Top Home Made Healthy Edible Presents for giving to your favourite people

As we inch closer to Christmas the time is running out to fight the crowds at the store or shop online and get the goods delivered on time. I’ve put together some of my top home made healthy edible presents that you can easily make and give to your favourite people this year! 

These home made healthy edible presents are good for giving all year round but since it’s the silly season they would be perfect to make in bulk, grab some cellophane and a pretty bow or a nice serving platter and wrap up for your friends and loved ones. Top healthy homemade edible presents from Move Love Eat

Bliss balls are awesome because you literally throw everything into the food processor and roll, if you want to get fancy you can roll in nuts, coconut or even cocoa powder. They taste amazing and also look super cute if popped into a nice glass mason jar to serve! Why not try my chocolate mint bliss balls or the petite kitchen lemon bliss balls I raved about in my things I love November wrap-up?

These Chai Tea Ice Cubes would make an amazing gift! Okay they require a little bit more thought as you need to keep them frozen but I would personally love them (and it’s all about me right?!). If having ice cubes is too difficult then what about putting all the spices in a nice jar with instructions on how to turn it into the ice cubes? 

What about some homemade chocolate peanut butter bark or perhaps a clean ginger slice? I’m not going to judge you on which one you choose, maybe you should make both and see which you prefer and give the other one away? With the chocolate bark you can add some cranberries and pistachios to make it more festive, if you don’t want to make your own chocolate use 85% dark chocolate melted down, super easy but is a lovely gift!

Spiced Nuts are another great gift since they can be made in a big batch and separated into cute serving dishes or mason jars with a ribbon tied too them, and they are a bit different from the standard chocolates which generally get brought as gifts at this time of the year. You can make a sweet and a savoury option to mix things up a little, how about these Chilli Soy Roasted Nuts or these Healthier Maple Cinnamon Candied Almonds?

I’ve had great feedback on my healthier lemon curd recipe, which if I do say so myself would make a lovely Christmas gift! It keeps for a few weeks in the fridge and can be mixed through yoghurt or icecream, served over granola or even just spread on your toast! I have had great results reducing the butter and coconut oil slightly on this recipe as well so don’t be afraid to drop it down a tablespoon or so if you want to make it even healthier.

Last but definitely not least what about making some homemade no grain-ola! Grain free granola is delicious, super easy to make, keeps for ages and leaves your house smelling amazing when you make it! Pair it with my homemade lemon curd for bonus points!

What handmade edible gift would you love to receive?


6 thoughts on “Top Home Made Healthy Edible Presents for giving to your favourite people

  1. These all sound delicious and things I’d love to receive as a gift. Now finding the time to make them to give….well….maybe. 🙂

  2. would this also work in a kitchen aid mixer? i don’t own a food processor. i’ve been so terrible about working out, but went to barre class today. hopefully i can keep it up before new years resolutions start.

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