Portion Control: Rightsize your plate and save your Waist

Portion Control: Rightsize your plate and save your Waist

With the exponential growth in both serving sizes and waistlines in New Zealand and across the world, there is a lot to be said for portion control.

Our plates have been getting bigger, the amount of processed food is increasing and we are wasting more food than ever, while our waistlines have been getting bigger and our health has been declining.

These simple tips on portion control, how to rightsize your plate and save your waist are not only easy to implement, using just a couple of these will save you many calories over the course of a year and you won’t even notice it!

Portion Control: Rightsize your plate and save your Waist

// Smaller Plates
As the years have gone by the sizes of dinner plates has been increasing exponentially and we inevitably fill them up and polish up everything that we dish onto our plate. Try using a smaller plate when you dish up your meals, it will look as though you have a lot of food and you’ll be able to finish the plate off without all the extra calories. We often do this ourselves and it does make a difference!

// More Vegetables
Add the vegetables (especially leafy greens) to your plate first and make sure they account for the largest portion of your plate, then add your protein source, good fats and carbohydrates. By adding more vegetables to your plate you will be filling up on the good foods with nutrients, vegetables are low in calories and are also full of fibre which helps to keep you full (and regular).

// Buy Single Serving Size
If you are having the urge to purchase something out of a packet, or something which is deemed to be a treat food, purchase the single serving size. For example, an ice block instead of a tub of ice-cream. Same goes for items like nuts, purchasing (or pre-packaging your own – check out the FoodSaver for this!) the smaller individual serving sizes you are more likely to eat an actual serving size as opposed to buying a large packet where you will likely keep going back for more and eat 3-4 serving sizes easily.

// Don’t drink your calories
Having not long been in America I was disgusted at how big the drinks are that seem to be up-sold to everyone, the cup sizes start at about 500ml! Nobody needs that much soda! I’ve also noticed this with ‘sports drinks’ and many other drinks on the market – they are laden with calories and often have more than one serving in a bottle, however we are inclined to drink the whole thing. Try to avoid drinking your calories and you will definitely save your waist line!

// Meal Prep
I’m a huge fan of meal prepping, take a little bit of time each weekend to prepare meals which will keep you going during the week and mean that you don’t have to spend as long in the kitchen when you get home from a long day at work. The Sunbeam FoodSaver is the perfect tool to help you with your meal prep and keeping your portions in check. Simply measure out your protein source, vegetables and carbohydrate and use the Food Saver to keep your meals fresh. Did you know that on average Kiwi’s throw out THREE shopping trolleys of food each year? The FoodSaver is great because it extends the life of your food. Whether you are meal prepping for the week ahead or getting serious and prepping for the month ahead the FoodSaver helps to keep food fresh for up to 5 times longer in the fridge and the meals can also be stored in the freezer! Plus they are portioned out for you which will save you going back for more.

// Read the Label
Check how many people the item you are about to consume is supposed to serve. Often items (I’ve noticed this especially with drinks) are supposed to be 2-3 servings which we often will down in one sitting. Being aware of what a serving size actually consists of and then sticking to eating just the serving size will save you waist in the long run. Another tip here is to weigh your serving size out a few times so you get used to what a serving size of each item of foods actually looks like, you might be very surprised!

// Don’t snack from the packet
If you are going to snack, dish out a serving size into a different container and then eat the snacks. It is very easy to keep putting your hand in the packet and going back for more and more until next thing you know that bag of nuts/chips/biscuits or whatever you were snacking on is completely gone. The FoodSaver would be great here as well as you can portion out single serving sizes from bigger bags – giving you savings by purchasing in bulk and saving calories as you will eat less at a time.

// Downsize
When eating out, go for the small size or separate out the portion of food that you will take home in a doggy bag straight away before you even begin to eat. Generally in restaurants and takeaways stores the serving sizes are way larger than what we would normally consume or what is considered a standard serving size. Opt for the small drink and fries (or forgo both – you don’t HAVE to have a combo!) when having takeaways and don’t be afraid to take a doggy bag home when eating at a restaurant.

//Eat Slowly
Eating slowly will help you to eat less as it gives your body more time to realise that you are full. It can take 10-15 minutes for the body to realise that it is not actually hungry anymore. Put your knife and fork down in between bites and make sure you chew your food as much as you can, most of us do not chew our food as much as we can. Chewing your food more also means that the food is broken down more and is more easily digestible.


~~ WIN ~~ Now Closed, Congratulations Donna!

To be in the draw to win a Sunbeam FoodSaver of your own valued at $369.99, simply comment below and let me know which tip(s) resonated the most with you….

