6 Tips for Reducing Mindless Eating

We’ve all done it before, started eating something and then go to reach for more and before you know it there is nothing left. You have eaten the whole damn packet! This my friends is called mindless eating, it’s so easy to do and contributes to a lot of additional calories being consumed yet not really enjoyed. 

I have no problem with having the occasional treat, but there is no point mindlessly eating a whole bag of chips or king size chocolate bar. If you are going to have a treat it should be mindful and you should enjoy every bite! 

Today I thought I would share with you 6 tips for reducing mindless eating. They may seem basic but just becoming a little bit more aware of what you are putting into your mouth can make a huge difference. 

6 tips to reduce mindless eating - move love eat blog

// Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
We all know our bodies are made up of mostly water, we need water to fuel our bodies and our mind. Not being hydrated enough can often be the cause of overeating, our body sends signals to our brains that we interpret as being hungry when often we are just thirsty. Keep yourself adequately hydrated at all times, and reaching for a glass of water before the treats may help you to realise that you don’t actually want the food, you are actually just thirsty or bored.

// Keep Healthier Options on Hand
Sometimes there are times when you do just really need (okay want), a treat and that is fine. For those others times when you convince yourself that a chocolate bar or a snack box cookie is a good idea you should have some healthier options. If there are healthier options right there in front of you and ready to be eaten you may be more likely to choose these options over going out and purchasing a treat.

// Watch the size of your serving dish
We often dish ourselves up way more than we really need to eat. Sometimes serving your food on a smaller dish can trick your body into thinking you have eaten more. As a society we have been conditioned to finish what is on our plates, and when we dish up an oversized plate we often force ourself to eat it all. Popping our food onto a smaller plate we often still feel the same and finish the plate, however we have eaten less food overall and don’t feel as though we could pop after our meal.

6 tips to reduce mindless eating - Move Love Eat

// Consider your environment
Be aware of the situations that you often mindlessly eat. Sitting in a movie theatre mindlessly eating popcorn and at drinks and nibbles where there are lots of little nibbles going around are two common situations where we mindlessly eat. Just being aware of the situations where you are more likely to mindlessly eat can often help us reduce the amount of mindless eating we do. I know that at morning tea shouts I often mindlessly eat, as soon as I became more aware of this I have been able to recognise that I am eating for the sake of eating and not for pleasure or to fuel my body so I can reign it in.

// Catch those Zzzz’s
Getting adequate sleep is a huge part of the eating right puzzle. When you are tired it is often easier to just go and grab the closest thing there is, and we often reach for the ridiculously large, sugar coated or most processed item we see. If you are getting enough sleep as well as a good quality sleep you are more likely to have a clear mind and choose better options.

// Eat with your non-dominant hand
This may sound like a silly tip, but it’s something pretty easy to do and it can make a huge difference. Eating with your non-dominant hand slows you down. Eating slower means that we are taking more time to chew and get through our food which gives our body time to catch up and signal to our brains that we are satisfied and should stop eating. When we eat with our dominant hand we often just chow it down super quickly and still feel hungry when we have finished which causes us to go back for more and end up feeling stuffed at the end of the meal.

I hope at least one of my 6 tips for reducing mindless eating were helpful for you! Just becoming a little bit more aware of our habits can have such a huge impact on our eating.  

What is your top tip for reducing mindless eating?? – Please comment below, I love hearing from you! 

6 thoughts on “6 Tips for Reducing Mindless Eating

  1. Chew your food properly. The longer you chew, the more chance your body has to recognise that it’s eaten enough. And you’ll get fuller, faster.

    Nutritionists suggest eating your food until it’s virtually pulp as this helps your stomach to break down the enzymes and establish that full feeling earlier.

    The downside is it tends to take you a LOT longer to eat. This can frustrate your dining companions! Especially when you’re eating out and they want dessert (because they’ve wolfed their food down and their body doesn’t know it’s had enough yet!)!

  2. Eating with your non-dominant hand is such a trick. Just make sure no one is watching 😀 Portion control is a big one for me. I don’t crave snacks or junk food, just hot meals and when I dish those up, my eyes always want a lot!

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