Tag: Exercise

Doing these monthly exercise wrap-up posts really do make the time fly as it seems as though I only just finished writing my August workout wrap-up. If this segment seems new to you basically at the end of each month…

So you don’t feel like you want to go to the gym? Perhaps you don’t want to spend the money to go to the gym? Well I have you covered here in this post, all you need to do is…

I know how intimidating it can be when you decide to go to a gym for the first time, heck it wasn’t that long ago that I had never stepped foot in a gym! The intimidation factor can be even…

I have put together this post with some of my top stretching tips and stretching exercises to hopefully help you out in your exercise journey. Stretching is often one of those things that is overlooked when it comes to forming an…

This month I continued with only working out at the gym three days per week and attempting to fit in one cardio session where I could easily.  I also started the Whole 30 during August which saw my eating change a little,…