This post was made possible thanks to Sunbeam FoodSaver, as always all opinions and content are my own. Sunbeam are currently running a promotion where you buy a FoodSaver and get bonus accessories FREE! A great time to treat yourself to an early Christmas present!

82 thoughts on “Portion Control: Rightsize your plate and save your Waist

  1. I definitely need to learn to stop snacking from the packet!! Taking out my snack and putting it in a different container is such an easy fix that I can start straight away.

  2. Smaller plates! When you have a big plate you feel the need to fill it, then to eat it all. I’m definately guilty of this.

  3. Don’t snack from the packet – I’m a notorious mindless Eater and if I separate my snacks into appropriate potion sizes I will drastically cut back on meaningless carlories I consume

  4. Don’t snack from the packet, great tip! I can sit watching TV and before I know it the packet is gone “oops, I didn’t mean to do that!”

  5. Snacking from the packet is my downfall! I do pretty well when it comes to meal time but it’s the worst when I know I need a pick me up in the early evening before exercise and dinner and I open a bag of nuts. Such a great idea to pre-portion them!

  6. I’m really bad at wasting food. Especially when it comes to salad mixes.
    So this would be great to make simple servings for each day.
    And my husband has a habit from snacking during the day of chips & crackers. These also go soft. So it would be best to make little snack portions for him.

  7. Every single one of them especially the portion control and and snacking.
    Living alone always means to much or leftovers.

  8. Smaller Plates, Don’t Snack From The Packet & Eat Slowly! Especially the last two resonated with me, as areas I need to make changes. Consciously making the effort to slow down and really taste/savour the food, is something I have to remind myself to do. Thank you for these pointers and for the chance to win such a useful prize 🙂

  9. Meal prep would be a treat with this! I’m living on my own so I really need to bag and freeze portions where as larger families can share a meal, I can seperate portions for Another day. Eeek looks like fun and so tidy

  10. Do not snack from the packet, being someone who isn’t mindful of just sitting there with an open packet and eating it an then realizing afterwards what happened i can relate to this, so ensuring its measured or put into a bowl will stop me from just snacking in one sitting , and not being aware of how much I really have scoffed! and it’s not like i am savouring each mouth fill literally just because they are there 🙁

  11. I would make healthy meals for myself to have through the week as I have to make two different meals at dinner time, since my family won’t eat the things I need to.

  12. I have so many uses for this food saver. Buying meat when on special and freezing into portion sizes for two is one. Also making up meals for my 82 year old mother so she can just pop one out of the freezer when she doesnt feel like cooking for herself.

  13. Definitely the meal prep is something I should start trying to implement more. I don’t snack almost ever but so often get home and do not feel up to cooking the healthy, tasty meal I had planned so end up grabbing something easier and less healthy.

  14. Eat slowly. I do enjoy my food but you tend to rush with a big family and going from one thing to another and I know it isnt good for your digestion so definitely eat slowly 🙂

  15. I’m not into reading much other than the newspaper, so I’d have to say ‘Read The Label’

  16. With a newborn and a toddler, meal prepping would help me spend more time with my children, also allows me to prepare healthier meals and teach my kids eating right is easy.

  17. There are so many uses – fresh food, cooked food, snacks, travelling (toiletries etc) ,camping, freezing, lunches. I could really do with one of these

  18. Wow, I’m off to uni next year and will be away from my boys weeks at a time. This would be perfect for me to get meals sorted in advance for hubby. Love the way it has the attachment too.

  19. Don’t snack from the packet – I am really bad at for doing this, sitting at my desk or in front of the TV, or reading a good book, before you know it, I reach in and the bags empty, so easy to do, unfortunately!

  20. What fantastic tips. Taking them all on border.
    My pet hate is food waste. So many don’t have enough to eat so wasting what we have is something I just can’t do.
    Adding the greens first is a tip which struck me!
    I rarely do this it’s usually the last thing I add. Not anymore!

  21. What perfect timing…….Was saying last night I needed to start food prepping for the week. With life getting super busy with work, study, being a mum, looking after another family and running a small business, being organised for meals doesn’t always happen, this would be totally ideal to prep once a week, seal, store with nothing going bad, love it.
    and now I think, my son saw one of these on a food program and said we should so get one so he could infuse the flavours of fruit for deserts, my wanna be chef, lol

  22. This tool is great for meal prepping and portion control. Love it. My vacuum sealer was el cheapo and has given up 🙁

  23. The tip that resonated with me was portion sizes. I would use the Sunbeam Food Saver (I have always wanted one!) for portioning out smaller sizes from bigger bags which would put a stop to eating more than I should!

