a big accomplishment.

  210. My highlight was having my first baby. A gorgeous boy and his name is Brodie. Would love to win this to help me get into shape πŸ™‚

  211. I finally managed to put myself first (well by the end of the year anyway). It’s hard to,learn to say “no” to people but for our own sake we need to learn. Not all the time, but learn to listen to your body, it will tell you when. ❀️

  212. Great job. Blogs like this really encourage people like me who seriously self doubt. We CAN live better. Thanks for the extra little push to get the sneakers on and for all the tips to make the healthy journey just a little more achievable.

  213. I aimed for a higher position at work, and despite the putdowns of others i did it 😁

  214. My highlight of 2016 is that I was trying many new things meeting new people and taking up many more opportunities

  215. My highlight is being a mother to my twin girls its bot always easy but by far the beat thing in the worlldddd😁

  216. My highlight would have been finalizing my divorce. Dont get me wrong, it was very sad for me to do this but at the same time was the start of a new beginning for me. Cant wait to see where 2017 takes me. 😊😊

  217. I think as strange as it sounds my highlight was being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,
    It was the catalyst which finally caused a huge change in my life, eating well persistent exercising and resulted in a 16 kg and 60cm loss globally in 5 months ( 28 cm around my belly!!!)

  218. 2016 was a crazy year but I had my 2nd baby and decided to change my lifestyle with clean eating and exercise.. good end to the year and start to this year! Would love a treadmill to keep me going and no excuses when the weather isn’t great! πŸ™‚

  219. My highlight of 2016 was having my youngest start school so I can train more 😝

  220. My highlight of 2016 was buying our 1st home with my amaizing partner Daniel and getting engaged this year!!

  221. My highlight for 2016 was finishing my post-grad diploma in specialist teaching, no more study for me lol

  222. Super motivating to read everyone’s accomplishments!
    I would LOVE to win the pink treadmill!

  223. SOUnds like a fun filled 2016! Mine was filled with beach filled weekends, bike rides with my daughter, opening of the cafe I work at, and started studying nutrition. 2017 is only going to be better πŸ‘Œ

  224. Ventured back into the gym after having baby number two … finally started feeling human again and your Instagram page was a huge inspiration for me to start lifting weights (previously a cardio slave). Changed my life and now I can’t get enough πŸ‹πŸ‹

  225. I took up running – I did three half marathons and started working on my future caree options for me and planning my future with my daughte Ahead πŸ˜Šβ˜€οΈπŸ™Œ

  226. After reflecting on 2016 it was quite uneventful. After a big year the previous year with moving to a completely different area when we bought a dairy farm, I would say we had a catch up year lol. My biggest accomplishment for 2016 would be that my 5 (4 of mine and 1 taken in) teenage kids (13-17) have survived the year and I didn’t end up in a straight jacket 😊

  227. My highlight for 2016 was competing in two 10km runs and finishing both in good times, not to mention all the training I did, so very proud of myself.

  228. My highlight – Our mid-year island getaway!! So long overdue we finally did it got to relax in Vanuatu and hang out with my hubby and my sister all at the same time!! Was a great re-energiser!!

  229. I got married to my bestie and we went on the most amazing holiday to Hawaii where I made him walk up more than one mountain πŸ˜‚

  230. My biggest 2016 highlight has to be marrying the love of my life and soul mate. We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary last week πŸ™‚

  231. Hubby and I celebrated one year married and finally got to take our honeymoon! It was amazing 😍 I also finally found a passion for health and fitness and have really started focusing on bettering (is that even a word?) myself , not just for me – but for my children and our family.

  232. My highlight was starting my very first vege garden! It’s something that’s been on the to-do list for years and I finally did it! πŸ™‚ So satisfying eating veges you’ve grown yourself πŸ™‚

  233. Started my weight-loss journey on Jan 3rd 2016 and welcomed 2017 in 23kgs lighter, fitter and finally in the healthy body fat range. Still more to go as I now want definition then go on to help others.

  234. Wow what a productive year you have had!!! I was pretty stoked with being able to join the work force again after 7 years of being a stay at home mum 😊

  235. We went on holiday in pahara and had an amazing time, we even accomplished our first hike with our little kids. Will definitely be doing more of this now my body is moving better than last year.

  236. With struggles of living with a chronic pain illness I managed to complete a 3 month intensive physio/gym program and LOVED it,was tough going but I got there and looked forward to every single session πŸ™‚

  237. We moved to the bottom of the south Island for a Better and a chance to buy a house. We want to give our 2 toddlers te best and part of that is a healthier lifestyle. I would love love love this treadmill to lose baby weight after having my 2 miracle babies. Thank you for the opportunity

  238. This year has been a hard year. I’ve put on so much weight nd talent so many steps back but I got my degree in applied social work so though my weight concerns me I finally have a degree which will assist me in achieving my dreams. This year is the time to focus on health and wellbeing!!

