Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller

 Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller - Adaptors

Adaptors are super handy to have. If your special someone is travelling somewhere specific you can get an adaptor for that region, for example if they are travelling to the USA grab an adaptor just for USA. You can also buy adaptor sets which include adaptors for the whole world which is super useful if you are a traveller. I picked one of these sets up from Farmers in a sale a few years back.

3 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller

  1. I was given packing cells for my birthday, and thought they were kind of stupid – but they actually ended up being soooo useful!

    1. I know right! I thought the same thing for so long until I got given some and found they were pretty awesome! Makes it so much easier to find what you want in your bag and to separate dirty laundry too!

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