Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller

Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller - Berocca Kick

One of the downsides to travelling is the jet lag. I have never experienced really bad jet lag before because I make myself get onto the timezone of the country I am visiting as soon as I get there. If I arrive at night I go to sleep at normal time and wake up at normal time and try to forget about what time it is back at home. Berocca Kick is a great gift idea as it’s super cheap, portable and a natural way (the kick comes from guarana) to give yourself a bit of up and go for those times where you arrive early in the morning in your destination and want to stay awake during the day even though it’s nighttime at home!

3 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Guide for the Traveller

  1. I was given packing cells for my birthday, and thought they were kind of stupid – but they actually ended up being soooo useful!

    1. I know right! I thought the same thing for so long until I got given some and found they were pretty awesome! Makes it so much easier to find what you want in your bag and to separate dirty laundry too!

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