5 Fitness Tips we can Learn from Cats this Christmas

5 Fitness Tips we can Learn from Cats this Christmas

Cats are by nature playful animals, they like to work hard, play hard and most definitely sleep hard. Cats use short bursts of energy to hunt their pray, play with their food and then make the most of the benefits of sleep by getting as much shut-eye as they can.

Whether you spend some of your time cuddled up with your fur baby (or someone else’s) or just enjoy sharing cat memes across the Internet I’m sure you will enjoy this fun look at 5 fitness tips you can learn from cats this Christmas!
5 Fitness Tips we can Learn from Cats this Christmas

// Eat Protein
Cats are carnivores by nature, and while I am not advocating eating a full meat based diet, a diet high in protein will assist in getting the physique you desire. Humans are designed to be omnivores, which means eating a wide variety of foods including protein and vegetables. Protein is important to help repair and build muscles. This Christmas Lunch (or Dinner), add the protein and vegetables to your plate first before the carbohydrates and sugar laden sweets.

// Have Fun
If you’ve ever watched a cat throw around a toy mouse (or a real mouse), or race around the backyard chasing a leaf, you will know the joy they get out of just having fun. Life doesn’t need to be serious all of the time, find an exercise you enjoy doing and stick with that. It might be that you enjoy a dance class, bootcamp or just going for a walk in nature. Find what is right for you, something which you find enjoyable and incorporate that into your life. Have fun on Christmas day by making the most of our summer Christmas, get outdoors – a game of volleyball, backyard cricket, swingball or a walk down the beach – you decide!


// Stretch
Almost every time a cat gets up from a nap (and often before they find a comfortable position to go to sleep) you will see them have a big stretch out. Stretching is important for us because it helps to lengthen your muscles, reduce the risk of injury and helps improve our range of motion and flexibility. Stretch before and after exercise as well as each time you stand up from your desk at work, just a few minutes a few times a day will add up over time. This Christmas have a good stretch out at least a couple of times during the day, generally we sit around and eat a lot and don’t do much else on Christmas day. Stretching out will help keep your body nice and mobile and you won’t feel as stiff the next day.

Short bursts of intense exercise HIIT or Plyometric type workouts involving sprinting, jumping and fast attacks. Short, High Intensity workouts are great for boosting your metabolism (this ultimately means you burn more calories while at rest!). HIIT workouts also tend to be a lot more fun than going out for a run for hours at a time. On the lead up to Christmas things get busy, all the invites for events start popping up, there is work to be completed before the holidays – not to mention last-minute Christmas shopping! Incorporate short HIIT workouts into your routine to get the best bang for your buck time-wise. Just 5-10 minutes of HIIT work is better than nothing and can fit into anyone’s schedule!

// Sleep
Last but definitely not least, cats love to sleep! Sometimes I think all cats do is eat and sleep and it’s not that far from the truth! Sleep is important because it helps to reduce sleep as well as regulates our serotonin levels, this is the hormone which makes us feel happy. Studies have shown that we need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, whilst this is substantially less than our favourite moggy it is still really important. We require a good night’s sleep every night to assist with recovery and build our muscles. Studies have also shown that a lack of sleep has been linked with an increase in weight. So, that post-Christmas Lunch nap is definitely a good thing 😉


To be in the draw to win the Ultimate Christmas Outdoor Sports Kit (Swing Ball Set, Beach Cricket Set and Badminton/Volleyball set including net) and a Fancy Feast Christmas Pack for your moggy simply comment below and let me know your favourite fitness tip you can learn from cats.

This post was made possible thanks to Fancy Feast, as always all content ideas and opinions are my own.

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5 Fitness Tips we can Learn from Cats this Christmas

33 thoughts on “5 Fitness Tips we can Learn from Cats this Christmas

  1. Fun by having fun you are exercising & using muscles that will burn off the calories & who does’nt like fun.

  2. You can have fun and exercise. Playing back yard sports, dancing in the living room, or just running around for short bursts, it’s good for you!

  3. My favourite cat fitness tip would be to have fun. If you enjoy what you are doing then you’ll hopefully keep up the exercise!

  4. I think STRETCH is the advice I need to follow after pulling a muscle at my end-of-year dance recital due to not warming up!!! Kitties always know best.

  5. The best tip is to have fun. If you’re having fun then you’re not even aware you’re exercising!

  6. I like the have fun with exercise, I do alot of walking with my kids and sister n her kids then we take the kids to the park and do pull ups ect on the playground while the kids have fun running around.

  7. Running up stairs and down again, chasing imaginary things all over the place, twerking in anticipation of finally catching my prey 😂

  8. A good long stretch – I love watching my Birmans wake up, and then do a full body stretch. And have lots of fun and laughter.

  9. Definitely sleep and stretch! I’m pretty bad at both of them and have only just realised how awesome stretching is to actually help you sleep too 😻

  10. Sleep – my cat loves to sleep I am always dragging myself out of bed early to try and make sure everything gets done

  11. I think the way cats stretch a lot is important, I’ve begun to do it before I get out of bed and I’m sure it’s good for us!112

  12. Stretch before and after exercise and just like a cat have a big stretch on Christmas Day after you have been sitting for a while .

  13. HIIT – I never realised that’s what our cat Buster is doing zooming up and down the hall way in short bursts of frenetic energy

  14. fun .. the most essential part of life . i see my cat getting up in the morning jumping on my bed and stretching . it makes me happy. this article is resourceful. im glad i came across it.

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