  239. My life-changing moment of 2016 was the birth of our 5th grandchild. This has prompted us to relocate back to WA as we miss our family after 8 years away. Hubby was also diagnosed with t2 diabetes, which has changed his outlook on eating healthier, and exercise. I have just ordered a home gym (my 50th birthday gift from hubby!), and would love to have a treadmill to finish our collection. I am already fitter and stronger than I have ever been, due to a year with PT, and my goal is to lose another 10kg….and to keep it off! Going to have kidlets to chase after! Well done everyone on reaching your goals, and keep up the great work!

  240. 2016 was an amazing year!! I started working with my husband in our business after being a stay at home mum for 7 years!! I absolutely love it!!!

  241. Becoming qualified in my profession and making (and beginning to hit) my fitness goals, working harder towards them in 2017!

  242. Not too sure on a highlight… allthough every day spent with my darling daughter is the best!

  243. I signed up for my first half marathon last year and working towards this.
    I left a unhealthy relationship and working to be the best mum I can be to my 3 year old

  244. My highlight would have been losing 30+ kg. Its a shame 2017 has started with gaining a few HAHAHA

  245. Hi Amanda totes inspired by your story and i have had a similar transformation myself. Anyway my highlight for 2016 would have to been going through struggles emotionially, financially, physically and mentally. Some people who may read this will think WTH (lol) thats not a highlight but it was for me because those struggles have made me determined and stronger to take on anything. “I am WOMAN hear me roar”

  246. My highlight of last year would have to be giving birth to my first born son πŸ™‚ such an amazing and rewarding experience, also the most challenging and demanding. I’d love the chance to be able to win this treadmill as he is still breastfed and is on demand and won’t take a bottle, meaning my spare time is very limited. I’d love to be able to have a chance to help shift the baby weight in the comfort of my own home with the ease of being able to tend to his needs. Thanks so much for the opportunity and good luck everyone! πŸ™‚

  247. I ran 2 half a marathons, the second with a torn upper hamstring so I’ve had to stop running for a good half year and concentrate on repairing it. That’s been a huge bummer for me but now it’s 2017 I’m in month one of slowly getting back out there, hard not to just go for it but I know I want to be running half and full marathons for a good decade yet so easy does it!

  248. My highlight was I got through a tough year and am still fighting strong. Thanks to fitness I can overcome anything I put my mind too, healthy body, healthy mind.

  249. At the end of 2016 I decided to reclaim my health. 2017 is the year I turn 40 and it will be my healthiest year yet!

  250. I think my biggest achievement from 2016 was passing my diploma in law and being accepted to do the degree πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ

  251. My biggest achievement for 2016 was playing prem 1 netball! I haven’t been fit enough to be able to play in that grade pretty much my entire time playing netball as an adult! Was a great achievement and I had an awesome team supporting me which was huge!

  252. My biggest achievement of 2016 was playing prem 1 netball. I haven’t been fit enough to play prem 1 until last year. I had a great team supporting me which helped and also a great fitness routine in place. I can’t wait 2 play again this year!

  253. I had my second baby so proud of my two girls and very lucky and blessed to have 2 healthy happy girls. Would love the treadmill to lose my baby weight and get fit and healthy for myself and my familyπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ

  254. 2016 had me finally sign up for study I have been procrastinating about for the last 9 years! Also running every single day, even with an ankle injury which sadly has put me out for 3 months.

  255. That’s brilliant! You inspired me with this article!I really want to try to do 17 things this year…I am sure it will keep me motivated and challenged.
    The highlight of my 2016 was trying Crossfit and Olympic lifting… wich I really love it but I am not able to do it due to works shift!! Thanks to share this wih us I really enjoyed reading how successful was for you last year!

  256. Wow what an amazing year you had, I enjoyed reading your highlights and am quite inspired now, thank you!! My highlights include giving birth to my beautiful baby girl, finding life to be good as a single mum and moving into a nicer bigger place xx

  257. This is gonna be my year to succeed. The last couple of years have been hard, but I have come out the other side, my biggest accomplishment is having survived all of this.
    This year I am going to find my passion, get fit and healthy and enjoy living life.

