7 Instant Bad Mood Busters

We all have bad days, and as much as we’d like to we can’t change this. However it is important to know how to deal with these bad moods, and what we can do to have a little boost of positive energy. Luckily, there are some tricks that you can apply to instantly transform a bad day into a great one.
7 Instant Bad Mood Busters

// Set yourself up for the day

Have a good breakfast. Often you may notice that you are cranky and easily irritated after skipping breakfast. You also often overeat throughout the rest of the day if you skip your breakfast. If you want to avoid a bad day, eat a good, healthy breakfast so you can set yourself up for the day ahead.

// Early Bird Gets the Worm

Wake up a few minutes earlier. You might believe that waking up early will make you feel bad, but it will actually help improve your mood for the rest of the day. If you wake up a few minutes earlier you have plenty of time to do everything you need to do in the morning without having to speed up your routine. Rushing around at the last minute and forgetting to do something is a sure fire way to feel the stress and bad mood kick in.

7 Instant Bad Mood Boosters
// Dance Like no one is watching
Dancing is not only good for your health, but it is also great for your mood. Whenever you feel bad, play your favourite song and dance for a while by yourself. You will have a smile on your face before you know it! If dancing isn’t your thing, even just putting your headphones on and listening to a couple of your favourite songs is a great way to lift your mood.

// Fur Love
Play with your pet. If you are an animal lover you know how your mood can improve when you play with a dog or cat. If you don’t have a pet at home, visit a friend who has one. Bonus points for taking a furry friend out for a walk and getting some fresh air at the same time!

// Write it Down

Sometimes no matter what you do, you still feel bad. You are stressed, worried and you need to figure out what you feel and why. What better way to do this than to write down everything? You will be surprised how clear everything is and how good you feel after this! I often find just the act of writing everything down makes me feel a hundred times better!

7 Instant Bad Mood Boosters
// Exercise for Happy Endorphins
Of course I couldn’t write a post about instant bad mood boosters without including exercise. It doesn’t matter if you work out on a daily basis or not; doing it for a few minutes can dramatically improve your mood, even in the worst days. You will get your blood pumping and you will feel better almost instantly.

// Do something different or new
Make a change. And by this, I don’t mean that you have to do anything drastic like die your hair purple or quit your job (although feel free if that is your cup of tea!). You can make a small change like trying a new style of clothing, painting your nails or get a nice haircut. If these are your type of things try buying a new book, getting a gratitude journal or even booking in a holiday. You will feel like a new person!

What is your best tip for instantly busting a bad mood?? – Comment below and let me know, I love hearing from you!

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7 Instant Bad Mood Busters

One thought on “7 Instant Bad Mood Busters

  1. I am totally working on these things right now! I’m exhausted after a ridiculous night of disturbances. About to go to my birthday brunch with my family and hoping that will cheer me up!
    Great tips that usually help me when I’m in a funk. The only thing I’d add is that occasionally, you’ll try all of these things and your mood still won’t lift. But that’s OK. Just be kind to yourself and tomorrow will be a new day. If it goes on for too long, then talk to someone xx

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