  24. Myself and my household would hugely benefit buy repacking snacks and meals to smaller individual portions.
    We all have busy lives and a bit of helpful organising would be amazing.

  25. Probably not snacking from the packet. My grandmother always use to portion out potato chips for us in small bowls

  26. Not snacking from the packet and measuring put single serves is an easy way to combat overeating!

  27. Most headlines resonated! Downsize and smaller plates – I was brought up to “eat everything before you can leave the table” a very wrong ruling, but now I do serve much less helpings and no one looks for more! Reading labels has become a necessity with one person unwell in the home, that’s taught me a lot and changed my own diet. Eat slowly – what mother eats slowly? This one must try harder in that area. Thanks for a really sensible lesson in everyday eating.

  28. This would help me keep those portion sizes in control and actually monitor what I eat. Would be fantastic in terms of meal prep, saving a bucket load of time – love the idea!

  29. Eat slowly…
    I always eat in a hurry. I know it isn’t a good idea to eat that way as food isn’t chewed properly,thus,digestion is poor and it is affecting my metabolism.

  30. I find the smaller plate technique really helps a lot. It’s probably my favourite at this time of year as it means I keep my eating in check even when we visit others.

  31. I eat too fast. As soon as a meal is placed in front of me I wolf it down. It doesn’t help that I eat dinner in front of the telly so I really don’t realise how fast I’m eating.
    I’m not sure why I do it but I know I need to be more conscious of what I’m doing.

  32. Don’t snack from the packet

    I find that, with nuts and chippies especially, if you don’t portion them out, before long, they’re all gone! I started taking just a handful of nuts to work each day instead of leaving the whole bag there to graze on. Worked so much better!

  33. I definitely need to stop snacking from the packet as I actually have NO idea how many portion sizes I just consumed! This post has also made me want to go and get some smaller dinner plates to help trick my brain and help my waistline!

  34. Meal prep I’m not good at that cos I never know what to have an my partner works nights

  35. // Downsize

    I would love to be better at this – its not the choices I make its the volume I think i need

  36. Don’t snack from the packet! That’s a big one for me, if I don’t portion out my serving onto a separate plate and put the rest away I am likely to keep snacking till almost the whole packet is gone!

  37. Love the site 🙂 lots of great ideas. I like the idea of dividing up big packages into serving sized packs. So much easier not to over eat!

  38. Dividing up portion sizes, might help the hubby from taking an entire packet to the computer and consuming. Definitely smaller plate sizes too, so easy to load up a big one and then try and eat it all because you’ve been bought up to not waste food.

  39. Definitely need a smaller plate and to slow my eating down.
    Also to stop snacking from the packet.

  40. The simplest way to reduce intake is use a smaller plate.I love this idea and have some gorgeous plates tucked away and now is the time t bring them out and enjoy using them too

  41. I neef to stop the snacking! I’ve got myself a smaller plte thouhh which really helps with portion size.

  42. Meal planning is something I have on my to do list for next year. I have done it this year but was a bit haphazard and still ended up throwing out lots of food.

  43. Buy single service

    Buy single serving. I always buy bulk to save money, then I eat bulk… 🙂

  44. I do most of these but the one that struck me most was not to eat from the packet or box as in chocolates in my case! Must remember to only take a few!

  45. Meal prep! This is the absolute thing that would make my life so much easier and would save so much money and wastes. I try to batch cook and freeze for time savings but freezer burns would get in the way of having food meals saved for longer. The Sunbeam Food Saver would change this!

  46. Awesome tips, so simple, putting snacks in seperate bags is easy! Would love to win, I have many food allergies, so alway looking for easier ways of preparing meals in advance and taking food with me that’s safe to eat. 🙂

  47. Definitely the smaller plates! I’ve managed to drop 20kg over the last 12 months with a combination of smaller portions and a decent amount of exercise. I’m still amazed every time I look in the mirror! I’ve still got a way to go, but I’m so happy with the progress so far!

  48. Smaller plates. We shopped around and the only place we could find smaller dinner plates was at k Mart. We also have cute little dessert bowls we found at countdown.

  49. I’m definately someone that snacks from the packet, I need to portion them out and also saves me buying lots of snacks over and over again!

  50. Eating more slowly is a really great tip as i tend to wait until i am really hungry and then rush my food or am constantly eating on the go which doesn’t allow me to fully enjoy my meal (not to mention the numerous mayo spills i’ve gotten on my clothes).

  51. I defiantly need to work on eating slowly! I’m always busy. I hurry to move onto the next task.

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