  258. My highlight of 2016 would be getting out more and travelling. This year my goal is to get healthy, travel more and spend more time with friends and family

  259. My one great thing I did in 2016 was lose 17 kilos. I still have some to go but getting past my half way point was an awesome motivation

  260. Highlight of 2016 was achieving weight loss after an injury which took time to heal. Now back on track and ready to tone and maintain my ideal weight.

  261. Highlight of 2016 for me was meeting my partner, moving towns and us buying our first home together! It’s been a rollercoaster of a ride but it’s great. Now I just need to kick the weight I’ve gained since i started my office job when we moved here :/

  262. I would absolutely love to win the treadmill and have the ability to work out at home with the kids without having to worry about who will watch them while i go to the gym. This would be awesome.

  263. My best achievement for 2016 was probably moving out of my mother’s after 2 years from prior to that being in an abusive relationship, felt like I was going to be there for ever, couldn’t bare the thought of leaving. My kids are so happy about the move! Made the right choice πŸ™‚

  264. My best achivement for 2016 was completing my level 3 and level 4 for social services and slowly making progress to were i want to be in life 😁

  265. A highlight from 2016 for me was beginning to truly love myself from the inside out – such a long and often bumpy process but so grateful for the experiences that have taken me down this path.

  266. 2016 was what I call a ‘stepping stone’ year. I stared back at work after having a year off after having twins. So 2016 i started paying off bills (boring!!) but managed to score a beat trip to Aussie through my new job. It was challanging trying to juggle work/home/kids but it was a good learning year and hoping to achieve some great things this year

  267. I had my baby boy and started working out to lose my mummy tummy from my 2 babies Iv been at it almost 6 weeks

  268. My highlight of the year was watching my son grow, taking his first steps, cutting his first tooth and saying his first word. ❀

  269. Well done with all your accomplishments. In 2016 I managed to start planning towards buying and building my first home, secondly, making healthier choices for my family and I, and also starting at the gym with a good friend and actively supporting eachother.

  270. My 2016 highlight was the starting my training to finally enter marathons! Can’t wait to have my fitness up to a good level!

  271. My 2016 highlight would have to be completing my Business certificate through SIT πŸ™‚

  272. Going on my first overseas trip and going in a swimmimg pool for the first time in 38 years!!!!

  273. I had a cervical cancer scare which has been removed and hopefully cleared. When the surgery was finally over I felt such a huge relief!! Smear tests are so important.

  274. Have changed the whole way we eat as a family, cut out carbs. Need a heart transplant very soon so I’ve concentrated all my efforts in staying well loosing weight so I can get on the transplant list. Have lost 38 kgs from my heaviest and have 3 left to go. I hope for my kids sake I get Transplant this year

  275. I’d love to win between work an the kid’s there’s no time for a guy an unfortunately we’ve not had much luck with summer this year so my own tread mill would be amazing

  276. watched my daughter marry her best friend and father of their two darling boys, although that’s more her achievement than mine.

  277. I quit my job, tired of missing out on so much of my young kids life. Relief teaching now and I am so much happier with the flexibility! They grow up fast enough, I don’t want to regret missing everything.

  278. I did get married to my darling in Fiji and but our first home too- they are s pretty big deal also haha

  279. My 2016 was a bit of a disaster in so many areas of my life but throughout it all I have had d my amazing husband and kids supporting me. I have started 2017 with oasis on and excitement to overcome 7 knee operations and get fit and healthy before turning 40 in December. This treadmill is exactly the boost that I need to get started on my fitness plan.

  280. This was a hard one! Im forever beating myself up and feel like I do nothing right. But then I realized that I have 7 gorgeous children that are happy healthy and hey they love me! If that isnt the greatest acheivement I dont know what is πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  281. My highlight was I did horticulture course. What I did there is I did lots of gardening , moving plants to other area, weeding and going back and forth back and forth and also eating healthy food too. Drink lots of water too which is good it help me to keep away from frizzy drinks. But I would love to have one please. Treadmill for me. 2017 is gonna be epic. But my new year resolution is to lose weight.

  282. My highlight of 2016 was, with no doubt, graduating at Otago University with a BA in History and economics. It has been a hard, long, emotional and mentally challenging adventure. But after 6 years, after 6 taxing years, I did it. I have never been so proud of myself before.

  283. My highlight of 2016 was the realisation that I need to start putting me first and looking after myself if I want to raise my two kids to be healthy and happy!

  284. Highlights of 2016 had to be visiting South America and the iguazu falls and renovating our kitchen. So beautiful and shiny and new now with loads of storage!

  285. In 2016 in the beginning (jan) lost 8kg which lead me to get pregnant and maintain my weight was the best thing that has happened to me ; my baby boy is now 3months old and everyday is a blessing .. this treadmill will be an amazing way to continue.

