Category: Powerlifting

I’m always curious as to what supplements other people are taking, especially those who participate in powerlifting, so I thought it would be nice to do a post on my supplement routine. This post will include all of the supplements…

I am very excited to announce on the blog that I made the B team for the Asia/Oceania Powerlifting Championship which is being held in Christchurch in December 2016! Considering I didn’t think I would even be doing Nationals this…

The dust has settled after the 2016 Raw Nationals Powerlifting Competition and I still have taken my time to write a re-cap post! I had mixed emotions from Nationals, considering I didn’t even think I was going to be doing them…

After posting about what being strong means earlier in the week I realised that I hadn’t actually done a recap of my latest powerlifting competition. So far it’s been the only powerlifting competition I have done this year and I…

Sponsored Post Being strong can mean so many different things, from being mentally strong to being physically strong and everything in between. I think we can all think about someone who is mentally a really strong person as well as…