  286. 2016 was definitely not an annus horribilis for you! You’ve done so well. So many highlights but also so much commitment and dedication.
    Here’s to an equally successful 2017

  287. I moved back to where I had grown up and finished a diploma in beauty therapy! Also first year of finding myself a lot after a big break up getting through some health issues. Was a very hard and amazing year.

  288. My highlight of 2016 was completing a 1/2 Ironman! I never thought i’d ever get through this but I did and I am so excited to do one again..possible even a full one day!

  289. My highlight for 2016 was finally dropping a size after a change in diermt and walking every day 😊then I got pregnant and that size has magically reappearedπŸ˜‘ but that is also a highlight and leads to an even more eventful and active 2017 😊

  290. My highlight for 2016 was being a frist time mummy and now this year working on getting fit and healthy again πŸ™‚

  291. My highlight of 2016 was giving birth to my beautiful baby boy, my first child. It has been a challenge but so worth it.

  292. I have so many highlight! A major one was a trip to Europe for my son’s wedding in Germany. It was beautiful any my husbands first time over that side of the world. Precious memories for sure.

  293. 2016 consisted of a knee surgery and carpal tunnel surgery but now on the up! 10kg gained. Weighed myself . Measurements done. Been at the gym 3 weeks and a boot camp this weekend. Bring on 2017!! Get out there doing it. Get it done! Is my motto .

  294. Hightlight would be losing 8kgs, to then fall pregnant with my son! Was a complicated birth but its the Best feeling in the world, and now Currently trying to continue to do so , to be able to keep up with him in future.

  295. Highlight was having my daughter un may but that came with some lows of being in and out of hospital and with a toddler af hm it was physically and emotionally draining! However 2017 is my year and i am determined to get fir and healthier again!

  296. Had a few highlights for 2016. Best one by far was giving up smoking!! I also took my kids on a trip to the Gold Coast and completed 1100km, running/walking challenge in 11 months! πŸ™‚

  297. My highlight of 2016 was both me and my partner finding our perfect jobs so i have got to spend more time with the kids.

  298. What a fabulous article. I love the fact you’ve looked over the year and picked out all the highs, all the good bits. I’m going to do this in 2017 to remind myself of all the things I achieved over the year. Here’s to another fab year for us all.

  299. Having my baby girl in December after an exhausting pregnancy (that was preceded by two miscarriages) was definitely the highlight of 2016! So happy she’s here and healthy!

  300. Started renovations on our house. I’m proud of my painting abilities and now my girls have a lovely trendy new room, the hallways bright and modern and we have a nice new bathroom/laundry. A lot of work to go but end result is worth it.

  301. Wow you are one busy lady! Me and my partner did alot of traveling n Asia which was so awesome now we are focusing on Buying our first home

  302. I joined the gym and have actually been going 3 times a week. Changed my eating completely and also got out of a toxic abusive relationship so I am happy to have accomplished those things in 2016 and bring it forward to 2017. I also landed my career in 2016 πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  303. The highlight of 2016 for me was getting rid of negative people from my life and moving on to be a stronger mum and nan for my family and myself

  304. The highlight of 2016 for me was getting rid of negative people from my life eg my partner and moving on to be a stronger mum and nan for my family and learning to be me again learning to live me again and I got back into somthing I’m passionate about health and fitness

  305. My highlight of 2016 was trying my absolute hardest to stay fit and healthy! I’m finding it difficult financially at the moment to keep paying my gym membership, and I much prefer running on a treadmill than running down the street. Also, pink is my fave colour! This would be such an awesome prize and a great contribution to my flat! ❀

  306. I enjoyed ur post, I think ticking things off and looking at achieves helps us to strive forward, looking forward to more!

  307. I’m proud of myself for getting back into exercise after a bad ankle roll at start of year. I feel so much better for it

  308. Would love the treadmill! Just had my first baby and it’s to hot to walk outside! Don’t want to have her in the sun that long! She was definitely my biggest achievement of the year! ❀❀

  309. My highlight of 2016 was saying goodbye to the old and welcoming my new life.!!! Bring it on 2017 and that treadmill would b my best friend

  310. My highlight of 2016 would definitely have to be that I started to find myself again. 2017 is going to be a continuation of that, continue to find myself and be my true self.

  311. I managed to start drinking 2lt of water a day πŸ™‚ that’s a big deal for me… No soda

  312. Highlight would have to be launching my own PT business, whilst still on my own weight loss journey. It’s teeny tiny but it’s early days. Awesome treadmill!!!!!

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